Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 231: Buried alive

Chapter 231: Buried alive

Nothing really interesting happened for the rest of the week until saturday except perhaps that Luna had used the "perversa mundi" on some of the people in her house who thought she was a good target. Flitwick was quite pleased at how she handled them and was not surprised at all to learn from her where she learnt such a spell. The professor had long since gotten used to seeing Nick pull out obscure or downright unheard of magics. This spell wasn't really one of them as it was in a book on illusions in the library that he himself had read during his school days.-

That said the subjects of illusions was both very unpopular and very popular at the same time. To be more specific the disillusionment charm which was an illusion spell was very popular but few looked further into the school than that. 'It would seem Nick shares my view on how under utilized illusions are.' the small professor thought with a wide smile. The professors weren't supposed to have favorites but in secret majority of them had Nick as a personal favorite , even Severus of all people. Severus Snape may not like people themselves but the man could appreciate gifted individuals , especially when that gift applied to his field of expertise.-

Still Luna got warned not to use that illusion spell carelessly or with malicious intent which she easily agreed to. Saturday was the day that Nick's group of friends was planning to go visit Hagrid but Harry got a rude awakening from Oliver Wood who wanted to train nearly an hour before Nick even woke up. This meant that Harry was very tired by the time he caught up with the rest of the group and they headed to Hagrid's from the field after the Slytherin team showed up at the pitch.-


"As you can see Mr. Malfoy has made quite a generous donation to the Slytherin quidditch team in the form of an entire set of Nimbus two thousand and ones. You may as well prepare yourselves to lose against us in the future matches." Marcus Flint mocked the Gryffindor team who were still using old broom models. This went back and forth and Malfoy couldn't help himself from trading insults with Harry until Hermione replied with a rather scathing retort and he said something he shouldn't have.-

"You should learn to keep your mouth shut you filthy mudblood!" Malfoy cursed at Hermione and everyone in the area froze as an oppresive feeling settled over the area. There was no emotion on Nicks face as he pulled out his wand and gently tapped on the ground at his feet. Immediately the very earth under Malfoy and his groups feet transformed into the giant snarling face of a lion that swallowed them whole. The face then dived into the ground and vanished leaving a hole the size of a fist behind in it's place. The oppresive feeling vanished and everyone immediately turned to Nick who stood up leisurely and placed his wand back in it's holster.-

"They aren't dead nor dying , merely trapped in a pocket below that hole about fifty feet deep. That should teach them to watch their mouths." he said before walking to Hagrid's hut calmly as if nothing had happened. "Blimey Nick hadn't thought you'd react like that , you're usually so calm." Ron said surprised. Everyone else agreed with him as Nick had only ever once seemed so frightening before and that was when Dumbledore pulled his stunt. This time however the pressure Nick released was suffocatingly heavy.-

"Malfoy crossed a line and needed to be reminded that he is not untouchable. I can take being insulted just fine and I can take all of you being insulted as you can stand up for yourselves but there is a limit to what I will tolerate." Nick said sternly. "I don't understand what was so bad about what he said?" Harry admitted honestly as they reached the hut. "Basically it has to do with the purity of ones blood and means dirty blood or less than human in the eyes of those of pure blooded descent."-

"It's a bunch of hogwash really as bloodline plays next to no role most of the time in magic these days." Nick said with a scoff. As far as he was concerned the entire purist community of wizards are all idiots. Bloodline stopped meaning anything in terms of talent when they stopped excavating their own potential and coasted along for their whole lives. Nick and a few others such as Dumbledore , Grindelwald , Snape , Mcgonagall and even Voldemort were different as they all worked hard to fully utilize their talent. It showed too as they were each and every one of them powerful in their own rights.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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