Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 219: Back

Chapter 219: Back

The weather cleared up pretty fast once mother nature took over and wiped away all signs of his tampering. The rest of the trip to Hogwarts was fairly uneventful as despite the girls naming off any magical ability they could think of Nick systematically crossed them off as things he didn't have. when the train arrived at Hogsmeade station Luna separated from the group and joined the rest of the first years in the boats. Hermione however quickly noticed that Harry and Ron weren't even on the train and was worried about them.-

"I'm sure they will show up later in some spectacular fashion." Nick reassured her with a grin. She knew he was probably right considering the two people in question but still was worried. Nick meanwhile was already planning how to snatch the diary away from Ginny before she has the chance to let it corrupt her into opening the chamber. The problem wasn't Ginny in this case but the soul shard in the diary. As the first horcrux this soul shard was basically the same version of Voldemort that was mostly sane and incredibly versed in advanced magics.-

This also meant that if it figured out that Nick was hunting it the shard may flip the table to escape and do more than just petrify people with the giant magical serpent below the school. Obviously this was the worst case scenario but Nick still needed to take it into consideration. Most likely however he would simply stun the girl when she was alone and remove the diary from her without anyone being the wiser. The best part however was despite the diary's magical cloaking abilities Nick could still easily sense the evil magic that filled it like a torch in a dark room so he will know the best time to grab it.-

Petting the thestrals pulling the carriages Nick and the rest of the group made their way to Hogwarts eager to start another year. While the first years were getting sorted Nick noticed Snape entering the great hall and speaking with Mcgonagall and Dumbledore of which neither looked happy about. Leaning over to Hermione he whispered in her ear "And there's the flashy reappearance." before chuckling at her reaction that was a mix of embarrassed and angry. She was embarrassed at how close he had gotten and angry because Harry and Ron had clearly done something bad again.-

Much like in the original story Luna was placed in house Ravenclaw while Ginny was placed in Gryffindor. Clearly however everyone in the castle quickly learned what Harry and Ron had done either from the paper or when Mcgonagall told her house. Most of the Gryffindor house thought it was an awesome way to come to Hogwarts and even planned to congratulate the two when they got into the common room. Nick and Hermione would not be a part of that for two different reasons that were fairly similar but not exactly.-

For Hermione it was because she wanted to lecture them about breaking the rules and almost getting expelled for it. For Nick it was because they chose the literal stupidest way possible to come to Hogwarts in their panic. First off Harry had an owl and could have easily sent a letter in a hurry that would fix the problem. The second was that all they needed to do was literally wait for the Weasley adults by the car. There was obviously no way Mr. Weasley would leave his prized enchanted car behind and thus would have found and gotten the boys sent on their way easily enough.-

Nick had honestly thought that the presence of him and the girls would have fixed this event but clearly he was mistaken. Still despite this the biggest commotion wasn't from the boy's method of transportation but rather when Dusk entered the Great hall and perched himself on Nick's shoulder while rubbing his head against Nicks face affectionately. Most people didn't know what he was at first but Anthony Goldstein exclaimed what Dusk was and it caused chaos. The best reaction in Nicks opinion though had to be Lockhart who looked like he had just taken a big bite out of a rotten lemon.-

Nick had to stop more than a few people from trying to touch Dusk as despite the birds patience on Nick's behalf that was still a sure way to draw it's ire. Nick loudly explained this to everyone in the hall and the outstretched fingers were quickly hidden into fist away from the bird that would be more than happy to remove them. After that Nick got a lot of jealous glares as he ate and also fed Dusk that was nearly just as gluttonous as Nick himself. 'I do tend to attract gluttons it seems.' he thought with a chuckle.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro

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