Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 218: A fowl headache

Chapter 218: A fowl headache

(POV Dumbledore)

This summer break had proven to be quite interesting to say the least for himself he had to admit. 'First was the capture of Peter and the release of Sirius and now it would seem as if that strange young man has managed to somehow obtain a ho-ho of all things during that time.' Dumbledore thought while looking at the rooster size black and red bird happily chirping back and forth with Fawkes in his office. 'According to Helena Ravenclaw this immortal bird may well be older than Fawkes as it was given to her mother over a thousand years ago.' he thought seriously.-

Dumbledore remembered Dusk arriving at the castle alongside Helena and a house elf named Dotty this morning clearly. He was sitting at his desk going over the paperwork he had recently about various topics from the release of Sirius to the movements of Grindelwalds forces. Fawkes alerted him mere moments before Dusk flew into the room from the perpetually open window at the top of his office's area. Dumbledore was not afraid to admit that his eyes widened to a large degree and his jaw dropped in surprise.-

How could he not be shocked when he was very much aware of the solitary nature of each of the immortal bird species. Having a member of the immortal birds casually show up out of nowhere for seemingly no reason was enough to cause even an experienced wizard like him to short circuit for a moment. Fawkes on the other hand made his presence known to the interloper but was seemingly quite surprised when the ho-ho looked genuinely happy to meet him. It was only after Helena arrived that Dumbledore understood why this was. A fact that only those in power really knew was the reason immortal birds stayed with their parents until adulthood.-

Immortal birds had what were known as nirvanic personalities which in simply terms meant that how they were taught and shaped through their first lifespan carried over permanently forever. This meant that giving someone an immortal bird chick was not a simple trade of a magical creature from one to another but a show of faith that the receiver won't twist the bird permanently into a powerful evil force. Clearly Dusk had been raised alone and with very little love at all as if he wasn't an intelligent creature but a simple minded beast.-

He wasn't evil but starved of true companionship and bitter at the world over it. This meant that when he found companionship he held onto it tightly and would get violent at outside interference which Dumbledore learned personally. He was now sporting a slightly shorter beard after Dusk's warning strike when he tried to get the bird to leave his office while it was communicating with Fawkes. 'Like master like bird it seems.' he thought remembering how badly Nick had reacted to his actions as well.-

Needless to say he had quite the headache to say the least as he was helpless to do anything about the bird in his office. The worst part however was definitely the nightmare that was the fact dusk went everywhere with Nick according to Helena. There was honestly no way that the bird wouldn't cause a huge commotion during classes. The even worse part though was the need to convince Hagrid to stay away from the bird lest it disembowel the half giant after being pestered one too many times. For all the large man's way with magical beasts he was rather dense when it came to figuring out when to stay away from them on his own.

None of this however mattered in the face of a piece of information that Helena accidentally gave him. Nick had somehow managed to allow a ghost take on a corporeal form. The sheer number of frightening implications this had was enough to cause Dumbledore to break out in cold sweats. Thankfully however the means Nick used to accomplish this did not restore the ability to cast spells to the ghost it was used on since there was no wand on Helena at all. 'He probably used that mysterious enchantment method of his.' He thought seriously.

If before Nick's enchantment method had been interesting now it was dangerous in the wrong hands in Dumbledore's opinion. He of course knew that Nick was almost paranoid in the lengths he went to in order to prevent his method leaking but the fact remained that the information was a potential threat. For now though Dumbledore decided to place his trust in Nick to protect the world from his own knowledge. 'Now to try and coax this ho-ho out of my office without getting another beard trim.' He thought with a small headache.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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