Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 176: Making arrangements

Chapter 176: Making arrangements

"Ted what's going on?" the thirty year old looking brunette woman at the table asked worried after seeing how hostile her husband seemed. Nick looked at this woman with a smile and politely dipped his head in greeting "You must be Andromeda then , a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Nicholas Ravenclaw and I came here to speak with your husband in regards to the unlawful imprisonment of your cousin Sirius Black." Nick said and the eyes of all three of the houses residents widened in shock. Ted did not like having been so easily dismissed by Nick but knew better than to allow himself to get angry over such a small thing.-

"Unlawful how? Sirius's sins were plain to see." Andromeda said with a stern expression. Nick didn't mind the hostility as he was aware that this news was of the faith shattering sort. Still smiling Nick answered "I assume then that you are unaware that not only is there not a shred of evidence against Sirius but in fact that he was also imprisoned without a trial as well?" he said once again leaving both Andromeda and Ted shocked once again.-

"That's impossible! The ministry would never allow such a thing!" Ted said in an attempt to refute Nick but Nick merely snorted disdainfully at it. "As someone who works closely with the ministry you of all people should be aware of the rampant corruption throughout it. Unfortunately for you however everything I have said can be easily verified , there is no record of a trial because there simply was no trial. The "victim" of the crime Peter Pettigrew is also very much alive and healthy to this day as well." he said shattering the entire families former knowledge of the situation.-

The house was entirely silent for a few moments as the family wrapped their heads around what Nick had said. "If and I do mean IF what you say is true what does it have to do with you?" Ted finally asked skeptically. Nick's smile widened "An excellent question! If you mean myself personally then not a damn thing , however if you include those amongst my close friends then quite a bit. You see not only has Peter Pettigrew been living with my friend Ronald Weasley's family since that time but my best friend Harry could really use the support the Sirius could provide him." Nick explained honestly.

Both Ted and Andromeda paused for a moment to take in this new information but the bubblegum haired girl who Nick guessed was Nymphadora blurted out a question "Wait if Peter Pettigrew was living with the Weasleys this whole time how come no one has known about it?" she asked confused. Both Ted and Andromeda also realized this irregularity and looked at Nick in such a way that demanded answers. Nick had come here prepared for this however "Quick question , as a metamorphagus I take it you are well familiar with all forms of transfiguration yes?" he asked confusing her greatly.

But she was clever enough to realize this was related to her own question as well. "I am very familiar with the subject , what of it?" she asked curiously. Nick nodded , satisfied with her answer "When you transfigure a human is their lifespan effected at all?" he asked and Nymphadora still confused shook her head "Not at all." she answered confidently. "Final question before the big reveal. What is the average lifespan for a common english rat?" Nick asked and watched in satisfaction as the clever girl pieced together the puzzle he had laid out. "He's the Weasleys rat!" she exclaimed once she figured out the only logical conclusion of all the information they had been given.-

"What do you mean Nym?" Andromeda asked not understanding why her daughter had said such a thing. Nymphadora explained how the Weasleys have this rat named scabbers that has been a family pet for the last ten or so years. She also explained how a normal english rat only has a lifespan of about five years and the Weasleys had the rat as an adult this entire time which is impossible except for a single exception , it was actually a transfigured human.-

"Yes , I recently discovered that James Potter , Peter Pettigrew and Sirius black are all illegal animagi with Peter Pettigrew's animal form being none other than a common rat. As it just so happens the unnaturally long lived rodent living with the Weasleys is also missing the digit that Peter Pettigrew lost on that faithful night a decade ago." Nick explained seriously and the entire family looked horrified. "Poor Sirius has been rotting in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit this entire time!" Andromeda said teary eyed which was all Ted needed to see to decide to try and help Nick free Sirius.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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