Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 175: Theodore Tonks

Chapter 175: Theodore Tonks

The next morning at Dawn Nick woke up and got dressed before heading out of the store after wishing Olivander a good morning. As it turned out the old wand maker was even more of an early bird than Nick as he was already up and about by the time Nick woke up. 'Today I need to track down that lawyer and the best way I can think to do so is via the ministry.' he thought as he walked past Gringotts and towards the large building in the distance that was already bustling with activity despite how early it is.-

Nick soon arrived at the british magical ministry and entered the doors leading to the atrium while marveling at the place. Unlike during the yule ball the atrium was in it's usual orientation with multiple floo's active and wizards in suits hurrying to and fro across the hard marble floors. Thankfully the ministry had signs giving directions to all the relevant departments so Nick made his way to communications without much issue. There he approached one of the tellers at a desk with a friendly smile. "Excuse me , but I was wondering if you might be able to help me?" he asked calmly.-

The teller who was a plain looking skinny brown haired woman looked up from her paperwork and blinked a few times from surprise. "Where are your parents at? Do they know you are here?" she asked not expecting that a child such as himself had came here on his own. Nick didn't blame her as his body was in fact only twelve and had only just reached that age on march second which is to say the day after Beltane. He flashed his lord ring at the woman "I have no parents and have come in regards to a piece of business of mine." he said as the woman went pale at the sight of the ring.-

Not long ago Minister Fudge had told everyone to keep an eye out for a boy with this signet ring as an important person. "I am sorry for the misunderstanding sir , what can I help you with?" the teller said switching to a business like tone in no time at all. Nick waved off her apology "I need to get in contact with a person but don't know their full name." he explained calmly and the teller had an understanding look.-

"Can I get a name and occupation if you have it?" she asked and Nick gave her the information which she typed into a old school type writer before hitting enter. Soon the paper folded itself and flew off as a paper airplane. "It usually takes a few minutes" the teller said and Nick nodded and waited patiently. Five minutes later another paper airplane flew over to the desk and landed gently in front of the woman. She unfolded it and looked it over before nodding and handing it over to Nick.-

On the paper was the name Theodore Ryan Tonks along side an address and place of employment. Nick nodded at the information before storing the paper away "thank you for your help , please have a good day." he said leaving a galleon on the desk and walking away. As luck would have it the residence listed on the paper was located in diagon alley not far away. The fact that diagon alley was not just a place with stores but also living places was not a very well known fact amongst muggleborns until after they graduated normally since the shopping area was all they ever saw while in school.-

Nick eventually made it to the address listed on the paper and calmly walked up to the door which had a large metal knocker and knocked on the door. A few minutes later a tall healthy blonde haired man answered the door with a confused expression as he looked at Nick. "Theodore Tonks I take it?" Nick asked and the man nodded. "I have come to you in regards to the unlawful imprisonment of your extended family in Azkaban." Nick said bluntly. Ted's face changed immediately to one of sternness "Which member and unlawful how?" he said fully serious.-

Nick merely smiled and gestured to the surroundings "Might I come in to discus it further in a more private setting." he said and Ted nodded before pulling the door open all the way. Nick calmly walked into the house and wiped his shoes on the door mat carefully. The house was a small but cozy place with two floors and an open dining area that had two women including one with bubblegum pink hair looking at Nick in confusion at the table. "Now , explain yourself stranger." Ted said brokering no argument.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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