First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 273 The Real Deal

Chapter 273 The Real Deal

Suddenly, Abaddon's mind was thrust back into reality as though no time had passed since he'd been gone.

His daughter was still adamantly demanding more muffins, and his wives were still laughing at her cute expression.

'What was that...? What did he mean I was going to-'

"I can understand her reaction, these muffins are quite delicious."

The air seemed to have been sucked out of the room as an unfamiliar voice spoke out.

Standing behind the couch was an unfamiliar man wearing all white robes and skin like chiseled marble.

His face was androgynous and beautiful, and it would be difficult to tell that he was a man were it not for his robes that revealed his chest.

The man was seemingly the epitome of grace, as even while eating a muffin he maintained a regal aura.

They could not see his eyes as they remained closed, but somehow they got the feeling that he could see through his entire existence.

There was a gust of wind, and Seras, Audrina, Abaddon, and Bekka all had their weapons pointed at the man's neck.

His long black hair flew into his mouth, and his face finally crinkled up in an embarrassed expression.

"Ah, that's not graceful at all, is it? I do love my hair but it can certainly be a pain to-"

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Abaddon asked menacingly.

'Father, mothers. Put your weapons down.' Gabbrielle warned seriously.

Bekka: 'What? My sweet pea, do you know this man?'

'No... but I know that he is not supposed to be here. He is a true archangel.'

Abaddon's heart sank to the bottom his feet.

True archangels from heaven are the equivalent of god level beings in terms of power.

This world had powerful entities, but they were far from gods.

Whoever this man was... he could kill all of them without dropping a single bead of sweat.

Even if Abaddon put every subordinate of his on both continents to sleep and absorbed their strength, he would still not be able to wound this man seriously.

Despite being an angel, he was a monster in almost every sense of the word.

The man plucked the hair out of his mouth just as he finally finished his muffin.

"Please, no need for violence. Especially not in front of the children."

"Mira loves violence!" The young girl drew her daggers and the room became noticeably colder inside.

"Concerning... yet slightly cute as well." The man muttered.

He was utterly confused about which emotion he should feel more of when he looked at the young girl.

"You did not answer my husband." Bekka growled. "Who are you?"

Suddenly, the angelic man flashed out of existence and reappeared in a chair on the opposite side of the room, two more muffins in each of his hands.

He was casually looking out the window at the game below, and smiling fondly as if he were remembering an old memory.

"I had always considered such a game to be barbaric and never understood why earthlings adored it so. But to see it once again does fill me with a sense of nostalgia."

He finally looked back at a stunned Abaddon and smiled as if he was finally putting together the pieces of a puzzle.

"I was wondering what could possibly be so special about you, now I believe that I have some inkling. I am Samyaza."

At first that name was unfamiliar to Abaddon, but then he recalled a time where Malenia had muttered it in passing conversation back when they'd first met.

"You are the ruler of the humans..."

"Sure, I suppose that might be my title." He said casually.

"Why are you here? It is rude to enter the domain of another ruler without invitation or a gift. Or have you come to declare war already?"

"No, no, no war is needed. You'll have to forgive me for this as I know that it's not terribly polite. I am merely here to fulfill a wish on behalf of my children, and no more."

Down on the field, the quarterback was hit with a brutal sack that caused the face of the angel to wince. 'Barbaric... so barbaric.'

"Your children...? I suppose you mean those four champions of yours?"

"Correct again, you're quite clever."

Samyaza finished both of his muffins while seemingly oblivious to the scowls he was receiving from everyone in attendance.

"No matter how much I told them not to worry about it, they were rather upset about that unfortunate run-in you all had with them last time, so I've come here to give you a little scare on their behalf."

The longer Abaddon watched this intruder, he realized that he could feel no hostile intentions from him.

It was truly like he had just come here to run an errand and sightsee.

As for what the scare was he was talking about... he was already doing it.

Just by showing up out of the blue he had put Abaddon and his wives on edge, and gave them a shock that they would not forget any time soon.

"What is your goal?"

Samyaza suddenly drew his attention away from the game below and directed it at the inquisitive Abaddon.

"My goal...? What makes you think that I have one?"

"With your level of power you could stand at the top of this world, you might even be able to give the dragon king a run for his money.

There is no way that you couldn't have ended the war between demons and humans centuries ago, yet we're still locked in a needless stalemate. Why?"

Samyaza looked like he was not expecting to be asked such a question, but it was only natural when one considered the scope of his abilities.

"Why... I suppose the answer is that humans are not beings who deserve to stand atop this world... that honor belongs to others, so until that day comes, the humans will need something to do."

Samyaza's answer was followed by blank stares from all of the Tathamets.

He seems to recognize that his words would be considered confusing to any who heard them, and offered a more concise explanation.

"I used to be like my brothers and sisters once... I believed that humanity, though flawed, was still so much more than what was beneath the surface and as such, I did not join the rebellion.

But... the longer that time persisted, the more I began to regret my decision... they were everything the deceiver said them to be and worse...

But, I recognized the path I was traveling down was dark and attempted to correct my dangerous thinking, believing that maybe I was just seeing things the wrong way."

Samyaza suddenly clutched his heart and smiled warmly as if he were remembering someone dear to him.

"I traveled to the human world, and searched for a ray of hope within the muddled masses of sin.

And by his grace, I found it... I met a woman who was the complete contradiction of everything I believed humans to be and she eventually gave birth to the fruit of our love.

Unfortunately, she died not long after... but I could not bring myself to be sad when she left behind our beautiful son as a memento... my child was not human nor angel, but a perfect union of the two.

He was nephilim, the greatest of any living race."

Both Gabbrielle and her father began to feel like they had heard some parts of this story, or perhaps some other variation of it.

"More and more of my brethren ventured to earth when they noticed my absence, and soon they too found companions of their own, and we created a land akin to paradise..."

The archangel spoke in a hushed, passionate tone, as if he was still living in a dream.

He suddenly clenched his fists as if he was reliving a painful memory, and tears silently fell from his closed eyes.

"But when father found out about our children's dietary choices... he became enraged."

The original nephilim were enormous, man eating giants that were said to be akin to earthquakes or other catastrophe's when they became angered.

The creator was so displeased with their existence that for the first time in all of living history, he personally intervened to cleanse the creatures from the face of the earth.

By sending a great flood, every living nephilim was erased and earth was practically reset.

"All of you should have been punished..." Gabbrielle muttered. "How could you possibly have ended up here?"

Samyaza stared curiously at the little girl on the couch who was clearly too smart for her age. "If you know something like that... you aren't supposed to be here either, are you?"

All of Gabbrielle's mothers reflexively stepped forward to protect their youngest, earning a nonthreatening smirk from the intruding archangel.

"You needn't worry, I have no intention to harm her. As I've already said, I love children, but I fear that I cannot answer the little one's question, since I'm already answering her father's.

Samyaza suddenly walked up to Abaddon, seemingly defenseless and uncaring of the monumental height difference.

"You asked me what my goal was and I gave you a long winded story as an answer. But a smart man like yourself should be able to reach the proper conclusion, no?"

"...You want to resurrect the nephilim in this world and have them take their rightful place above all."

"Indeed!" Samyaza said happily. "Do you see? I knew that you would get it."

"But why?" Audrina asked. "If you know that those things feed on humans, why would you want them to be brought back??"

"Because some humans are righteous and pure... but all of the nephilim are. When it comes down to deciding which of the two has the right to continue existing, I feel the choice is an easy one to make."

Bit by bit, Abaddon was able to piece together Samyaza's thinking, and he realized that he had somehow figured out an answer to a previously unknown question.

"That's how it happened... you weren't trying to create new angels, you were trying to breed a new race of nephillim!"

"Unfortunately, yes." Samyaza said with a sigh."I love them nonetheless, but they are indeed failures..."

"Umm excuse me..." Lisa said as she raised her hand while making a confused expression. "I recall seeing quite a bit of male archangels as well..."

"Hm? Oh, right."

Samaya's body suddenly shrank a few inches in height and he grew a rather large pair of breasts and fuller lips.

"After failing so many times with the women of this world, I wondered if maybe they were the problem and it would be better if I tried to carry my own child. Alas, this too was unfruitful..."

For some reason, Abaddon remembered two very important people in this moment.

His fallen angel Malenia who had become something of an aunt to his family, and his father who he loved very much despite not having had a relationship very long.

The skin on his body began to take on a rougher texture liked cooled magma, with cracks of white lava flowing along his tattooed chest.

"My Malenia.... my father... did you lay your hands on them as well...?" He asked dangerously.

By now the entire stadium could feel the terrible pressure coming off him in waves, and both the players and the audience had come to a dead standstill.

But Samyaza did not seem bothered by Abaddon's anger in the slightest.

He returned to his male form so that there was less of a height difference and smiled in that same nonthreatening manner that he was famous for.

"So what if I did?"

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