First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 272 It’s Gameday Baby!!!

Chapter 272 It’s Gameday Baby!!!

Eris: "9 Churros please!"

Valerie: "And a beer!"

"Anything for the royal family, it's on the house!"

Lisa: "Come on, Mr. Wilbur, we can't possibly take anything from you like this, we're more than happy to pay full price."

"Then it'll be two copper!"

Bekka: "...For nine churros and a beer?"

"Yes, empress."

The group smirked at the blatant favoritism that they were being shown, but they did not feel like it would be polite of them to continue to refuse.

Instead, Lailah used a bit of her magic to send a small golden coin into the back pocket of the kind vendor.

Once the group had their treats, they bid the man farewell and continued their date in the streets.

The festival was plenty lively, and there were all kinds of games and events to take part in.

Even Luxuria's red light district had a special attraction; a booth where one could get personalized molds of their partners' genitals.

...It was a very popular destination for couples.

But the Tathamets hadn't visited such a place on their date, as the wives knew that a dildo would pale in comparison to actual sex with their husband.

Lisa: "I think we've done just about everything..."

Eris: "Should we head to the colosseum now? I think it'll be a good game today."

Abaddon, Seras, and Bekka all began to wag their tails unconsciously, while also trying not to seem like they were too interested.

Valerie did not have a tail to wag, but the blinding light in her eyes did betray her excitement.

Seras: "Ahem, um if the rest of you are okay with it then I suppose I could be persuaded to go..."

Bekka: "A-As could I!"

Valerie: "As the royal family, we should show our faces, no?"

Abaddon: "Ah, is there a game today...? It had totally slipped my mind..."

The girls merely rolled their eyes at the excited members of the family before they began dragging them towards the colosseum.

Abaddon had done a great many things in his time as ruler that he considered to be revolutionary for this world.

He'd modernized homes and buildings, making them much more comfortable and spacious in the inside, while also introducing things like apartments and hotels.

The city had much more efficient plumbing and air conditioning systems than anywhere else, and to make matters even better there was no homelessness.

People in Luxuria liked to have fun, but drinking Abaddon's blood also infused them with a desire to contribute to society.

In short, everyone worked and was paid decent wages, more than enough to purchase even the smallest home in the city.

All of those things were great and they surely made life more pleasant for those around, but that wasn't what Abaddon was happiest about.

Naturally, demons weren't always so familial and mild mannered.

Especially when younger, they tended to have a lot of excess energy that needed to be let out through either conquest or sex.

The red light district was great and it was booming more and more everyday were the influx of travelers.

And to be honest, a single woman can only handle a maximum of five males at a time if she is using all of her... assets.

Sometimes, there simply weren't enough holes or tight offices to go around.

The colosseum was great, but Abaddon really didn't want his citizen's killing each other if he could avoid it.

So he had to find another way for them to use their pent up energy.

And so he thought to himself; What is the best way to do that?

The answer was easier than making his wives orgasm.


Or more specifically...

"Football!" Mira cried.

"What?" Gabbrielle asked.

The two little girls were seated in the royal family's private skybox in the colosseum, a gameday feast lying anxiously before them.

Chicken wings, hotdogs, nachos, assorted fruits, and most importantly cookies for the empire's favorite bloodthirsty princess.

"It's a game that father came up with!" Mira wasted no time using her little hands to create her ideal plate.

Unsurprisingly the plate had a ratio of cookies to regular food that was something like 80-20.

"How does one play?" Gabbrielle was much more conservative in her selections as she did not quite share her sister's seemingly bottomless stomach.

"Umm... men throw a ball around and try to carry it from one side of the field to the other without being hit."

"...Can sister be more specific?"


Gabbrielle merely shrugged her shoulders and decided that she would try her best to learn from watching.

The two girls tucked into their plates just as kickoff started, and Gabbrielle finally decided to ask her sister about her dietary choices.

"Why does sister enjoy pastries so much?"


"Cookies." Gabbrielle said pointing to Mira's plate which had already been nearly demolished.

Mira suddenly stood up from her seat and placed her hands on her chest as if she was speaking with the utmost passion.

"Cookies are love! Cookies are life! Mira loves them almost as much as daddy and mommies!"


Mira suddenly picked up another cookie that had yet to fly into her stomach and presented it to her younger sister in the same manner that one would act if they were inviting someone to join a cult.

"Try one, sister!"

Gabbrielle hesitantly took the small treat and took a very small bite.

"...It's okay."

*Gasp!* Mira suddenly had a crestfallen look as if her sister had somehow denied her entire existence.

What's next, was she going to say that she didn't like bloodshed or battle??

Suddenly, the double doors to the skybox were opened by the guards outside, and their loving parents walked in with an apparent lovey dovey atmosphere between the nine of them.

"There are my girls." Abaddon said warmly. "Did you come to watch the-"


Mira suddenly ran up to her father with a face full of tears that were heartbreaking to see.

"Sister is sick, she said she doesn't like cookies!!!"

"Mira... that is not a sickness, my daughter."

"Yes it is!" The young girl argued.

The wives chuckled as they dispersed into the room to take their own seats and left him to deal with their heartbroken daughter.

Abaddon lifted Mira into his arms and shuffled over to the couch.

He moved Gabbrielle into his lap, and tried his best to explain to Mira that her sister wasn't actually sick and just preferred different things.

The lecture took longer to explain than he would have liked, and he had to stop every so often when his wives began giggling as he fumbled over his words.

In the end, Mira finally relaxed and no longer considered her sister to be sickly, but that didn't mean that she fully understood her tastes either.

With the game finally underway and his daughter no longer crying, Abaddon and his wives were able to watch the game with crystal clear glee.

The game still wasn't large enough to play from state to state or school to school, so the two teams that were currently playing against each other were the demonic dwarves vs the war oni.

At some point, the players recognized that the emperor was in attendance with his family, and their motivation to play only burned brighter.

"Come on boys, I got money on you!!"

"Show those oni whose boss!!"

"Game time baby!!"

Evidently, the citizens of Luxuria seemed to have taken to the sport as well, as they cheered madly as they watched a fifty yard run turn into a touchdown.

Inside the royal family's skybox, the Tathamet's were cheering just as loudly, with the exception of more reserved members like Gabbrielle, Lailah, and Eris.

"What'd I tell you girls?" Abaddon said with a happy smile. "Wasn't this a wondrous Idea?"

"It was, would you like to be rewarded for it~?" Audrina asked as she rubbed his shoulders.


"Mmh!" Audrina's hand automatically went to her large butt that now had a Lailah-sized handprint.

"Our young ones are still here, mind your manners, sister. And why did you make such a sexy noise just now?"

"Hit me again and I'll tell you~"

"Sister, why are you like this?"Lailah asked as she rubbed her temples in exhaustion.

"I don't know, I wasn't loved properly as a child." Audrina shrugged her shoulders as she offered the young witch a small kiss as an apology.

Gabbrielle: "Are mothers and father going to copulate? Should sister and I leave?"

All: "No!"

Mira: "What is copulate?"

Gabbrielle: "It is se-"

Before the young girl could finish, Abaddon called a nearby muffin into his hand and stuffed it directly into Gabbrielle's mouth.

At first, she showed no real reaction, but gradually her eyes began to sparkle like she had just ingested something magical.

"What is this creation... it is akin to a dream!"

"...It's just an apple muffin, my child." Abaddon said blankly.

"Father... this is the food of the gods! I demand more!"

Abaddon threw his head back in a fit of laughter.

It was always nice to see his former goddess daughter act like a child, and the sight was enough to warm his heart.

He reached out to hand his daughter another muffin as requested, but when he opened his eyes... there were no more muffins.

There was no more colosseum, and his family was missing from his surroundings as well.

It was as if creation had been completely erased and he was now sitting in an ocean of boundless darkness.

"You are a joke... Why they believe you to be him is nothing short of perplexing..."

Abaddon did not recognize the scratchy and demonic voice that was trying to intimidate him, but given the way that he had been summoned as well as how he was being insulted, his mood was already deplorable.

"What is this!? Show yourself, you spineless god!"


The sound of echoing laughter was so loud that Abaddon felt as though his ears were going to bleed.

A single burning eye appeared a short distance away form Abaddon, and he knew that his guess had been entirely wrong.

The being who summoned here was not a god, and was even the furthest thing from it.

It was a former ruler of the abyss.

"How delusional they are!! How you have managed to sway their blessings so far is beyond my knowledge, but I have come here today to tell you that I will never accept you!!!

Some sappy, love driven man who thinks of nothing but his women and his children is not fit to rule Tehom! In a year I will personally come to collect you myself and drag you into purgatory!!"

Finally, Abaddon realized what it was that he hd been forgetting earlier today.

The year was going to expire soon, and his deadline was drawing ever closer.

"You have no, drive!! No ambition!!! You will never...."

Suddenly, the voice of the abyss king was cut off as if it had noticed something midway though it's speech.

Abaddon wondered if maybe it had lost it's nerve, but ultimately he wasn't naive enough to believe that fully.

"...Regrettable... It seems as though I will not be able to torment you after all. You will die long before I have that right."

"What are you talking about?" Abaddon growled. "I have no intentions of-"


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