First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 263 Leviathan’s Backstory

Chapter 263 Leviathan’s Backstory

Abaddon rolled his eyes at the irritated gaze of Leviathan and gestured for his subordinate to approach with his monstrous hand.

"Malenia, come here."


The fallen angel flew outside of the window and circled the monstrous body of her master in midair.

"Master's old form was more arousing but this too has it's own- Kyaaa!"

Abaddon plucked Malenia out of the air using his very long tail and held her in place.

"What are you saying in front of my daughter? I've told you to be more mindful when my children are present!"

He had already long given up on any hope of Malenia becoming normal.

Now if he could get through a conversation with her without her mentioning his dick, he was more than satisfied.

But he was still rather strict on her whenever his children were around.


Malenia finally noticed an adorable little girl sitting on a picnic table outside, and her eyes suddenly had large pink hearts within them.



Malenia wormed her way out of Abaddon's grasp and appeared in front of Gabbrielle with blinding speed.

She immediately threw her arms around the child for a hug, and began nuzzling her face like she was possessed.

Because Gabbrielle was quite used to people reacting like this whenever they saw her for he first time, she didn't actually make any moves to stop her.

Instead she kept her eyes focus on the seemingly young girl upstairs who still had her head out the window.

Abaddon sighed and returned back to his normal appearance.


"Hm? Abaddon, you're black." Leviathan said from the window.

"Yes?" Abaddon said as he tilted his head in confusion.

"No father, look."His daughter added.

Abaddon looked down at his body and saw that his skin had indeed turned pitch black like his father's.

His tattoos had also taken on a more noticeable white color, and there was some kind of odd red pattern in the center of the chest.

The muscles on his body had also compacted just a bit to give him less of a 'roid rage' look while giving his physical strength and muscle density a much needed boost.

"Ah... I can practically hear my father already." Abaddon muttered with an irritated groan.

Asmodeus would no doubt be positively overjoyed to see that his only son now looked even more like him.

If they were back on earth, he would no doubt bother him relentlessly for a selfie.

"I don't know how it's possible but I think you're even more delicious looking than before~" Malenia added dangerously.

If Abaddon's wives were present, they would undoubtedly say the same thing.

Abaddon was now the perfect embodiment of the word sin.

One form was beautiful beyond description, and the other was so overwhelmingly frightening that his mere presence could drive weak souls into a screaming madness.

Just like the original deceiver himself.

Abaddon held out his hand and formed a small snowball using ice manipulation.

With MLB level expertise, he threw the snowball directly at Malenia's face and sent her sprawling out across the ground.


From the window, Leviathan clapped her hands furiously as if she had just watched a broadway performance.

"Why couldn't you have done that earlier?! I've been going mad this entire time!"

"Because she started to inconvenience me now so it's different."

"Why are you treating me like this, huh?"

Abaddon chuckled and gestured for his aunt to come downstairs so that they could talk.

He started to sit down on the bench beside Gabbrielle, when a little bit of an incident occurred.

As soon as Abaddon touched the wooden table, a dark power left his fingertips and destroyed it.

His daughter didn't seem to be the least bit surprised by this and simply sprouted her wings so that she did not hit the ground.

Abaddon was now staring gobsmacked at a neat pile of black ash that was formerly a handcrafted picnic table.

He surely owed the dwarven worker responsible an apology.

"What just happened...?"

"Father has destruction magic." Gabrielle answered plainly.

"What is that??"

"It's a very rare element that is the counterpart to creation magic. Even I have only seen a handful of beings who possess it."

Gabbrielle explained that destruction magic was one of the first elements to ever come into existence and it was also one of the most powerful.

Unlike the void element that simply erases things as if they were never there, destruction magic completely breaks things down at a cellular level, leaving only that black ash behind.

It works on living creatures too of course, provided that Abaddon's mana can overpower their own.

"Just be careful with it." Gabbrielle warned. "Since you don't have creation magic you cannot rebuild the things you break."

Abaddon nodded before he paused and began giving his daughter a funny look. "I am beginning to feel like you are the parent here."


Finally, Leviathan came floating outside with her unassuming expression.

"I'm here, what do you want?"

"We were having a conversation before, right? We should continue."

Abaddon held out his hand to create another picnic table made of ice.

Even though it was cool to the touch, it was still pleasant to sit on and seemed to be plenty comfortable.

Leviathan sat down on the icy bench and made herself comfortable while Malenia picked herself up and crawled next to Abaddon.

Even though he could feel her eyes focused on one very specific area of his body, he elected to ignore it for now until she went too far again.

"I don't know why you're suddenly so interested in me now that I look like this."Leviathan said suspiciously. "Is the most handsome man in creation secretly a lolicon?"

"What's a lolicon?" Gabrielle asked.



Another snowball was hurled directly into the face of Leviathan before she could say something inappropriate for children.

"Don't be stupid. My interest in you is purely educational."

"That's right, I know master's type to a tee!" Malenia added. "He mainly likes older women with big butts and hair on their-"


At this rate, Abaddon was beginning to feel like he should keep a pile of snowballs nearby for whenever someone said something unnecessary.

Abaddon didn't want to know how Malenia knew that information, but he figured that he should probably stop having sex with his wives in random places whenever he got the chance.

"A-Anyway." He muttered as he tried to steer the conversation back to a positive direction.

"Can you answer my question from before? What exactly are you?"

Leviathan looked annoyed that Abaddon hadn't forgotten that annoying question and her mood worsened slightly. "Why should I tell you that? What's in it for me if I divulge my most personal-"

"She is just like elder brother. She is a construct that was molded in the image of a powerful higher being, and given it's name with the hope of replacing it."

Everyone froze and turned their heads towards little Gabbrielle who had once again said something unbelievable without realizing it.

But Leviathan was the most shocked, and her face was entirely red as if she'd just been spied on while in the shower. "H-How do you know that...?"

"It was obvious." The child replied without looking up from her toy.

""I'm sorry, what?"" Abaddon and Malenia asked in unison.

Gabbrielle sleepily rubbed her eyes and leaned her head against her father's arm.

One of the difficulties of having a young mortal body was the need for sleep.

"It is as it sounds. If a powerful individual creates an artificial life form, like a golem, a homunculi, or a familiar, and then gives it the name of an existing higher creature, then once the creature attains enough power it is free to engage in battle with the being it is named after."

"And then?"

"The loser is excised, and history, mythology, and even the future are rewritten, and the winner becomes the 'true' being so to speak. It is not something that happens often, and even when it does, the created creature ends up losing 99.99% of the time."

Gabbrielle then went on to explain that such a thing usually occurred when one of the higher beings was captivated by a primordial beast or a god in the shape of a monster.

Generally, such creatures were horrifyingly powerful and nigh uncontrollable, so constructs were created with the hope of harnessing that power.

As the one responsible for the creation of the construct, they would of course have dominion over it, and be free to use it's power at their beck and call.

After Gabbrielle's history lesson, she left everyone frozen in an understandable silence.

Leviathan was the most affected, and her body was trembling from the shame of her most embarrassing secret being revealed so casually.

Painful memories began to resurface, and soon Leviathan was telling the group the story of her birth.

"Father wanted me to defeat a creature that slumbers away on earth... he was captivated by its frightening power as well as its complete control over the ocean, but he abhorred the fact that it was a protector of humanity.

Since he could not subdue it, he created me... but I..." Leviathan didn't finish her sentence, but given the trajectory of the story she hardly needed to.

"A-Anyway! After I failed miserably, father lost all interest in me. He soon discovered a new abhorrent creature with a seemingly unending bloodlust and decided that I was unnecessary."

Leviathan suddenly floated out of her seat and wiped her eyes. "I assume your curiosity is sated now, yes? Then I'll be leaving."

Abaddon tried to stop her from going, but it was to no avail.

Her body was soon coated in a green mist, and she disappeared from their sight.

As soon as Leviathan left, Malenia blinked a few times as her mind became hazy. "Master...? What were we just talking about?"

Abaddon merely shook his head as he pulled the now sleeping Gabbrielle into his arms."Nothing, Malenia. Would you mind leaving me alone with my daughter for a moment?"

The fallen angel took a moment to sear the sight of her master's fatherly nature into her mind.

This was her version of fap fuel and she absolutely had to save up as much as she could get.

She couldn't always rely on catching he and one of his wives on the dining room table or in the living room, so this was the next best thing.

After Malenia committed the scene to memory, she flew back into her room and closed the window, leaving her master alone with nothing but his thoughts and a sleeping child.

He was almost certain that whatever creature Leviathan was modeled after was one of his fragments, but more than that he was also thinking about his son.

When he told Lailah to name him Apophis, it was truly just a spur of the moment decision.

The name simply popped into his mind out of the blue.

Apophis (The real one) is often referred to as Apep and is the egyptian god of chaos.

Most often known for his constant conflicts with Ra, the god king of egypt, his goal was to swallow the sun and plunge the world into total darkness, ending all life.

Apophis was the complete opposite of the being that he was named after. He may be a little antisocial, but he was genuinely a kind child who was solely interested in the prosperity of his family.

'Calm down, calm down... she did not say that she was forced to confront that creature, only that she was groomed for it... I have no intention of asking Apophis to do such a thing.'

Abaddon succeeded in calming himself down, at least for the time being, and he took a moment to stare up into the sky as he let his body relax.

"It's cold... be nice if we get some snow, huh?"

The only one around who could hear him was the now drooling child on his chest, and he couldn't help but laugh when he envisioned how her reaction to such a thing would be.


Suddenly, a swirling gray portal opened up in the backyard and four individuals walked through it.

Lillian was currently sandwiched between both of his parents, and it seemed as though she was under some kind of intense interrogation.

But behind the three of them was the dragon king himself, and as soon as his eyes landed on Abaddon he had a look on his face that he'd never seen before.

Instinctively, Abaddon knew full well that his headache was about to become a lot worse.

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