First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 262 You Only Got Two Choices!

Chapter 262 You Only Got Two Choices!

When Yara heard the voice of her old nanny coming from a sword, she admittedly froze up from shock.

Her mind did not start running again until she saw the strange weapon was about to leave, and she knew she had to stop it before it was too late.


The greatsword paused just before it could exit the door and it slowly rotated around.

"Hello my lady. It has been a very long time."

Yara's eyes filled with water as she stumbled forward to place her hands on the cold metallic blade.

"My sweet girl, what has happened to you? H-How are you-"

"It was your son... he pulled me from the afterlife and brought me back as a spirit."

All: "HE DID WHAT?!?"

The speed at which heads turned to face Abaddon was no less than Mach 3, but the dragon wasn't paying this conversation any attention.

He was largely still focused on the two little girls in his arms, and he was debating which one was cuter.

The results of such a contest were understandably a tie.

"T-Then why are you a sword??"

"Well I don't have a physical body yet and at present I am rather indecent..."

"Yet??" Yara asked in shock. "You mean you will...?"

"Ah, yes. Your son has said that it is possible and I believe him."

Yara glanced at her son for confirmation, and he gave her a small reassuring nod as a response.

Suddenly, the beautiful dragon princess threw her arms around the large sword, unfortunately cutting herself in the process.

"M-My lady! Your arms are-"

"I don't care... I have always regretted letting you marry that monster...You have no idea how much I grief I have carried with me all of these years..."

Yara's words inadvertently struck Abaddon too, and he lowered his head just a bit as his mind was filled with unpleasant memories.

Lillian had been watching over Abaddon and his mother for years.

So she knew that Yara's words weren't mere empty gestures.

Not once had she ever been forgotten, and she was touched to have been remembered by the family she served.

While his daughter and the sentient sword were locked in a strange embrace, Helios had not been able to take his eyes off his grandson.

Of course he knew that it was possible to resurrect a dead soul.

But something like that had to be done before the soul ascended.

Once it reached the afterlife, only the god whose realm it slipped into could release it, but somehow Abaddon had ripped the soul of this woman free.

Even for true dragons, such a thing was highly abnormal.

'If he can do something like that... then is it possible he could-'


Suddenly, the door to the bedroom was thrown open and the rest of Abaddon's wives streamed in.

When they sensed that he was awake, they all dropped whatever they were doing and came running home at breakneck speed.

They hadn't had sex with their husband in over two weeks!

Every day felt like they were living with the most unbearable agony, and now that he was awake they fully intended to relieve themselves.

Eris: "W-We're sorry but could you all-"

Valerie: "A-All of you out!"

Lisa: "W-We have very important things to discuss with our husband!"

Lailah: "Yea! I-Important!"

Bekka: "We'll pick this conversation back up in two days!"

Audrina: "Three!"

In the blink of an eye, all seven wives had cleared everyone out of their bedroom, children included.

Abaddon had been pushed onto the bed like some kind of rag doll, while his wives started slipping out of their clothes.

"My lovely wives missed me this much?" He asked with a shit eating grin.

"You already know the answer so don't joke like this!" Lisa was the first to get completely undressed and crawled onto the bed.

"You only got two choices!" Bekka warned.

"You can either fuck us or we can fuck you!" Valerie added.

Even though Abaddon currently looked like a sickly man, one body part seemed to be functioning at normal levels and responded accordingly to such provocative words.

"Making a decision seems impossible. So why don't we do both?"

The wives seemed to like that answer very much and they all leapt on top of him without further provocation.


Abaddon stepped out of his bedroom for the first time in three days.

Thanks to the libido of his lovely wives, his body had been fully restored to its natural state and he was filled with energy.

But something that he had noticed was that it took significantly longer for him to recharge himself than it did the first time around.

Destroying his body with all of that divine power had certainly come with more consequences than initially expected.

He shuddered to think about what would happen if he used any of that power again before he was ready.

'I'll have to be more care... Oh?'

Abaddon was surprised to find his youngest child seemingly waiting for him.

Gabbrielle was sitting outside his door with her usual robotic expression, holding the stuffed toy she'd received from her grandmother and sitting cross legged on the ground.

"Is father done copulating?"

"I-It's not copulation, Gabbrielle. Your mothers and I were expressing our love to each other through our bodies."

They had expressed so much love that everything in their room was still sticky and there was no way the girls were going to get out of bed before noon tomorrow.

Gabbrielle turned her head to the side as if she did not quite understand what her father had just said.

"So you weren't having sex?"



"...A-Anyway!" Abaddon stammered as he tried to change the subject. "Why are you sitting out here my little pup? And why does the house feel so empty?"

Gabbrielle returned to playing with the stuffed doll in her arms and rubbing it's button eyes.

"Everyone is out preparing for the festival."


"Mothers have planned a festival to celebrate your unification of the demon race and my birth. Since they were busy, big sister Thea took everyone out to help organize."

"Ah..." Abaddon wasn't aware of any festival, but then again he hadn't exactly looked out of his window since he'd been awake.

If he had, he would've noticed the fact that there were significantly more people in the streets than usual, and everyone seemed to be incredibly busy.

"Then why didn't you go with them?" Abaddon asked as he lifted his daughter into his arms.

"Sister Mira said that I could not go with them because it was supposed to be a surprise."

"...She couldn't resist telling you, could she?"

"I do not believe so."

Abaddon sighed helplessly as he carried his daughter down the stairs and to his study.

If he was honest, he was kind of glad that his youngest had been left behind.

It was nice for the two of them to spend some time together, as they hadn't really had a chance to bond thus far.

He also felt guilty for leaving her unattended for so long, so he would do his best to make up for it now that he was available.

Once he reached his study, he found the prize he was looking for sitting comfortably on his desk.

A floating ethereal ball with a golden symbol in the center was hidden behind a glass case and was seemingly waiting to be claimed.

"Is father planning to absorb that here?" Gabbrielle asked.

Abaddon's hand hovered just over the glass case before he froze like he'd just been caught. "I am... is that a-"

"I do not believe it to be a wise decision, no."

Abaddon admitted defeat and carried both the sin and his daughter outside.

Along the way, he asked about the whereabouts of the group from before and received some unsurprising answers.

"Grandma Yara and Grandpa Asmodeus took Lillian back home to see her friends at the castle. Grandpa Hajun and Great Grandpa Helios went back to their home I assume, but Grandma Kirina is still in the city."

"I see..."

Gabbrielle seemed to notice that her father had fallen into a deep thought, and she silently wondered which part of what she said could have caused such a reaction.

When the two of them finally reached the backyard, Abaddon placed his daughter down on a nearby picnic table.

Bagheera and Entei both trodded over from their individual resting places, each of them curious about the newest member of the family.

Abaddon put some much needed space between himself and his daughter, and it was evident that he was worried about hurting her on accident.

"Father, I am far from helpless. You need not worry about me and only focus on absorbing that power."

Abaddon smiled helplessly and waived away her attempt to be independent. "You're my child, Gabbrielle. That means that I will worry about you no matter what."

The small child squeezed her doll a bit tighter as she got that same unfamiliar warm feeling that she always got whenever someone in this family treated her kindly.

"Mm..." She said with a small nod.

Bagheera: 'She's so cute.'

Entei: 'I would die for all of the princesses.'

Bagheera: 'What about the prince?'

Entei: 'I don't like snakes.'

Once Abaddon saw that his daughter was in good hands, he took a deep breath before turning his attention back towards the sin in his palm.

He'd gone through so much to collect all of these, and he was not sure if he should give the credit to the people who believed in him or to luck.

The people who go farthest are the ones who remain humble despite their success.

Abaddon was fully aware that his own physical and magical abilities were still sorely lacking.

Despite that, he had managed to be blessed with not one but two miracles in battles that he had no hopes of winning otherwise.

While he was grateful, he would never be completely satisfied until he could do things on his own without having to inconvenience others.

And one of the keys that would pave the way to such a future, was floating right in his palm.

Taking a deep breath, Abaddon pushed the sin of pride into his chest, and there was an immediate reaction.

His body began to surge with power, and he felt like he was on the verge of exploding.

"Don't hold it in, father!" Gabbrielle warned. "Let it out!"


As soon as his child gave him that small push, Abaddon relaxed his body and felt the entirety of his being implode.

A pillar of red energy caught the attention of everyone in Luxuria, and they shuddered when they felt the horrifyingly ominous power emanating from the home of the king.

Gabbrielle stared with curious eyes at her father in his newest demonic transformation.

At fourteen feet tall, his height was the least monstrous thing about him.

For starters, Abaddon now had the lower body of a bull-like monster with thick muscular hindquarters and four powerful legs.

His feet were now scaled and possessed very long claws the likes of which seemed to be fully capable of shredding even mythril.

A long scorpion-like tail swung casually behind his back, and at the tip burned a beautiful violet flame.

His upper body had lost it's extra set of arms, and gained wings made of purple fire that jutted from his shoulder blades.

His formerly handsome and enchanting appearance was now long gone, and all that remained was a monstrous face with long, sharp teeth and huge curled horns that glowed violet.

The entirety of his body was now black, with cracks running all throughout his body that contained his signature purple flames, making him look like a monster made from cooled lava.

"So much power..." He muttered in a deep and horrifying voice.

Bagheera and Entei let out low whimpers and reflexively lowered their heads before hiding behind Gabbrielle.

"Father looks... cool." She said as enthusiastically as she could muster.

Abaddon's smile in this new form was every bit as horrifying as one might think, but luckily his daughter did not seem to mind.

"Thank you, my daughter. I must say that I feel-"


Both Gabrielle and Abaddon looked towards the house and found the culprit of the horrendously awful scream.

Leviathan had stuck her head out of a window on the second floor, and judging by the bags under her eyes she looked to have been suffering through a terrible ordeal.

"How could you leave me with this horny pigeon for over a week!?! All she talks about is wanting to put your dick in her mouth and I'm sick of it!!"

Suddenly, the culprit of Leviathan's annoyance popped her head out from the window.

"Woahhh, is that you master? You look so scary!"

"Malenia..." Abaddon brought a large clawed hand to his head and rubbed his monstrous temples.

There truly was no family quite like his.

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