First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 227 Power Of The Vice Leader

Chapter 227 Power Of The Vice Leader

After Kanami voiced her bold declaration, the rabisu trio fell into a stunned silence.

Never in their entire lives had they been openly mocked like this.

"Our lord has found himself a bold subordinate." Absalom muttered.

"Is she bold, or stupid?" Hakon questioned.

"It is a shame she will not live long enough for us to learn the difference!" Stheno roared as she rushed forward.

The bewitching Rabisu lunged into the air and released dark claws from her fingertips.

Since Kanami had not drawn a weapon, she would not either and would simply kill her with her bare hands.

As Stheno prepared to pounce on top of her opponent, Kanami finally made her move.

Just before Stheno's claws would have connected with her skin, the leader of the Euphrates dodged the blow by a hair's length and grabbed her wrist instead.

On the sidelines, Seras smiled proudly in approval. 'So you did teach them some things, didn't you my love?'

With a yank, Kanami pulled Stheno out of the air while throwing off her balance, setting up her next attack perfectly.


Kanami jerked her knee up in an impossibly fast and brutal motion and planted it within the stomach of her opponent.

Stheno let out a choked cough as the air left her midsection and she thought she'd been hit by a truck.

'Such power!' It was very clear to her that her ribs had been broken and a few organs had been ruptured as well.

Kanami clenched her fist and cocked her right arm back to deliver her opponent a skull shattering blow and eliminate her from this contest.

But before she could do so, Kanami suddenly altered her movements and used her grip on Stheno's wrist to fling her in the opposite direction instead.

The Rabisu regained her body's composure in the air but was surprised when she landed squarely in the arms of her younger brother Hakon.

"That was too reckless." He warned.

"Your concern and coddling are unneeded!" She hissed.




Kanami and Absalom had begun trading blows left and right, and the smaller and more dainty looking woman showed that she was easily capable of matching him in a contest of strength.

No matter how many blows Absalom threw, his opponent met his fist with her own and a small boom was created followed by a shockwave of power.

The longer the the two traded blows, the more the leader of the Rabisu became aware of a glaring fact.

'She isn't using all of her power yet.'

Kanami had been simply playing along with Absalom like she was his dance partner.

So far, she had only countered his attacks without initiating any of her own.

Insulted, Absalom vowed to push her to the very limits and no longer treat this as a spar.

"As one."


At the command of the eldest, both siblings leapt into the fray and all three of their bodies underwent a horrifying change.

Their skin became more of a sickly gray color while their limbs twisted and elongated to become longer and more powerful.

The beautiful appearances that once could have captivated the hearts of any man or woman had disappeared and all that remained were eight food monsters with exposed fangs and empty black eyes.

"How scary.." Kirina muttered with a small smile as dark black scales began to cover the entirety of her face.

"Would you like to see mine as well?"

A few of the Euphrates recognized what she was about to do and took the necessary precautions.

"Big sister will need more room, expand the circle!"

Abaddon's wives and parents did not know exactly what was about to happen, but when they saw how seriously the soldiers were taking this, they took a few steps backwards as well.

They all watched in utter horror as Kanami's aura exploded and a dark shadow fell over the bodies of everyone present.

"Holy shit..." Bekka muttered.

None of the other wives commented, but they all nodded silently in agreement alongside her.

This was... absolutely unreal.


The dungeon Abaddon had chosen for he and his children to explore was called the dungeon of bottomless sea.

It was a rather famous dungeon that was widely known for it's peculiar layout and law defying physics.

Upon entering the dungeon, you were immediately thrust to the bottom of the ocean floor and surrounded by a wide variety of sea monsters.

Despite being underwater, one was able to function the exact same was as they would on land.

You could walk easily across the ocean floor, breathe air as well as on the surface, and even communicate without any trouble at all.

Currently, Abaddon and his children were on the second floor of the dungeon.

They were within a trench like area, surrounded by glowing aquatic flora and fauna the likes of which they had never seen before.

Mira, Thea, and Apophis were currently engaged in battle against a monstrous man with the head of a shark and wielding a rusty black trident.

Abaddon had to give his kids credit, they were doing exceptionally well so far, as none of them had been seriously injured or showed any signs of slowing down.

Abbadon was a bit further back, sitting crosslegged on the back of Entei.

The beast was participating alongside the children for a while, but after running into a monster that resembled a giant tuna, his attention became solely based on filling his stomach.

Entei was busy gearing on a piece of flesh that he had ripped from the monster's corpse as a filling snack, and didn't seem to be concerned with it's master who was fighting for her life a few feet away.

Abaddon looked down at this furry creature who was feasting without a care in the world and fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"Once you finish that, you're joining them in combat again."

"...." Entei did not comment, but Abaddon could not help but notice that this beast was eating significantly slower now than he was before.

"Hmph, some sacred beast you are... I should have purchased two eggs back then, maybe if you had a competitor you would work a bit harder."

"Groh." (Why would I do that? If the other beast was going to do all of the work anyway, I may as well just relax.)

"....I believe that I may have preferred it when I could not understand you. Every time you say something ignorant I am filled with the urge to skin you and fashion myself a new cloak."

A shudder passed through Entei's large body and he made a mental note not to open his mouth so casually in front of Abaddon anymore.

Checking back on his children's progress, he realized that they should be done just a bout any minute now.

The reason why the kids were having such a hard time initially was due to the strange environment.

While they were maneuvering about normally as they always had, the sharkman was alternating, going between walking on two legs like them and gliding through the water like a natural born predator.

It took a while for the kids to pick up on the beast's patterns and read his movements but now that they had, the monster they were facing was covered in wounds and it seemed like they were going to finish it off any second now.

"I thought I could no longer feel any more proud of them than I already did, but this has proven to be a false statement." Abaddon said fondly.

"...Groh." (...Sap.)

"I will turn you into a fucking rug." Abaddon said with clear irritation.

Just as the dragon prepared to take the rest of Entei's fish away and send him back into battle, his communication device began to vibrate.

Taking it out, he smiled humorously when he realized all seven of his wives were together and calling him at the same time.

Allowing the connection, their bloody visages soon appeared over the palm sized black stone, and his parents were standing in the background as well.

"This is quite the surprise. I've only just left home and now it seems like I've missed the chance to have my family all togeth-"


Abaddon blinked several times in stunned confusion when he heard his wife's accusatory tone."...Eh?"

Bekka: "T-The Euphrates! They're all so strong!"

Asmodeus: "Monstrously so."

Suddenly their surprise and skepticism made a lot more sense."Ah... So you've met them already."

Audrina: "Indeed, that Kanami girl beat Lusamine like she stole something."

Again, Abaddon was back to not understanding anything. "...What?"

Eris: "So, it happened like this..."

Abaddon proceeded to receive a full run down of events from his wives about everything that had occurred in the hour since he'd been gone.

Apparently, Kanami had destroyed both Lusamine and the Rabisu trio in spars, and now they were relatively unsure of what to do with them.

The soldiers were still adamant that they needed proper instructors, as they knew that they still had more to learn despite their monstrous power.

Leaving all of the wives no choice but to contact Abaddon and ask him what he thought the best solution was.

The dragon rubbed his temples from the sheer absurdity he had just heard.

He knew that the Euphrates were motivated and talented, but he never expected them to beat four of his direct subordinates like this.

But really, what should he expect when he copy and pasted 30% of his power into the bodies of demonic vampires.

He wanted to make his army new and groundbreaking, and it seemed like he had succeeded in doing just that.

Now the only problem was finding someone who could keep up with them.

"So... what do you want us to do with them honey?" Lisa asked.

Abaddon closed his eyes to let his mind wander as he thought of the best solution to this problem.

It took a while, and none of his family members rushed him, and once he finally made a decision his eyes flashed open and he let out a relieved sigh.

When he opened his mouth to announce who the next instructor of the Euphrates would be, the eyebrows of everyone who heard his declaration shot to the ceiling.

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