First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 226 No Time To Waste

Chapter 226 No Time To Waste

After hearing everything that happened in Lusamine's fight, Eris sighed in exhaustion before lowering her head in apology.

"I am sorry for the childishness of my flat chested friend."

"Fuck you bitch!" Lusamine yelled as she covered her itty bittys.

Kanami's face immediately went pale and she immediately tried to get Eris to raise her head. "P-Please goddess, there is absolutely no need for you to lower you head to one such as I!"

Eris made a look of confusion before nodding in acceptance.

Turning around, she went and found Lusamine and started pulling her towards a kneeling Kanami.

"No! I don't wanna!"

"You're being so childish! I won't give you a choice either way!"

"This isn't fair! I'm the one who got beaten up so why do i have to apologize!?"

"It's your fault you got beaten in the first place! Now be polite or I'm going to ask her to do it again!"

Eris placed her hand on top of Lusamine's head and forced her to bow apologetically.

"...ry ...."

"Be louder and more sincere or you're getting kicked out again!"

Lusamine visibly trembled before clenching her fists in frustration.

"I-I'm sorry for acting childish!"

Instead of acknowledging Lusamine's apology, Kanami found herself unable to take her eyes off of Eris.

"To go so far for one such as myself... You are truly a kind and benevolent goddess."

"Ah, I-I'm not a goddess." She said with an embarrassed smile. "And this much is a given you know? Lusamine is the one at fault for antagonizing you unnecessarily."

The guilty succubus felt like she'd just taken a small arrow to the heart, making her already foul mood even worse.

Kanami and the rest of her siblings were all considerably touched by Eris' humble nature and warm personality.

She truly was a kind and benevolent woman unlike any they had ever met before.

'A true goddess...'

'I feel revitalized just from hearing her speak!'

'She must be a goddess of nature and fertility...'

As the delusions of the euphrates continued, the rest of the wives stepped forward to analyze these new soldiers.

Bekka: " But to put such a beating on Lusamine... That's rather impressive."


Valerie: "Just how strong did husband make them...?"

Audrina: "A better question is who did he want to train them next...?"

Simultaneously, all six of them glanced at Seras who was busy analyzing them like everyone else.

When she noticed she was being stared at, she immediately held up her hands in surrender.

"Don't look at me, I am too busy with work to train anyone right now. Helios has myself, Lotan, and Tiamat working overtime in preparation for mother and father's wedding."

The only reason Seras could even be here right now was because she had to take a small break or else she was likely going to kill herself.

When her in laws told her they were visiting home and asked if she'd like to tag along for a day trip, she immediately jumped at the chance to see her family.

"Well should we just call and ask him then?" Lisa asked.

It looked like that was going to be the most favorable solution, when Kanami's small voice gave them pause.

"Umm... pardon my interruption, goddesses but I know who our lord was going to ask to train us next."

"Who?" They all asked aloud.


It took around ten minutes for the Euphrates newest instructors to arrive, and each of them seemed to be equally confused about why they had been called.

Upon entering the training facility, Absalom, Hakon, and Stheno all fell to one knee in front of their seven queens.

"My queens, my siblings and I have come in response to your summons." Absalom said respectfully.

"We have a small job for you three, but we wonder if you have the time?" Lisa asked.

"You need only name it." Hakon began.

"Everything is secondary when it comes to the wishes of the royal family." Stheno finished.

Audrina gestured to the fifty soldiers behind her who were analyzing the newcomers. "Do you think you can take a break from training the main army to focus on these guys for a few days?"

"You'll have to train them with everything you have." Lailah added.

The trio did not even hesitate and immediately nodded their heads in agreement.

Absalom: "We were not expecting them for at least two weeks."

Stheno: "I assume they found Lusamine's training to be rather lacking?"

Hakon: "Such a thing is hardly unexpected."

"You're all a bunch of dickheads!"

Tired of being insulted, Lusamine finally stormed out of the training room while trembling with anger.

Continuing on, Bekka finally clapped her hands together in excitement. "This'll be great! I can't wait to see what will become of them after training with the three of you!"

Unfortunately, Bekka's excitement proved to be short lived as Asmodeus would soon dash all of her hopes away.

"I'm sorry my daughter, but I don't think that these three will be able to teach this bunch much of anything."

As soon as the three rabisu heard that voice that they remembered from a millenia ago, they whirled around to find the source.

Asmodeus was seated against the wall wearing his signature smirk with Yara in his lap.

"The young lord... It has been quite a while." Hakon muttered.

"Indeed, so long that I can no longer be called a 'young' anything."

"Must you disparage this reunion by proclaiming us to be incompetent? I would have thought 20,000 years of life would have made you more mannerable."

"Ha! It would seem not!"

"Father, why do you feel as though these three will be inadequate?" Lailah suddenly asked.

Asmodeus put his hand to his chin as he tried to explain his reasoning.

"I suppose... the answer is instinct."

When he received only confused glances in response, he merely shrugged and decided not to comment further. "Or maybe I've finally started to become senile after 20,000 years."

None seemed to believe his supposed lunacy and instead they fell into a deep thought.

Seras, Bekka, and Audrina did not comment so as not to step on the pride of the Rabisu trio, but they also suspected that the Euphrates would easily overwhelm them.

"I would agree with the words of this man as well." Kanami suddenly said.

Behind her, all fifty of her siblings nodded silently as well, indicating that they also believed the Rabisu generals would not be of much help.

The eyes of the ancient demons became hard as they stared at the small army opposite them.

"You are rather bold..." Stheno said coldly.

"Do you know the list of individuals who are still breathing after speaking about us this way? I assure you it is rather short." Halon growled.

"Because it doesn't exist. Be grateful that you have not already joined them." Added Absalom.

Kanami seemed unfazed by their aggression and continued to double down on her earlier statement.

"If I feel that you are inadequate, then I am afraid I must speak up. Time is a precious thing that should not be wasted on unfruitful endeavors."

She and her siblings could not afford to dally with incompetent instructors.

Their god had already told them of his plans for the near future, and they knew that they only had a limited amount of time to become as strong as possible before their campaign was to begin.

Since there were only fifty of them, that meant that they could not afford any losses.

The pace at which they had to improve in order to achieve such a thing was scarily fast and only the best was going to be good enough to please their god.


Absalom and his siblings stood up at the same time, each of them looking like they were going to tear Kanami limb from limb.

The vice leader of the Euphrates did not move a muscle, but her siblings were an entirely different story.

All fifty moved to the defense of their big sister, and it seemed like an all out brawl was going to ensue.

"Stop it." Laila's said exhaustedly. "This whole thing is beyond unnecessary."

She glanced at Lusamine out of the corner of her eye and had a good idea.

Clearly, the Euphrates were not going to listen to anyone whom they did not see as capable.

And she, just like her sisters had also recognized that the Rabisu would make poor instructors.

Abaddon most likely did not expect the Euphrates to grow as fast as they did and asked the sibling trio to instruct them before he was aware.

But if Lailah told them that directly, she believed that they would not understand and even feel slighted against.

As such, there was only one real choice.

"Form a circle."

In the blink of an eye, the Euphrates moved to encircle the trio of Rabisu, while leaving plenty of space in the middle.


"Yes goddess?"

"Since you find the Rabbis to be lacking, you'll have to convince each of them yourself. Do you understand?"

"I do indeed, my goddess. I will honor your presence with a grand spectacle."The beautiful chimera stepped forward and cracked her seemingly dainty knuckles.

The rabisu glanced at each other briefly before Hakon nodded and stepped forward first.

"Don't insult me."


Kanami fell into a simple fighting stance with her legs spread shoulder width apart and her hands down to her sides.

"I have told you once already that time is valuable and that it should never be wasted. You should all come for me at once to make things quicker."

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