First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 222 What Did You Do!?

Chapter 222 What Did You Do!?

After a few hours of perverted escapades with his wives, Abaddon made his way into the bath before deciding to venture outside.

Now that he was back in Luxuria, there was someone he absolutely needed to go and see.

Opening the door to his home, he was briefly surprised to see that the person he was looking for had already come to him.

"Ack! W-When did you get back?!"

Abaddon took one long look at Lusamine and let out an annoyed sigh.

The beautiful blonde succubus looked like she'd just gotten caught doing something she wasn't supposed to.

"Lusamine... Why do you have all of those shopping bags in your hands?" Abaddon asked.

"T-These are just gifts! Yea, got a problem with that?!"

"Oh? But if you didn't know we'd returned then who could you possibly be bringing gifts for?"

"T-The triplets of course! We're all so close and I just-"

"That's a lie. The girls hate you because you always try to grope them."

Abaddon stood in front of Lusamine and gave her a hard flick on the forehead. "Didn't I give you your own house already? Why are you still living in my manor?"

"Ow! That hurts you brute!" Lusamine cried as she rubbed her reddened forehead. "It's not my fault, okay?! The stuff at your place is just so much better and I've already grown accustomed to life here! It would be too cruel of you to make me go back!"

Abaddon fought the urge to smack the succubus upside her head.

Since Lusamine was one of his direct subordinates, she was quite influential and wealthy within Luxuria and her home would be considered by those who were less fortunate as a dream come true.

Maybe it was because Abaddon had once lived his life poorly, but he had a special dislike for people who were ungrateful for the things they had.

Grabbing her face, he began to pinch and pull at her cheeks like he was trying to take them off of her.

"How spoiled you are. Maybe I should make you sleep in a shed so that you understand how good you have it."

"Uwaaahh! Let go, I'll say I'm sorry!"


Abaddon would spend a few minutes teaching her a much needed lesson before remembering that there was actually something he needed her for.


When Abaddon finally released Lusamine, the two of them headed down to the city below where he could finally see just how much his city was growing.

Luxuria was becoming more and more modern looking.

The buildings and streets were constantly being cleaned and maintained, making this city of sin look like a crown jewel.

There were a great many new stores and restaurants, and Abaddon had even seen a casino.

He hadn't checked the vault in a while, but with the royal family receiving 5% of a business's monthly income, he was sure that it must be quite a substantial sum by now.

This was his biggest dream come true from his life lived as Carter.

To get rich while doing nothing!

"Where should we go now?"

"There is supposed to be a good match at the colosseum."

"That sounds great, let's go!"

Abaddon overheard a group of three making plans to head to the recently constructed colosseum.

The place had quickly become one of Luxuria's most popular attractions, and was mostly used as a method to settle disputes between two parties.

If both agreed to it beforehand, they could even fight with their lives on the line and wagering all of their wealth and possessions.

The matches with the highest stakes were the ones that attracted the most attention and were always filled to the brim with spectators.

Lusamine could not help but notice that she and Abaddon were passing by a lot of buildings and businesses, leaving her with no idea where they could be going.

But when the two turned down a path to the army base, she nearly cried out in disapproval.

"I don't want to work right now! Let's just go to a lounge and I'll buy us both a drink!"

Lusamine was surprised when Abaddon did not deny her request. "Sure, but you need to meet the new unit you'll be training first."

The succubus felt like she could cry.

Not only was she not going to be free, but now her purse was going to suffer as well.

"What is this new unit and why are you acting so secretive and serious about them? You've already got plenty of talented warriors and I don't see how-"

"These troops are nothing like them. They are the best of the best and you will train them with everything you have."

"But I-"

"If you do it quietly and obediently I'll allow you to continue to live with us."

The succubus smiled as bright as Abaddon had ever seen and she threw her arms around his midsection to hug him.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Get off of me you leech."

"Hey, a lot of men would love to have a beauty like me clinging onto them you know?"

"Barbourous insects with no taste."

"Fuck you!"

As the two of them finally reached the army base, they made their way to the empty field outside of the barracks where training was conducted.

Abaddon opened up a large black portal in front of them, and several warriors began to stream outwards in an orderly manner.

At first, Lusamine did not notice anything particularly special about these warriors as the bulk of them were only stage two and three.

But as she got a closer look at their faces and bodies, a horrifying realization dawned upon her.

These soldiers were clearly vampires judging by their unholy pale skin and beautiful appearance.

And when she saw their dark black sclera, she knew that they had received Abaddon blood and become demons as well.

But what surprised her more than anything was the fact that these hybrids had dark black scales around their faces, hands, and shoulders.

Behind each of their backs swung a thick dark tail that was similar to Abaddon's, minus the bladed tip at the end.

Their hair contained streaks of bright red, along with 1-2 curved horns.

They parted way for a beautiful woman with a head full of red hair and a blank yet curious expression.

She fell to one knee, and all behind her followed suit in synchronicity.

"The Euphrates greet their god." Her tone contained the utmost reverence and respect, so much so that it bordered on fanaticism.

"So it is you that they've chosen, Kanami."

"That is correct, god." She suddenly raised her head and looked at him with eyes filled with veiled worry. "Does their decision displease you?"

Abaddon merely shook his head as he fought the urge to laugh.

"As I've told you, I have no qualms about who you've chosen to lead. I am satisfied enough that you elected a leader before training was to begin."

For some reason, the woman looked to be quite satisfied with this turn of events and suppressed a small smile.

"Abaddon... WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THESE GUYS!?!" Lusamine finally yelled.

Before the dragon could respond, he felt a huge gust of wind and heard the sound of metal clashing.


Glancing casually to his side, he found Kanami clashing with Lusamine.

Kanami's weapon of choice was a unfairly huge sword that was almost as large as Abaddon's.

It had a huge dull grey blade with a hilt adorned with gold.

"Hoh? I thought you were a woman but you seem to have quite the pair." Lusamine said with a dangerous smile. Luckily she was always on edge and prepared for anything, so she had plenty of time to react to this sudden attack and draw her own weapon.

'But what is this strength...?' She wondered.

"Do you dare to call our god by his given name? Such a transgression deserves a thousand painful deaths." Kanami said menacingly.

Clearly she was not the only one to feel this way as the entirety of the Euphrates army had surrounded Lusamine with their weapons drawn.

It looked like the succubus was about to be engulfed in an all out war, but luckily Abaddon acted as her saving grace.

"It is alright, I take no offense to Lusamine's words. She is close enough to me to know that I am not one for formality."

"That's right I'm like his big sister!"

"Don't push it."

"Then I'm like his sexy aunt!"

"Shut the fuck up."

Once the army saw the usual banter between the two, they realized the two were indeed closer than expected.

Sheathing their weapons, they once again dropped to one knee and lowered their heads in apology.

"Please forgive us, god."

Abaddon simply waived away their apologies and continued on with the reason why they had been called here. "Think nothing of it. I'd like to introduce you all to Lusamine."

The Euphrates briefly glanced at the woman who they were already painfully acquainted with and had mixed reactions.

"Regardless of your feelings about her, she is to be your instructor for the next three weeks. You will learn everything that she has to teach in that time, and then you will be appointed with a new instructor afterwards."

"Time out, time out." Lusamine said as she finally put away her weapon and rubbed her temples.

"Three weeks? There is no way that is enough time. And who would you send them to afterwards?? It's like you're preparing for a war or something!"

When Abaddon didn't answer, Lusamine's headache tripled in severity and she felt like she needed to go and lay down.

"Against who?" She asked exhaustedly.

"Now why would I tell you something like that? Don't you want to be surprised like the rest of the world?" He asked with a small smile.

Lusamine briefly felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest when she saw him smile at her, but she quickly stuffed down her lust when she heard his absurd words.

"You really know how to piss me off... Can you at least tell me where you got these guys from?!"

"They are vampires who've taken my blood and undergone the amica ritual." He explained casually.

"This..." Lusamine didn't even know what to say anymore.

Abaddon had created vampire-demon-dragon chimeras and he didn't even seem to be remotely aware of just how absurd such a thing was.

If she knew he'd created an entirely new species a few days ago, she would no doubt fall over from the shock.

"Exactly how much of your power did you give them?" Lusamine asked exhaustedly.

In response, Abaddon chuckled lightly and began walking away from the group.

"I trust you'll find the answer to that on your own, auntie."

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