First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 221 It’s Good To Be Home!

Chapter 221 It’s Good To Be Home!

After Abaddon's spatial magic started working again, the first thing he did was open a portal back home to Luxuria.

Staying in the castle was nice and all, but Abaddon still preferred to live here in this space of his own creation.

As soon as he stepped through the portal to his home, he briefly wondered if he'd fucked up and sent himself somewhere random again.

The place he'd found himself in was surely luxurious, but it wasn't his manor in Luxuria.

Instead of the usual antiquated yet lavish decor, he was suddenly standing in somewhere much more modern and well made.

The rest of his family began to stream through the portal behind him and they seemed to be just as surprised as he was.

Eris: "This place is gorgeous!"

Bekka: "Where are we?"

Audrina: "Is this really our home?'

As if to answer their question, a very familiar face appeared at the top of the staircase and made a very excited expression.


Malenia quickly flapped her wings and dove for Abaddon with outstretched arms.

However, one of the perks of being a husband to seven possessive wives was having your own sexy security team to halt inconveniences like this.


Before the fallen angel could even come within hugging distance, she received a powerful roundhouse kick to the jaw from Lisa.

Malenia flew comically through the air and landed helplessly at the foot of the staircase.

But instead of looking upset, she looked to be oddly pleased about something.

'Master's wives have even more of his presence and aura! It's like he's touching me himself!'

As the delusional angel lay on the ground caressing her cheek lovingly, Lisa wrapped Abaddon in a possessive hug.

"Thank you, my love but a kick was a bit much, no?"

"No it wasn't!" All of his wives cried at once.

This earned a small chuckle from Abaddon and he decided not to press the matter further.

Sometimes, he found it rather scary how alike they could be.

Separating from Lisa, he quickly took a knee beside the sprawled out fallen angel and gave her a small pat on the head.

"It's good to see you, Malenia."

Even if her perversions were unwelcome, he had still come to see her as an extension of his family the same as the triplet maids and Lusamine.

But evidently, those words proved to be too much for her to bear as her eyes began to fill with tears and she shuddered at his welcoming touch.


"Don't put words in my mouth." He denied.

"Then can I put my boo-"


Before Malenia could even finish her perverted sentence, Abaddon gave her a small slap on the back of the head.

"I see that if I give you an inch you'll take a mile. Perhaps I should return to treating you harshly to ward off such undesirable statements. "

Abaddon's small provocation had sent the fallen angel into a serious dilemma.

Did she prefer her master's soft sides or rougher sides better??

'My heart feels warm whenever he treats me like family, b-but I also feel rather tingly inside whenever he steps on me as if I am an insect!'

Malenia's breathing began to get heavier by the second and she began to writhe around on the ground as she imagined the blissful heaven of both versions at the same time.

"What is wrong with auntie Malenia?" Mira asked cutely.

"She's very sick."

"Is there a cure?"

"No." Apophis answered.

Mira suddenly gave the woman lying on the ground a pitiful look.

It was so unfortunate... she was going to be like this for the rest of her life.

Suddenly, the triplet maids emerged from a room down the hall and eagerly ran up to the family they served.

"Oh, you all are home!"

"Welcome back everyone!"

"We've missed you!"

After exchanging greetings and pleasantries, Abaddon finally asked about the current state of his home.

"Girls, what happened to the manor?"

The three girls tilted their heads in unison and made confused faces.

Why did they not know about lady Valerie's renovations?

Suddenly, the group heard a small sound of laughter and turned around to see Valerie wearing a small proud smile.

"Fufufufu... It was hard to hold this one in, but I have to admit that seeing your faces makes my efforts all worth it!"

Valerie had been making full use out of her new ability to split her body.

While her original body remained alongside her husband in Upyr, a clone was dispatched to Luxuria with the goal of carrying out this secret project.

Valerie had long felt like their home needed some renovations and after finding inspiration in Upyr and her husband's memories, she knew exactly what kind of home she wanted to create.

"Well, do you all want to see what I've done?" She asked happily.

Moving to the front of the group, she took Abaddon and Mira by the hand and prepared to start walking down a particular hall.

"Wait." Bekka suddenly said.

"That's right, we're forgetting something important." Lailah added.

Again, Abaddon was amazed and horrified by his wives power to think the same way at once as they all turned to face the three maids.

Or more specifically, the youngest among them with the largest chest.


In an instant, Nita was swarmed by all six wives and being interrogated.

Lailah : "When did you start liking my daughter?"

"W-Well I guess it was the day I saw her training in the backyard?"

Bekka: "When do you want to get married??"

"I-I really haven't thought that far ahead!"

Eris: "I hope that the two of you will be very happy."

"T-Thank you, my lady."

Lisa: "You're both so cute! Why didn't you tell us!?"

"W-Well I was a bit new to liking women and... I didn't know if you would want a servant to be with your daughter..."

Abaddon: "Don't be silly. All of you girls are already family."

Valerie: "That's right but is flirting really all you two have done?"


Audrina: "Or are the two of you having sex already??"

Nita finally looked like she was on the verge of short circuiting and her entire face began to get hot. "W-We we we...."

Finally, Thea appeared in front of Nita in a flash to shield her from her inquisitive parents.

"W-What are you all asking her? What kind of questions are these??"

"Normal ones?" Audrina replied with a shrug.

"They are certainly not!"

Before any of her parents could embarrass her even further, Thea grabbed the blushing succubus by the waist and the two of them disappeared into her own personal divine realm.

"My daughter is so cute when she's shy like that." Bekka said with a nod and a smile of approval.

Fits of intense laughter burst out of everyone present.

It was good to be home and this closeness and level of comfort had been something that they had all missed dearly.

But among the merry bunch, there were two individuals that were not smiling as brightly as the rest of them.

If you asked Tita and Rita if they were happy for their younger sister, then of course they would say yes.

But there was also a small part of them that was jealous and wanted that same happiness for themselves.

Instinctively, the eyes of both women drifted towards two particular men.

Rita found herself glancing sadly at Apophis, wishing that the circumstances between them were different.

And Tita found her eyes glued to Abaddon, and she cursed herself internally for still harboring feelings that she knew she shouldn't.


True to form, Valerie had uplifted the entire manor into a much more modern and extravagant home.

Herself and a small team of dwarves had renovated this place from top to bottom, replacing the old wallpaper and tile with a fresh coat of red paint and black marble flooring.

The rooms had seen the biggest uplift, as each one was now much more spacious and breathable than before and had been updated with higher quality furniture.

The bathroom had also received a facelift, as it no longer resembled a small indoor hot spring and was now closer to a large heated pool.

Lailah now had an official laboratory that was located underneath the manor next to the dungeon where both of her sisters were still being kept.

Valerie had outfitted it with all of the bells and whistles the young witch could ever need, and Lailah had become so giddy that she nearly passed out.

The family had long needed a proper hall for training and so Valerie thought it was only right to build one.

It was a large forty foot structure located in a newly developed clearing behind the manor.

Inside there were a few training weapons lining the walls and even a few training dummies that, like the building itself, were designed to repair themselves from any damage taken.

Although Valerie had warned Abaddon that even though she'd designed this place to be as sturdy as possible, she was not certain if one of his abilities would be too much for it to handle.

He made a mental note not. to start creating black holes or anything like that in here and they continued with the rest of the tour.

After coming back inside, the family traveled upstairs to the master bedroom and Valerie's smile was the widest it had been all day.

Opening the door, the first thing the family noticed was that they were missing a wall.

In actuality, the northern facing wall had been knocked down entirely and replaced with a layer of one way glass.

This gave the family a perfect view of the beautiful city below at all times, and Abaddon could only imagine how beautiful such a scene would become at night.

On either side, there were pitch black curtains to blot out the light whenever the family was particularly exhausted or Valerie and Abaddon had a hangover.

The bed had also received a much needed upgrade and now Abaddon and all seven of his wives had much more space than before.

Although, such a thing would probably go unused for a while as everyone enjoyed cuddling up next to one another before they fell asleep.

"Val, this is amazing!"

"It's so beautiful!"

"I love it so much!"

Valerie stuck out her pronounced chest with pride as her family smothered her in grateful hugs and cheek kisses, making her feel like all of her effort had paid off in full!

But there was one person whom she wanted to hear from the most.

Turning to Abaddon, Valerie's disposition became much more shy and nervous. "Do you like it...?"

Finding that question silly, Abaddon laughed heartily before pulling her in close for a hug of true appreciation and love.

"My wife has outdone herself. This place is even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined."

"Fufufu~ Then you have to reward me properly you know?"

"Oh? Then let's find out how well made the bed is."

As the dragon casually tossed Valerie onto the bed, Eris recognized that things were quickly going to become very explicit and immediately tried to prevent a disaster.

"W-Wait you two! The kids are still in the room!"

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