First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 203 Lost Control

Chapter 203 Lost Control

Within Lucifer's palace, the fallen angel was still seething with rage.

He had already cut the connection with Abaddon, but when he tried to reclaim the sin of lust, he learned that he no longer even had it!

Lucifer wasn't sure how such a thing was possible, but it only served to add to the frustration of this already annoying day.

"Bastard... BASTARD!!!"


Lucifer kicked a nearby wall and vaporized it into utter nothingness.

He was about to continue his angry rampage when the sound of dainty footsteps inched closer to him and he instinctively knew what was coming.

Out of the corner of his eye, Igrat appeared wearing a stunning red dress and a concerned look. "Where is my grandson? And don't lie to me, all of hell heard the two of you arguing so tell-"

Tired of the sound of her voice, Lucifer reached out and grabbed Igrat by the neck, threatening to snuff out her life. "Not... another... word..."

He dropped the woman to the ground and walked away from her just as his transformation became undone.

"From this day forward, you will not mention Abaddon again until the day I lay his corpse in front of you."

Igrat did not understand what was going on, but she could not prevent the tears from falling from her beautiful face as Lucifer's words finally set in.

She truly loved her grandson, and she had long vowed that she would kill any being who tried to bring him harm.

But how was she to do that when all of her powers were useless against the one who was trying to kill him?

"Oh Abaddon... Please forgive your grandmother for being unable to protect you..."





As soon as Abaddon finished reading the last message, his eyes widened in horror as he realized what was about to happen.

"Girls, you have to get away, right now!" He ordered.

Initially, all of his wives were confused and almost did not listen to him.

Why would they leave their husband when he was very clearly in distress?

But when his body began to glow with a dangerously bright light, Audrina and Seras instinctively knew that they had to obey.

Seras and Audrina immediately sprouted their wings and grabbed the other wives before pulling them up into the sky.

However, they were met with some protest from the more stubborn wives like Valerie and Bekka.

Bekka: "What are the two of you doing!?"

Valerie: "Put us down, we have to help him!"

Luckily, neither of the vampires obliged and all seven of them watched as Abaddon returned to his true appearance as a massive three headed dragon.

But there was a problem.


Audrina conjured a sturdy and powerful shield to protect herself and the rest of the wives just as Abaddon suddenly conjured up a powerful storm of red lightning.


The eye's of all of the girls widened when they noticed a tiny crack in the shield that the strongest one among them had created.

"Girls, you have to get away! I can't control my powers!"

As if to prove his point, Abaddon suddenly froze the ocean behind him for several miles without even batting an eye.

Next, he conjured up over fifty black holes that began swallowing up the now frozen ocean and parts of the beach without even leaving a trace.

His breathing began to get faster and faster as he tried and struggled to reign in the storm of abilities inside of him, causing him to accidently begin expelling blasts of dark purple flames from his nostrils.

Without his system to regulate his powers, he had no way to control himself.

It was like he was suddenly trying to drive a real car after only playing pario cart his whole life.

And it seemed like the harder he tried, the more destructive powers became released.

The gravity on the beach suddenly increased nearly 100 fold, crushing nearby trees and marine life that were fleeing from the out of control dragon.

"Why is this happening?! Why can't he control himself!?" Lisa had tears in her eyes and she wasn't the only one.

It was very clear to all of them that Abaddon was in a great deal of pain and yet he was still trying to tell them to flee from him.

"Girls... his memories!" Lailah suddenly said.

By using their connection to Abaddon, the wives were able to see the events that had occurred after he had fallen asleep on the beach.

Shock, anger, and sadness all flooded their minds as they realized that what was potentially their husband's greatest weapon had just been taken from him.

And this was the result.

"H-He needs help, we have to do something!"

None could deny Eris' words, but they were all unsure of what to do.

Luckily, Lailah had become quite adept at showing her intelligence in tough moments.

As she laid out the plan, all of the girls nodded resolutely.

Her plan was rather dangerous, but they could wait to be scolded by Abaddon after they helped him.



The group suddenly separated, and they immediately got to work on calming him down.

Valerie was released to fall onto the ground, where she promptly used her earth element to erode the ground beneath her husband.

Eris came down alongside her a moment later, and her eyes glowed a beautiful dark green as she strengthened and utilized the roots of the destroyed trees to wrap around Abaddon's body and immobilize him.

Audrina used her newly gained blood manipulation ability to slow Abaddon's heartrate and pulse.

Seras and Lisa changed into dragons as well, and both of them expertly flew through the storm of black holes before they tackled their husband to the ground and lay on top of him.

Abaddon's body was still crackling with vibrant red lightning, so both girls were feeling a bit of pain as well.

If it were not for the crest that they both had that marked them as his wives, this would have undoubtedly hurt quite a bit more and may have even killed them.

But if it meant that their husband would be okay, both girls would gladly suffer through anything.

"What are you girls doing!? You're hurting yourselves; you have to get away!"


Bekka emerged in the form of a very large wolf, and she immediately utilized the power of her darkness to shut Abaddon's mouths and blind his eyes.


Finally, Lailah landed on top of the middle head and immediately tried to give her love a crash course in control.

"Husband, it's okay. We know what you've lost, and we know how hard you're struggling right now but you have to realize that your powers are still apart of you. Please, just trust us and listen to us."

Abaddon understood what the girls were trying to do.

By binding his body and making him concentrate, they were effectively trying to force him into a meditation.

It was reckless, and he wanted to scold them, but the combination of Audrina's blood manipulation and Lailah's words was making such a thing rather difficult.

The voice of Seras began to whisper by Abaddon's left head. "Think of your powers as extra limbs, husband. They will not do anything if you don't tell them to."

Lisa nodded and suddenly began to speak to his right head. "Your abilities are just an extension of you, honey. If you calm down, you will be able to feel it."

Listening to her words, Abaddon began to take deep breaths and tried his best to concentrate.

There was something about being surrounded by all of his loved ones that made the process a bit easier, and he could visualize each and every one of his abilities that were running rampant inside of him.

The longer he concentrated, the easier it became to get them all back under his control.

The black holes disappeared, his body lost it's electric current and the gravity on the beach finally returned to normal.

While he was still in the form of a massive three headed dragon, he was no longer destroying everything around him.

All of the girls let out simultaneous sighs of relief when they realized that the crisis was over.

After they released him from his restraints, he wearily rose up again and prepared to offer his wives his sincerest apology.

"Girls, I-"

Valerie: "Don't say it!"

Audrina: "We already know how you feel."

Lailah: "It's not your fault!"

Lisa: "We know you didn't mean it."

Bekka: "So you have nothing to feel guilty for."

Eris: "Just don't scare us like that again, okay?"

Seras: "Or we'll kill you."

Abaddon would have laughed if he wasn't so exhausted.

So instead, he simply lowered his heads in thanks. "I'm so lucky to have all of you by my side. I'm truly...happy..."

The dragon meant to finish his sentence, but the ordeal he'd just went through had finally caught up to him and he fell over into the sand, passed out.

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