First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 202 Aftermath

Chapter 202 Aftermath

What does a man do after he becomes the undisputed king of an entire race?

Does he engage in business matters?

Dine on the bodies of beautiful women?

Or maybe even sit down to a lavish feast with his family and other nobles?

For Abaddon, the answer was nothing so annoying and complicated.

After his coronation ended, the newly evolved dragon kidnapped all of his wives for some much needed alone time.

Currently, Abaddon and all of his wives were on a private beach enjoying his version of a movie date.

By linking all of their minds and replaying old memories, the dragon was able to give these women an impromptu cinematic experience.

For the past several hours, they had done nothing but lay on their backs and allow their minds to be expanded by the glory of modern movies.

Lisa : "Honey, what is this one called again?"

"Roar's moving castle."

Eris: "It's so beautiful..."

Bekka : "The food in the movie looks better than regular food!"

Abaddon nodded, pleased that she understood the greatness of anime movies. "Ghiblet films are known to have that effect."

Valerie: "A moving castle.... I could make something like that... I could totally make something like that!"

Audrina: "Remember Val, we aren't supposed to be talking about work matters right now."

Abaddon finally sat up and stretched his limbs. "Although maybe we should. Two of you have seemed like you wanted to say something for a while."

The dragon's eyes immediately landed on Lailah and Seras, who both looked like they were about to burst at the seams.

The faces of both girls became slightly guilty, and they immediately looked like they wanted to crawl away and hide.

"N-No I can wait I promise!"

"As can I! It is truly nothing important!"

Neither of them wanted to spoil this moment of perfect family time.

But... they were just so excited!

Abaddon let out a happy chuckle before he patted his lap. "It's alright girls, I've kept you waiting long enough. Let me hear what you have to say. "

While Seras was still hesitant, Lailah could no longer control herself and practically teleported into Abaddon's lap.

"Husband, I can make them!!"

"Make what?"

"T-Those things you always talked about! Long range communication devices!"

Immediately, Abaddon became intrigued. "Truly? How?"

Lailah went on to explain how her mother had been very forthcoming in their study sessions.

She had actually divulged the method behind the creation of magical devices that allowed the user to communicate with someone even if they were on an entirely different continent!

"I already have Mammon working on securing the materials, and if I can borrow a few of Valerie's dwarves then I should be able to mass produce them by next month!"

Abaddon could hardly believe it.

This was great!

He thought they were still a long way off from developing this kind of thing, but leave it to his first wife to supersede his expectations!

"Well done my love. I'm quite proud."

Abaddon placed a warm kiss on Lailah's cheek that made her blush and caused her to receive envious looks from the other wives.

She took her time getting up, wanting to enjoy the warmth of her husband for a bit longer before leaving his lap.

Once Abaddon's lap was free, he gestured for Seras to come towards him but her frustration over having so many unanswered questions made her a bit more excited than Lailah was.


Seras barreled into Abaddon like a bullet, knocking him back into the sand and forcing a laugh from Abaddon's throat. "Ha! It seemed my wife was more impatient than I expected."

Seras' face became as red as her eyes as the reality of what she'd just done set in. "I'm sorry, I just have so many questions!"

"Why do I suddenly feel stronger after you evolved?! How much stronger did you get after evolving!? Did you get any new abilities?? What are your new conditions?? And why the fuck can I suddenly do this!?"

Seras suddenly held up her hand and a black cloud of death encircled her pale fingertips.

Abaddon had no idea where to begin so he simply answered all of her questions one by one.

Seras was awed once again when all six of his other wives revealed that they suddenly gained an ability as well.

Lailah gained his powerful red lightning.

Bekka had gained his criminally unfair regeneration.

Lisa received his ability to sense souls.

Valerie became able to split herself, although it seemed as though she was only capable of creating one clone at most.

Audrina was gifted his ability to manipulate blood.

Eris learned that she was now capable of generating and manipulating ice.

And the whispy dark smoke that Seras had displayed earlier was very clearly his death element.

"I've told you, my love. Whenever I grow all of you will as well. And since you are all a part of me, that means that you gain some of my abilities. "

"And..." Abaddon suddenly held up his hand and it began to glow with a strong ultraviolet light.

"I gained this after receiving the blessing of another abyss king. I have to admit that I'm-"



"My love!"

One by one, all seven of Abaddon's wives leapt on top of him and clamored to plaster his face with kisses.

"Why didn't you tell us that you got another blessing??" Eris asked in between kisses.

The dragon immediately realized he'd made a massive blunder. "Ah... Would saying that I forgot be an acceptable answer?"


Unsurprisingly, the deluge of affectionate kisses that he was receiving soon turned into aggressive bites and stomach punches.

But of course with Abaddon's newly evolved body, most of the girls ended up hurting themselves instead.

He began to feel a bit bad for forgetting to tell them, as he knew full well how worried they were about his less than two year timeline.

"I've told you girls, there is not a single force in all of creation that can keep me away from our family. Whatever I must do, I will do. There is nothing else to be said about it."

Needless to say, Abaddon's words made all of his wives very happy.

He was immediately besieged with another barrage of hugs and kisses, and he accepted all of it with a smile on his face and a lightness under his heart.

Eventually, the group all huddled together on the beautiful beach and fell asleep under the permanently starry sky of Upyr.

Just as Abaddon was about to fall asleep, he realized he had neglected to answer one of Seras' questions.

Going to the evolution section of his system, he read his own conditions and nearly let out a sigh of frustration that woke all of his wives.

'Seriously... this one will take a while...'


When Abaddon opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that instead of waking up on the beach in the embrace of all of his wives, he was instead in a place that he was not familiar with.

It was a dark throne room, illuminated only by fiery torches that sat on either side of the great stone throne.

Seated in the throne was a devilishly handsome man with a pale yet healthy skin complexion.

He had curly red hair that paired perfectly with his glowing red eyes that seemed to peer through Abaddon's very existence.

Behind his back were the most beautiful wings that Abaddon had ever seen, as each second they seemed to shift to a new color.

Based on those alone, Abaddon found it relatively easy to piece together this man's identity.

"My dragon grandchild has become ruler of the leeches." Lucifer chuckled as he reclined back into his throne. "Congratulations on your evolution, as well as your rise to the throne."

Abaddon was rather unsure of what to say, or even if he could say anything.

So instead, he merely sent the fallen one a nod of thanks.

"Ah, you can speak now so don't worry. I'm using our connection to communicate instead of grasping your soul through some crude methods."

Abaddon tested it out and he truly was free to speak.

Now that he knew he could do so, he only had one question.

"Why have you called me here?"

"Can't I just want to see my favorite grandson?"


"Boo, you're no fun." The archangel said with a sigh. "Alright, the truth is I called you here to discuss a potential partnership."


Lucifer nodded and continued to explain. "The endwar is almost upon us. Soon all of the major pantheons will partake in this battle in the hopes of claiming the world of earth for themselves."

Suddenly, Lucifer rose up from his throne and began walking towards Abaddon's phantasmal form.

"It is evident to me that you will be the next ruler of the abyss. What I am proposing is that the two of us combine our armies and split the earth together! In doing so we will cleanse creation of those filthy humans and mow down any who would interfere!"

Truthfully, Lucifer had a motive behind his actions.

After continuously witnessing his connection with Abaddon experience interference, he could no longer allow for any unknown variables.

Michael's words had gotten to his twin brother, and now he had to know where Abaddon stood.

The dragon fell into a long silence.

If he was honest, the thought of cleansing his old world from existence did appeal to him, but he knew that it was only the lingering resentment from the treatment he'd received as Carter.

And after Thea became his daughter, any desire that he felt to drive humans into extinction had been thoroughly suppressed.

"I'm not interested." Abaddon said simply.


"It is true that once upon a time I hated humanity, but that time appears to have past. Now I simply feel sorry for them. They could be so much more, yet they waste their time squabbling over nothing like rodents. Perhaps in a few hundred years, they will have the opportunity to learn that on their own."

Lucifer was visibly trembling.

It was one thing to say that he did not want to participate in the war, but from what Abaddon was saying it sounded like he wanted the humans to live!

"You overgrown lizard... You dare refuse my generous offer for them...? FOR THOSE APES!?"


The skin on Lucifer's body began to crack and fall away until the handsome man from before was no more.

Lucifer had suddenly become a large red skinned demon with imposing black horns and the eyes and legs of a goat.

Engraved into his chest was a pentagram that glowed with malicious power.


Abaddon could not explain it, but he wasn't afraid of Lucifer anymore.

After recovering some of his memories, he felt as though he was watching a child throw a tantrum.

"I have given you my answer. Your tantrum will not change it."


The hate fueled roar of the king of hell himself was more than enough to cause the walls around him to crack and crumble like they were made of sand.

Lucifer seemed to recognize that Abaddon truly was not afraid of him and his rage practically doubled.


Abaddon finally snapped.

Even in his ethereal form, he changed into the appearance of a massive three headed dragon with eyes embedded in his wings and diamondlike scales.



In one of the deepest layers of hell, the one called the adversary, and the one once known as the great enemy of all life were engaging in a fearsome standoff.

Finally, Lucifer's frustration ceased and he banished Abaddon from hell with a few final words.

"Your death is imminent, Abaddon! You are nothing without me and you never have been!!"


Back on Upyr, Abaddon sat up in alarm, sweating and somehow out of breath.

His wives sensed something was wrong through their connection and they all immediately woke up and came to his side.


"We're here husband, what is the matter?"

"It's okay, everything is going to be fine."

Unfortunately, Abaddon could not hear their soothing words.

Something else currently had all of his attention.



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