First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 190 The Real Dynamic Duo!

Chapter 190 The Real Dynamic Duo!

As five black clothed figures dropped down onto the floor of the sisters' room, they wasted no time in approaching the bed where they slept.

The intruders made no sound, and their faces could not be seen through their masks.

Just as the men were about to grab the girls from their bed, they were suddenly bisected cleanly at the waist.

"What the hell?!"


As the men hit the ground, their midsections were suddenly encased in thick blocks of ice to stop them from bleeding out or regenerating.

The temperature in the room suddenly plummeted as the windows, door, and ceiling vents were all completely frozen over.

Unsurprisingly, the two girls sat up on their own, wide awake and utterly untouched.

The girls had felt eyes on them for quite a while after entering the room and decided to play a little game to catch them.

"Can Mira slice the bad guys next time?"

The young ice dragon was seemingly oblivious to the cries of pain from the grown men on the floor, her biggest gripe stemming from the fact that she did not put them in that state herself.

"Okay fine, next time you'll attack and I'll immobilize." Thea conceded.


As the two stood over the disconnected bodies of the intruders, Thea's sweet sisterly demeanor disappeared almost entirely.

"Who sent you here? What were you going to do with us?"

Mira who had never seen her sister behave like this before found her to be incredibly cool.

'Sister is awesome.'

As a response, the mysterious assassins gave only the expected answers.

"Crazy brats!"

"Fuck you!!"

"My legs! My goddamn legs!"

Two of the assassins drew blades to pierce their hearts and brains, however a well made pair of icy shackles was more than enough to thwart that plan.

Thea sighed before glancing sideways at her sister.

"What?" Mira asked cutely.

"Can you keep a secret, Mira?"

"I think so?"

"I'm going to need a bit more of a commitment than that, little sister..."

"Then I knows so!"

Looking at her cute little sister that had clenched her fists and made a determined expression, Thea knew that this was either going to go perfectly or terribly.

She just wished she knew which was more likely.

Against her better judgment, she decided it would be best to trust in her sister's words.

Thea held up her hand and her simple bracelet transformed into a clawed black gauntlet embedded with various jewels.

"Tonight you're going to get a crash course in torturing, but you can't tell our mothers. They already think you're seeing too much for your age."

Thea was specifically concerned about her more gentle mothers like Lailah, Eris, and Lisa.

She could only imagine the amount of scolding she would have to listen to if her mothers found out she was being a bad influence.

Mira didn't understand why her mothers thought she was seeing too much, but she quickly decided this would be a secret worth learning and nodded her head in agreement.

"Mira will tell no one except father!"

Mira made it a point to show her father all of the cool things she learned in an attempt to follow in his footsteps.

The dragon also took great pride in knowing he was raising a daughter that was every bit a monster as he was.

While he knew some of his wives concerns were valid, he couldn't help but be proud!

"... I guess that's fine but just make sure he knows it's supposed to be a secret."

The assassins who were listening on the ground snorted in contempt.

They had been training longer than these girls had been alive and they would never talk no matter what they were forced to endure.

Suddenly, the gems on Thea's gauntlet began to glow before bladed tendrils whips formed along the length of the weapon.

The assassins that were so confident mere moments ago let out several gulps as Thea slowly began to walk towards them.

"If you tell me what I want to know, we can end this a lot sooner."

Seeing that the men were still not complying, Thea decided she'd pick one at random and work her way through all of them until they told her what she wanted to know.


Just as Thea was about to begin, the small voice of her sister made her pause.

"What's the matter?" She asked, genuinely confused.

Mira ran towards a nearby nightstand and rustled around a bit before she found a pad of paper and a pen.

"Okay! I'm ready!"


Isabelle was in her room waiting patiently to hear a report on the job she'd requested.

She decided that the best way to get information about any powers or potential weaknesses of Abaddon was through his two young daughters.

No matter how hard she tried, she just could not understand why a man like that would be playing father to a human and dragon that were clearly not related to him by blood.

Knock, knock, knock!

Isabelle's eyes immediately narrowed as she stared at the door.

No one should be trying to disturb her at this time of night, and the men she had enlisted to kidnap the girls would never have come through her door so casually.

When Isabelle opened the door, she stifled a gasp when she saw a horrifying scene.

Both of her nieces were standing outside her door with splashes of blood spattered across both of their faces.

The oldest had an annoyed look on her face as she stood there with her arms folded while the younger one was happily holding a man's head.

"Hello auntie, can we chat for a minute?" Thea asked with a smile that was not a smile.

Neither of the girls waited for the vampire to let them in as they pushed into her room and made themselves at home.

Mira cutely placed the head she was carrying on a table before finding a nearby seat to review her notes.

Isabelle sighed as she closed the door. "Look I don't know what you think but I never intended to hurt the two of you."

"How funny." Thea said as she casually sat on the bed.

"Auntie is a liar." Mira agreed without looking up from her notes.

"It's true! I only wanted to have a simple conversation!"

Isabelle couldn't figure these girls out.

The way they were acting was completely unlike what their ages and appearances would suggest.

"We want to have a conversation too, but know that if we feel like your answers are untrue or unsatisfactory we will call our parents."

If Abaddon ever found out a word of what happened tonight, he would no longer care about becoming king and would reduce this castle to rubble.

Not only him, the girls' mothers have rather poor reactions as well.

Leaving Isabelle with only one option.

Walking forward, her bright violet eyes met Thea's bright blue ones.

"Forget everything that happened here tonight. Go back to your room and-"

"Oh please." Thea said as she rolled her eyes.


"My mind cannot be tampered with anymore. I suppose it is another benefit of being a living weapon." Thea said with a shrug.

Isabelle stepped back in horror.

What kind of human girl could not be compelled by a stage four vampire?!

And what did she mean about being a living weapon??

Her headache was getting worse by the minute.

"Tell daddy?" Mira asked.

"Hmmm... not yet." Thea denied.

Thea casually inspected the high quality fabrics she was currently staining with blood before returning her focus to her shocked aunt. "Let's say you are telling the truth about wanting to have a conversation-"

"She's not." Mira replied.

"I know, little sister, but let's just humor her for a bit, okay?"

A vein bulged in Isabelle's forehead as Thea continued.

"If you were really telling the truth, why would you send those men into our room in the first place?"

Isabelle sighed before moving to her nightstand and pouring herself a drink. "They weren't going to harm you, all they were supposed to do was bring you to me so that we could talk."

"About what?"

Instead of answering immediately, Isabelle threw back three more drinks in rapid succession.

"About that so called 'father' of yours."

At the mention of Abaddon, both girls' gazes became noticeably more serious.

"He is our father." Mira said pointedly.

Mira did not respond, but the temperature in the room was beginning to drop rather quickly.

"Whatever..." Isabelle did not understand why they were acting so loyal to a man whose blood they did not share.

"I needed to get information on him without falling under that damn spell of his again and you two were my only option."

""Spell?"" Both girls tilted their heads at the same time as they gave their aunt a dumbfounded look.

"Don't look at me like I'm crazy! I know that he's using some sort of spell to worm his way into my mind and he's even used it on my sister too!"

Even now, Isabelle could feel it.

The desire to stop this pointless crusade and embrace this gorgeous unknown man and all of his ideals without batting an eye. "I need to free the both of us before the entire kingdom falls into his hands!"




"... Auntie is an idiot."


A vein began to bulge in Isabelle's forehead. "I'm not an idiot!"

""Yes you are.""

"Gah!!!" The vampire became so frustrated that she crushed the glass in her hand into powder without even realizing it.

"This is stupid..." Thea said with a sigh.


"Father wouldn't use his powers on someone like you and he most certainly would never do anything like that to my mothers. If you can't stop thinking about him, it's probably just because you want to sleep with him like everyone else."

"Sleep with?"


Thea had gotten so annoyed by her aunt's accusations, she'd forgotten that her young and impressionable sister was still sitting a few feet away.

"S-Speaking of sleep, we should go find a room without bloodstains!"

Before Mira could ask any more inappropriate questions, Thea scooped her up in her arms and began heading towards the door.

"W-Wait! I do not want to do that with your father!" Isabelle yelled with a red face.

"I don't really care about how perverted you are, but if you think my father has any sort of ill intentions for this kingdom, you just haven't been observing him long enough."

When the sisters exited the room, Isabelle was left alone with nothing but silence and her constant stream of thoughts.

"Am I... truly not under a spell?"

When she remembered Thea's final words about observing Abaddon, she shook her head to free herself of dirty fantasies.

"Alright, Abaddon... I'll find out what kind of man you really are."

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