First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 189 Declaration!

Chapter 189 Declaration!

After Audrina declared her intention to pass the throne to Abaddon, Isabelle felt like her head was going to explode.

Being the younger sister of the vampire queen was ridiculously tough.

A few months ago, Audrina had dumped all of her work onto her sister without so much as a goodbye and ran off to Asherah knows where.

Not only did Isabelle have to run the affairs of an entire race on her own, her sister would return several months later claiming to have gotten married!

To make matters even more surprising, she had been the one to give herself instead of the other way around!

Meaning that Audrina had given herself and everything she owned over to this unknown man without a second thought!

And now she was talking about passing over the throne to him as well?!

He wasn't even a vampire!

"You... you're insane. There is no other way to explain it." Isabelle finally said. "I knew spending so much time hanging upside down as kids would fuck up your brain eventually."

"My brain is fine you little imp!" Audrina growled.

"Apparently it's not if you can't even tell the difference between a vampire and a goddamn dragon! No, wait... is he a demon too?!"

Just as Audrina was about to respond Abaddon spoke for the first time.

"It's a bit rude of you to ask questions about me like I'm not here. If you want to know something about someone, shouldn't you ask that person directly?"

Isabelle shouldered when his voice reached her ears for the first time and she immediately wished that this man would never stop speaking to her.

However, that didn't mean she could ignore his statement.

"Hoh? A-A bit fiery aren't you. I-I can almost see why my sister likes you."

Abaddon moved past the girls and came to tower in front of his sister-in-law.

"You have questions? You should ask me. You want to complain? You're more than free, however it will change nothing."


"At the end of the day, my wife has placed her trust in me and asked me to lead her people to prosperity and I will do so."

Isabelle's breathing had become slightly labored and she was having an even harder time not jumping onto Abaddon with him right in front of her.

"H-Has my sister not warned you of the unrest this will surely cause?!"

"She has, but what does that matter?"

Isabelle was able to realize a few things upon speaking with Abaddon.

The first was that it was a good decision to wear pants today, otherwise the clear stream running down her legs would be visible.

Secondly, she realized that despite Abaddon's mature behavior and body, he was actually rather young.

Not only was he not a demigod like Audrina, he was only a mere first stage evolved.

She was sure that the male vampire lords would tear him apart if the female vampires didn't fuck him to death first.

"L-Look I don't know if you're just being overly confident or what but even if you have my sister at your back she cannot protect you from-"



Abaddon's aura exploded, causing Isabelle to take several steps backwards.

'What... is he?'

The power of the man in front of her was uniquely suffocating.

Even if it lacked some oppressiveness, the feeling it gave off was truly frightening.

So much so that Isabelle had temporarily forgotten she was an entire three stages above him.

"If I say I am going to do something, I will accomplish it without slinking in the shadows of others."

He found the implication of otherwise to be incredibly insulting and it was not taken lightly.

"O-Ok I get it so can you calm down now?"

Abaddon suppressed his aura and the woman finally relaxed.

Audrina suddenly came to his side and took his arm while staring down her sister.

"This is going to happen, Isabelle. Whatever fallout may come will be dealt with appropriately."

Seeing the seriousness of her older sister, Isabelle knew that there was very little that she could do to dissuade her from making this choice.

"Whatever..." She finally said. "As long as I don't have to do that mountain of paper work on my own anymore."

She walked past the group to exit the throne room and go rest after what had easily become the most stressful day in her recent memory. "I'll start the preparations... be ready to deal with them when they arrive."

After leaving without another word, Isabelle's mind was overloaded with various thoughts.

For some reason, even though she pointed out the absurdity of Abaddon wanting to be king, she could not find it within herself to refuse him.

His appearance, his conviction, his demeanor, all of it served to seduce her thoroughly, making any other man seem inadequate by comparison.

But there was something else.

As soon as her eyes fell on him, she found herself willing to comply with each and every one of his requests, no matter how unreasonable they may have been.

Isabelle valued her mind and intellect above all else and as a result, she could tell when it was being tampered with.

'What was that? Could he perhaps have my sister and I under some sort of spell?'

Isabelle's theory became more and more plausible the longer she thought about it.

To make matters worse, everything within her body was telling her to do nothing and simply obey.

'His presence is so serene, he's completely trustworthy.'

'Do as he asks, and you may be rewarded.'

'You don't need to worry about anything.'

Clutching her head, the sister of the queen stumbled into an empty hallway and began bashing her skull against a nearby wall.

"Focus Isabelle, focus!"

She had to do something while she still had the presence of mind to.

Both this kingdom, and her sister had to be saved from the clutches of the power hungry dragon who had invaded their mind.


After letting Mira run around and play in the throne room to her heart's content, Audrina showed the girls to their rooms and began dragging Abaddon and his other wives towards the bedroom.

After being ignored earlier, one could say that she was feeling more than a little promiscuous and she would ensure that all of her needs were satisfied to her heart's content.

"Must you pull us like this, my love?" Abaddon asked, although the smile on his face indicated that he did not dislike her eagerness.

"I-I don't mind but aren't there more productive things we should be doing with our time here...?" Eris was becoming more and more open with her desires but she still remained shyer than the others.

Seras was not complaining at all and if the wagging of her tail was any indication she was just as pent up as Audrina was.

"I can't help it! It's all of your fault for leaving me..." Audrina's words suddenly trailed off as she sensed movement within her room.

The gears within her mind slowly began to turn and she soon had a frightening realization.

"O-On second thought, Eris is right we can do this another time!"

She quickly tried to run away, however she was not the only one to sense something coming from inside her room.

And with Abaddon's ability to see auras even through walls, he knew exactly what was on the other side of those doors.

Wresting himself free of Audrina, he pushed open the door to her luxurious room only to find around twenty scantily clad men.

Each of them was extremely handsome and were bowing with their heads facing the ground.

"Welcome home, mistress!" They said in unison.





As Seras fought to suppress the urge to laugh out loud, Audrina was boiling internally.

Before she'd left home all those months ago, she had been in such a rush that she'd forgotten to properly dispose of all of the 'toys' she had in her collection.

At the time, all she had on her mind was Abaddon and nothing else mattered!

All of the women soon found their eyes on Abaddon and stepped back when they realized he was trembling.

Abaddon considered himself to be a very rational man.

Most of his wives were older than him by hundreds if not thousands of years.

Realistically, there was no way he was going to be the first man for all of them.

He knew that, sure.

And with time, he was able to accept it.

But today, his rationality was completely broken.

Faced with all of these men who had seen the body of one of his precious wives, his reaction was admittedly very poor.

With every shaky breath, sparks of dark purple flames could be seen falling from his mouth.

By this point, the men had realized something was wrong and realized that their mistress was not alone.

As soon as their heads were raised the last thing they saw was a frenzied, monster in the form of a man.

In this moment Abaddon cared nothing for spells and he had no interest in weaponry either.

If he didn't feel the lives of these men extinguished with his own hands he would never be able to rest peacefully again.

No matter how loud their screams became or how desperately they tried to run, it did nothing to appease or dissuade him.

When blood was finally done flying and had sufficiently stained the walls, the wives waited silently for Abaddon to say anything to reveal his current mental state.

With his back turned to them, he was silently staring at the limp corpse of a man who had been impaled by his tail.



When Abaddon turned around, they could see just how irritated he really was.

Even though his body was stained with blood, they could see that traits from his bloodlines had emerged unconsciously.

His horns had lengthened, black scales had formed on his arms and jawline, and strangely enough, a third eye had opened up in the middle of his forehead.

"You wanted to play, right? That's fine." As Abaddon began to walk towards the trembling vampire, she was caught between a conflicting sense of fear and arousal.

"I won't let you break, so take everything that I have for you, okay?"


While Audrina was experiencing death by coitus, Thea and Mira were snuggled up together in bed.

Even though Thea had gotten older, the girls still enjoyed sharing a room and chatting late into the night when they were supposed to be sleeping.

With the two in bed, Thea seemingly rolled over in her sleep and clutched her younger sister tightly, a display that would warm the heart of even the most unfeeling man.

In their dark room illuminated by nothing but the moonlight, it seemed as though the sisters were going to sleep comfortably yet again.

Unfortunately, the five dark figures that dropped from the ceiling were counting on just that.

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