First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 160 Helios The Calamity!

Chapter 160 Helios The Calamity!

Barbello, The Land of Witches

The witch queen Sei was exhaustedly combing through a pile of clothes and was on the verge of tearing her hair out.

After returning from Antares, she immediately contacted the best dress makers and artisans she could find to purchase the most lavish items they possessed.

She was spurred on by the previous humiliation her youngest daughter had subjected her to several months before.

This time, she would make sure that she was wearing the finest of clothes possible as a means to not only steal her handsome husband's attention and ensure a deal, but to let her daughter see that no matter how hard she tried she would never best her.

"But what do I even wear!?" She cried in frustration.

In a mad dash, she'd over prepared and now there was a mountain of exquisitely beautiful clothing on her bed.

Desperate, she had the maids call for her two daughters that she loved more than anything else in this world.

There was a knock at the door and Sei did not even bother to see who it was. She merely picked up the first two outfits she saw and held them up to her body that was currently covered by nothing but a bathrobe.

"Tell me, my sweeties..."

She spun around dramatically to come face to face with Lailah's older sisters, Meredith and Morrigan.

The girls stared at each of the outfits before nodding to each other in agreement.

Morrigan : "Mother looks best in green."

Meredith : "The green dress compliments your figure the best."

Sei excitedly threw the clothes in her right hand aside and snapped her fingers.

The outfit within her hand appeared on her body a moment after and she nodded in satisfaction.

"My girls are truly the most precious treasures in my kingdom!"

The two sisters showed pleased expressions before they spotted the mountain of clothes on the bed.

"Is mother going somewhere important?"

"You seem to have prepared a great many outfits, will you be gone long?"

The witch queen analyzed herself in a large mirror against the wall. She took the time to carefully adjust her dress so that her breasts appeared to be on the verge of spilling out, yet were firmly in place.

"With any luck, I'll be back within two days with a new alliance and a new father for you both." She said with a promiscuous smirk.

The ears of the two witches perked up and they looked at their mother with confused faces.

Whenever their mother brought home a new father for them it usually did not require this level of planning or coercion.

They wondered about what man could be special enough to warrant the use of such tactics, but they soon realized that only one man would come to mind.

"That hybrid?"

"The husband of that incompetent whore?"

"Yes and yes." Sei replied with a smile.

The two sisters looked at each other and immediately knew they'd had the same idea.

Morrigan : "I would like to come along."

Meredith : "As would I."

Sei looked back and forth between her daughters before nodding slowly, easily able to deduce their motives.

"Alright... but I get to play with him first. I do not mind allowing the two of you to have a taste before we are officially wed. But do remember you can't come jumping into our bed every night after that happens."

The two girls nodded furiously as they licked their lips in anticipation.

""We'll go get ready!""

The girls turned around and prepared to leave with their mother when an unfathomably awful pressure descended upon their bodies.

Sei's face immediately became pale, Morrigan almost threw up and Meredith became dizzy.

As the sky darkened, Sei and her daughters ran out onto her balcony and looked up in horror to see the same scene that billions of others had experienced before they were reduced to ash in an instant.

He was absolutely enormous.

At over 100 meters tall, even leisure beating of his eight huge wings was enough to cause gusts of wind that destroyed any weak buildings below.

His body was covered in immaculate golden scales that made him look like the incarnation of the sun itself.

Though the most unsettling thing by far were his three heads that contained fearsome red and black eyes, each one trained directly on the witch queen below.

Luckily, most of the citizens below were not conscious to witness such a fearsome scene. Upon undergoing the change, the pressure coming off of Helios' body was enough to cause anyone stage three or below to faint.

"W-Why is he here?" Meredith asked in a panic.

"What is going on?" Morrigan asked as she tried to stop her body from trembling.

"I-I don't know babies but stay close to me, alright?"

She could not think of anything she could have done to antagonize the golden dragon!

'W-Was I too rude the last time? No, he would have said something then if that was the case!'

The witch queen wracked her brain for anything that she could have done to offend him, and after a few seconds her mind came to only one horrifying conclusion.

'The spies!'

As a paranoid ruler, Sei had spies implanted in every continent in Dola.

Some were in higher positions and others were merely low-level street thugs who were responsible for reporting to her everything that happened within their assigned area.

With a unique magical tool that she had developed privately, she was capable of communicating with her spies over extremely long distances.

It was how she knew about Abaddon's excommunication when news like that should not have even been able to reach her for weeks at the very least.

"King Helios please quell your anger, I can explain!" She pleaded.

The dragon king did not even bother to speak.

There was nothing that the witch queen could say that would spare her from what was coming.

'I am not going to kill you, witch queen.'

Sei suddenly heard the voice of the dragon king echoing inside of her head. However, she knew better than to relax because of his words.

'For the sin of planting your filthy rats within my kingdom, I am going to erase yours from the face of this world.' As he spoke, the air around him began to heat up and his body began to glow with a dim white light.

Sei immediately conjured up her strongest defensive magic and encased her entire castle in it. It did not take a genius to know that what would come next would be nothing short of nightmarish.

There is a reason why Helios speaks telepathically in his dragon form.

It is because when he opens his three heads to speak, what follows can only be unrivaled destruction.


Helios' pure white aura suddenly exploded into millions of tiny particles that covered a twenty mile radius in an instant.

As if Barbello was suddenly in the midst of a brutal winter, small flecks of pure white sprinkled down to the earth below.

As soon as a white particle made contact with the surface below, there was an eruption of blinding white fire that nearly blinded Sei and her daughters.


"Mother, stop him!"

Sei's children just didn't understand the reality of what was in front of them.

There are gaps between even the demigods and Helios has the widest gap between them imaginable.

The only possible way to bring the golden dragon down was if all of the leaders of the world teamed up to kill him but even then, the casualties would leave at least six of the eight continents without a ruler.

On her own, there was no way Sei could stop Helios.

It was already taking a considerable amount of her power to stop his white flames from burning through her magic barrier too quickly.

She was forced to watch powerlessly as her entire capital was razed to the ground in an instant.

As a ruler, the grief she felt for her people was unimaginable.

"My lords."

Helios' voice rang out across the land and the pressure became even more overbearing when three more giant dragons descended from the sky.

There was a serpentine dragon with dark blue scales and a body that appeared to be several miles long.

Another dragon was black in color with bright yellow scales across her face and wings.

The final dragon to appear was the largest of the newcomers.

She was sixty meters tall with dark red scales the color of blood. behind her back were five massive pairs of wings. Each of her claws appeared to be sharp enough to shred a mountain.

"Drive the witches into near extinction."

The dragons roared to obey his command and a wave of destruction that superseded biblical proportions unfolded.

Lotan roared as his yes glowed with a bright blue light. Immediately the surrounding sky became dark and in a moment it was pouring rain.

Tiamat's body began to crackle with electricity as she dropped enormous arcs of lightning onto the land below.

Seras however would fly a bit further out to where the lands had still yet to be touched.

She needed to see for herself just how massive her power had become.

In the blink of an eye, she was already hovering over a city in the midst of evacuating.

Seras' entire body began to bleed horribly.

As her own blood spilled onto the city below, it hardened and became sharper and more deadly until giant spears of blood were raining down upon them.

Those who didn't die instantly had to watch in horror as the blood javelins seemingly gained sentience, traveling from one target to another and wreaking devastation.

Even as a dragon, Seras could still display a wide toothy grin.

There was an entire continent for her to play on, all thanks to the benevolence of her king.

Being a dragon lord truly was the best!

Seras became excited about her formidable new powers and became desperate to try even more.

Seras' spears suddenly stopped destroying and regained their liquid form.

Once the blood had returned to it's original state, it once again merged together to form an enormous tornado of blood.

'This is so much fun.. I can't wait to tell him all about this!!'

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