First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 159 Heading Out

Chapter 159 Heading Out


The source of the god awful screeching was none other than Abaddon's most loyal subordinate, Malenia.

She was currently plummeting from the sky with her arms out stretched and a manic grin on her face.

[Spell : Mist body, activated.


The fallen angel had intended to collide with her master's perfect body and smother his face in kisses, yet her attempt was in vain as she somehow passed through his body and face planted into the dirt.

"Master is so mean! I haven't been causing any trouble like a good girl and you're still so cold to me!" Malenia pouted.

Abaddon found her to be slightly cute in this moment. He would have offered her a head pat had she not attempted to molest him mere moments ago.

"I don't like to be touched." He reminded her.

"Y-You were touching that elven woman just a moment ago!"

"Must I truly spell it out for you? She is a special case." He said exhaustedly as he helped her up off the ground.

The fallen angel took his hand like it was the most precious thing in the world.

Her breathing became heavy and her eyes contained a visible madness as she tried to commit every line and detail of his hand to memory before he could pull it away.

Unfortunately, he recognized her motives and channeled electricity into his hand, giving the angel a small shock.


"Don't be a pervert." He scolded.

Malenia rubbed her aching hand and once again began to pout.

"Why can't I have a reward?!" It had taken everything in her to listen to that grumpy old Rabisu for several days, it goes against her very existence!

Yet she did it anyway in the hopes that she might please her master and be rewarded by him.

But he hadn't so much as thanked her ever since he woke up!

Abaddon sighed and rubbed his temples in frustration.

He was not averse to rewarding his people when they had done something commendable, but the problem was that Malenia wanted things that would get her killed by either he or his wives.

He did not wish to see such a loyal and capable subordinate die so gruesomely.

"I will honor your efforts by giving you a reward you desire... However, I will not sleep with you or allow you to touch me inappropriately."

A spark of light flashed in Malenia's eyes as she knew what she wanted right away.

"I want-"

"I will not touch you inappropriately either."


"Nor will I marry you."

"Booo..." The fallen angel's rising joy deflated like a popped balloon.

After several minutes of deliberation she finally decided on the next best thing.

"The next time you leave Luxuria, I wish to accompany you!"

While Abaddon was not expecting this, he was not necessarily against it either.

Truthfully, he was just grateful that she did not ask for his dirty bedsheets. His mind would never be able to forget the instance where he caught Nita about to lick them one morning.

"We leave in a few hours then. Do you need anything?"

Malenia's entire body began to vibrate with excitement. Her master had agreed! He had truly agreed!

She resisted the urge to leap into his arms and try to kiss him again.

Instead she displayed a crazed and maniacal smile while maintaining her composure. "Where are we going?"

"The age of night dungeon, the dungeon of anguished beasts, the dungeon of sacramental dread and the dungeon of the lost." These four were the closest to him and would allow him to complete one of his evolution conditions right away.

Malenia looked incredibly excited. She figured that since all of her master's wives were monsters in their own right, he must have a thing for strong and powerful women.

This would be the perfect chance for her to show her own fearsome strength and make her master want to screw her brains out!

Alas, he had no such fetish but the fallen angel was utterly unaware of such a fact.

'I'll show him! He will be unable to resist my body once he sees what I am capable of!'

Abaddon could naturally hear her thoughts and almost considered mentioning that she wouldn't actually be doing anything.

When Bekka went with him on his first dungeon excursion, she was never even brought into the testing grounds.

She remained unconscious on the dungeon floor and when she awoke, she had fabricated memories.

Alas, Malenia was happy so he did not burst her ever-growing bubble.

He just hoped the dungeon masters did not give her any strange memories while she was resting.


A few hours later, it was time for the moment Abaddon and his wives were dreading the most.

The entire family was outside and they were surrounding two young girls who had no idea what was going on.

Abaddon was the first to speak and he was clearly the most nervous.

"My daughters... your mothers and I are going to be leaving for a while."

Mira's face immediately became sad and Thea's was much the same.

"H-How long will you be gone?" Mira shakily asked.

This was what Abaddon and his wives were dreading.

They knew how much their children relied upon them and it tore them apart to leave them like this. But they had to leave or else they would never be able to give them the kind of life they deserved.

"For a week... I'm sorry gir-"

"Oh? Okay then!" Mira suddenly wiped her eyes and resumed her usual cheerful expression.

"Please be safe, father." Thea offered, her eyes already regaining their cheerful bright blue light.

Immediately it was as if the air had been sucked out of the space they were in as the parents stared at their children in shock.

"You're... not upset?" Lailah asked in surprise.

The two girls looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Mira's going to go hunting with the cookie brigade!"

The cookie brigade was what Mira called the twenty or so demons who had become infatuated with her after seeing her monstrous combat abilities in the last battle.

If they had any problem with their name, they certainly did not mention such a thing.

"I asked general Absalom to teach me how to fight so that I could be strong like all of you..."Thea explained shyly.

She had wanted to keep it as a surprise but unfortunately it seemed as though the cat was out of the bag.

After seeing the way her whole family fought so splendidly to protect what was theirs, she was filled with the desire to do the same.

The adults remained motionless.

Malenia who was watching nearby was wondering why the family had expressions as if they'd seen ghosts.

Even Audrina who was going to be at home with the girls was completely taken aback. She thought she'd get to have unlimited cuddle time with her daughters this week but it seemed as though they had made plans without her!

Heartbreak could not even begin to explain how she was feeling right now!

But there was one person who was taking it even worse than her.

"W-Why didn't you ask me to go hunting o-or teach you how to fight?" Bekka was on the verge of tears and her cute ears had drooped pitifully low.

"I-I wanted it to be a surprise!" Thea quickly said.

"D-Don't cry mommy, we can go when you get back!" Mira had no idea that in trying to cheer her mother up she had doomed every animal within 100 miles of here to die a very cruel death.

As the two girls consoled their mother, Abaddon was still trying to process what had just happened.

'Have my sweet girls entered their rebellious phase already?'

They hadn't.

'Is it time for them to leave us so soon?'

They were literally still incapable of cooking their own food.

"I guess I always thought I would have a bit more time..." He finally muttered in defeat.

"Would you two knock it off!" Valerie had finally had enough and grabbed Bekka and her husband by the ears.

"It's a good thing the girls won't cry when we're gone! Why would the two of you want them to be sad?"

Lisa and Lailah nodded silently in agreement.

"We don't but..." Abaddon began.

"We still want them to miss us!" Bekka finished.

Thea and Mira each gave their distraught parents large hugs.

"Of course we'll miss you!"

"We always miss you when you're gone!"

Finally, the distraught parents were lifted from their dark moods as they returned their daughters hugs.

"Honestly... they're such hopeless parents." Valerie muttered but the smile on her face confirmed that she did not hate that about her family.

"They'll probably be inseparable when we return." Lisa reminded with a smile.

"Probably is an understatement." Lailah added.

Soon the group separated as Abaddon and four of his wives headed towards the city gates.

Trailed by Stheno and 1,000 of the rabisu, the girls blew their husband kisses goodbye as Lisa transformed into a dragon and allowed the three women onto her back.

Abaddon watched as his wives flew off into the sky headed east.

"Are you sad, master?" Malenia suddenly asked.

The dragon considered it and gave a surprising answer. "No. I know I will see them again soon."

It hurt to be away from his wives since they were all pieces of himself but there was no other choice.

If he did not separate from them now then their time apart in the future would become much more permanent.

Three pairs of huge draconic wings shot from his back and he shot into the sky faster than lightning.

"Hurry if you do not wish to be left behind."

Excited by the challenge, Malenia sprouted her own black feathery wings and followed behind her master.

The two of them continued to break the sound barrier as they headed for the first dungeon at breakneck speed.

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