Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 217: Can A Wyvern Become A Dragon?

Chapter 217: Can A Wyvern Become A Dragon?

"By flooding with appropriate Elemental Energy."

D's answer made Lee turn around, and nod after a second, in comprehension. The sovereign added-

"When a lesser wyvern comes across an area with suitable elemental presence, like a volcano for lesser fire wyverns or a chilling mountain peak for lesser ice wyverns, they find a suitable place where they are not inured, but can absorb a massive quantities of the elemental energy. After continuing this process for years, the elemental assimilation comes to an end, and the beast wakes up as a greater wyvern.

The beast must also be very careful. In this time period, it can only open and close its eyes, and that is the only movement it could do. It is literally equal to a helpless infant. A wyvern can only go through this process once in its lifetime, so it must be careful and prepared when choosing the location.

The purity and concentration of the elemental energy can influence the degree of the wyvern's greatness. If the lesser fire wyvern floods itself with the energy emitting from a passive volcano, then its transformation gives a lesser boost to its attributes."

Lee sat down on a chair, and was thinking about what D had just said. After staring at the blue sky for a few minutes, he peered at D and asked-

"Is there any possibility that the Snow Wyvern had gone through the flooding process? It has been living in a dungeon, so."

Hudson sat on the nearest chair, and spoke-

"Your assumption is true. It has not gone through the flooding process."

Lee jumped up from the chair and raised a different question-

"Can a wyvern transform into a dragon through any process?"

D, who was making a smoothie, looked at Lee with a frown. His face had disbelief written all over his face. Quickly producing three smoothies, D walked to the table.

"I am sorry, what? A wyvern to transform into a dragon? That is absurd! Though both belong to one large family, they are distinct and cannot change from one to another."

Hudson replied to the question with his opinions and evaluations. A silence followed his shouting, and D slowly slid one smoothie to Lee, and one to Hudson. After taking a sip, the sovereign clarified-

"Actually, it is possible."

Hudson was stunned by this revelation. Until now, this Mana user had thought that a wyvern cannot become a dragon under any circumstances. The sudden disclosure of a fact which toppled down this belief was quite breathtaking.

"The process is called Metamorphosis. It is a very rare phenomenon, because it has a few strict conditions that must be fulfilled. The strength, affinity, power, element, resolve, constitution and luck of the beast influences the process. It is so rare that in my entire lifetime, I have only seen one such transformation." (D)

"Let us first transform the wyverns to its greater elemental form. Then we will think about Metamorphosis.

D, can you construct a flooding chamber for these wyverns?" (Lee)


7 PM.

11,500 Essence harvested.


D nodded and tapped the table's surface. The Workshop interface opened, and D began to create complex and gigantic constructs in it. Lee and Hudson closely observed the process, while D's hands drifted in the air without breaking the flow.

Time moved forward without any concern. The flying fingers of Dnekewy was too fast for an eye can follow, but Lee precisely saw every tiny movements of his hand. Hudson had finished his smoothie, and had emptied D's cup too. Glancing at the workaholic sovereign, he went to grab a couple of smoothies. Its taste was to his liking.



Thirty nine thousand seven hundred Essence was used to materialise three cubic chambers with sides 14 metres each. At a glance, it looked nothing more than a giant cubic aquarium, with nothing inside.

When the glass chambers appeared out of thin air, the three wyverns felt something, and quickly stood up on their limbs and scanned their surroundings. After seeing the cubes, they sensed an unknown pull towards it, and Lee too perceived this pull felt in those beasts' souls.

"Tell those wyverns to step into it."

As D gave instruction, one of the glass walls surrounding the chambers disappeared. Lee promptly conveyed the instruction to the wyverns and they vigorously flew into the chamber. At once, the disappeared glass wall appeared back, and the wyverns did not show any signs of distress.



Nothing happened. Other than the wyverns comfortably falling asleep, nothing happened.

Lee and Hudson peerd at D for an explanation. D felt the stares and spoke as his eyes were fixed on the giant glass cubes.

"These boxes look simple and transparent, because of many sophisticated and complex machineries I have integrated into this construct. More than 300 independent mechanisms are designed in these glass cubes. It is all for the sake of the wyverns.

Normally, it would take at least a decade for these wyverns to complete the flooding and transform into greater versions. But these chambers would decrease the decade into a few days."

Lee was sure that the physical appearance of glass is actually a deception, and is to provide real-time observation. But he never expected D to have integrated so many mechanisms in these transparent boxes.

Hudson was not surprised anymore, because he was expecting something extraordinary with these boxes. From his evaluation of Dnekewy, he would only be surprised if he spent thousands of Essence on useless glass trinkets, with no hidden contraptions.

"Can you explain, D?"

Lee asked, and D replied-

"The time that a wyvern needs to transform into a greater version, is at least a decade. In this long span of time, the wyvern will have its muscles, bones, nerves, blood, internal organs and skin slowly and steadily reconstructed. That is why it can only open and close its eyes, so that it can only observe the surroundings and calculate the time that has passed by. If it even moved by a millimetre, the process would be flawed.

As beings of less patience, their urge to stay active may overshadow the will to stay put. So I designed these glass chambers to drastically cut down the time consumption, without any side effects. And about the mechanisms I have installed, see them for yourselves."

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