Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 216: Taking A Head Count

Chapter 216: Taking A Head Count

"Professor Lee, how do you feel now?"

Erikko's voice came from his behind, and Lee turned around. The principal had to take a step back as tiny lightning strikes flickered over his body.

"I heard about the incident from the students. So, you now have an Elemental Constitution?"

Lee raised his arm and waved to his side, and lightning flashed out of his hand. It dashed at the seats, but soon disappeared as Lee had retracted his hand. Erikko took it as a yes, and he was impressed by this new knowledge.



4 PM.

11,500 Essence harvested.


Lee had quickly gone to his quarters to get a new set of dress. After settling the energy through meditation, he came back to the training ground where his 13 disciples were waiting for him.

Blindfolding one by one, he evaluated each student's sensitivity to Mana. When he manifested a lump of Mana in his arms, the surprise was for him, as the Mana showed properties of lightning. It silently flickered from time to time, and it was a feast to eyes for the remaining 12.


After evaluating their level of keenness, Lee spoke-

"We will keep training your sensitivity with Mana for a week. Then we will switch to Mana containing objects. Until everyone of you could sense Mana from a distance of 10 metres, we will keep this going on."

Additionally, Lee asked the students to try and sense the Mana inside them and if possible, try and manifest it. The request proved its difficulty as the students began to feel tired and sloppy very quickly. For those who are accustomed with using spells, this voluntary act was troublesome.



6 PM.

11,500 Essence harvested.


The serenity of the dusk rippled across the orange sky. The twin stars were showing an urge to hide behind the sea. Birds flew with vigour, in an effort to reach their nests. Nature and the animals embraced the soothing starsets.

*rough breathings*

A long edge of the training ground had a lot of short grasses growing, and the thirteen students sat while breathing heavily. Sweat flowed like a stream from their foreheads and their robes were drenched. For the first time after entering the academy, these students sweated buckets for the first time.

"It is okay to feel tired. This is your first time voluntarily manipulating Mana, and that is why you all feel powerless. Let us stop today's training here. We will meet again tomorrow at noon."

Lee spoke with vigour and strength. Unlike these kids, he was energetic. His endurance was at least twice the combined stamina of all these students. His words gave a sense of relief to the students and some of them slopped on the grass. Some tried to stand up, but found that their hindlimbs are too weak to support their body.

Finding their helpless condition, Lee produced 13 low quality Stamina potions. Upon drinking them, the students felt a quarter of their strength coming back. Without questioning the content of the potion bottle, they thanked the professor and promptly went to their dormitories.

Lee also went to his residence. It was a small room next to the boy's dormitory, and had a bed and an attached bathroom. A small table with a chair next to it could be seen in that 8 metre long and 5 metre wide room. A pair of windows on one of the walls was facing the setting sun.

*vague conversations*

Since that independent room was next to the dormitory, Lee's acute auditory senses picked up vague conversations. It had nothing informative in it, and Lee closed the curtains and laid down on the bed.

'D, how long for the next earthquake?'

[It wont go beyond a year.]


Lee opened the System Space and entered inside. The mansion proudly stood in a distance, and the cafeteria was visible next to it. The wyverns were flying high in the sky, and four minotaurs were snoring loudly as they slept.

Upon sensing Lee's arrival, D walked to him. The oldman was slightly younger than Lee had seen. Behind him was Hudson following his footsteps. Lee scanned around and gave a comment on the space.

"The space had become more lively."

It was then the four dretrills came into his sight from behind the house. They were playing with each other, as they did not have anything else to do. Hudson found Lee's sight following the beasts and spoke-

"They are untamed, and can contend toe-to-toe with a lesser wyvern. Maybe it is because of lack of nutrition."

Lee remembered that he had not tamed those four beasts. D whistled and they halted their playful actions, and strided towards him. They promptly sat in front of D, as if waiting for order.

"They were rebellious when first released from the cages. I had to tie them down with some chains when they tried to pounce on me. It's been awhile since they have shown any expression of hostility. You may tame them now."

Lee stepped forward, and those beasts recognised his face. They have taken a glimpse of Lee's face when he was defeating the Illians. As he walked closer, they lowered their heads and looked him straight in the eye.

Without any further ado, Lee placed his palm on the beast's forehead, and the beast accepted him as its familiar. Repeating the task, Lee tamed the four Dretrils. When thinking about their Qi affinity, the memories of An came up in his mind. But he distracted himself from overthinking, and saved himself from welling his eyes.

Now the System Space had a Snow Wyvern, four Minotaurs, two Lesser Wyverns and four Dretrils. Lee was glad to know that one of the lesser wyvern was a fire variant, and the other was a wind variant.

"How do Lesser Wyverns become Greater Elemental Wyverns?"

Lee expressed his curiosity as he looked over his shoulders to two of them. D went into recollection of his memories and scratched his head for a second. Then he answered-

"By flooding with appropriate Elemental Energy."

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