Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 266: True purpose of the wedding

Chapter 266: True purpose of the wedding

While Lady Mito was making her arrangements for the wedding, Leader and Lucian were having the fun of their lives working as the instructors under the employ of Lady Mito, their favourite target was the wives of Yunan, the groom to be, and chief among them was Fortuna. As one could expect, Luna was a free spirit, one that could not care much about etiquettes nor about the ways of royalty, let alone imitate them or try to learn them. Luna was graceful by nature and thus never needed to be in a position where knowledge of the etiquettes was a must, not until recently when Yunan told her she was going to be the chief bridesmaid.

As to be expected from any female ever, she was squealing with delight at the news, making her way to Yunan and friends in a matter of seconds, and started talking so fast about dresses and color combination and things that Yunan seemed to omit from memory by virtue of being a man, he was there and was part of the conversation but whenever he looked back at it it was just white noise when the girls opened their mouths, at least he was smart enough to never show he wasn't part of the conversation and understood almost nothing from hours of participation in the conversation.

This white noise that Yunan experienced in his memories was his male brain refusing to comprehend or store any part of that conversation, it was meaningless and thus most of the auditory data was deleted. And contrary to his belief, Luna was rather happy that he didn't retain those memories, mostly because she was talking nonsensically trying to empress the little group of people, Yunan was both happy and worried, Lady Mito had a special hell for people acting like Fortuna, one that Dustan and Balin would swear on their lives they have never been through nor have they heard about it, it was simply so traumatic they just cut the whole thing out of memory.

So when lady Mito met Luna for the first time, she was flabbergasted, because what her daughter said about Fortuna being so fuzzy and in love was completely true, Mito did not know that Fortuna had two modes, Luna when she was next to Yunan being all lovey dovey, and Fortuna when there was work to do, so meeting with Luna was like meeting a fresh breeze, and Lady Mito had mistakenly thought it would be so easy to train this one into a goody two shoes that is so pleasing to the eye.

Well things did not go according to the plan, Fortuna really hated putting things in order and learning the proper order of things, she might be a god be she was definitely affiliated with chaos much more closely than with order, because luck works on minor details that should be outside the natural order, things with very low chance of happening can occur due to the presence of luck, thus getting Fortuna to actually care about the order of tableware and when to use them was harder than what one might think.

The happiest about this situation were the two guard dogs hired by Lady Mito, because Mito herself wasn't free enough to personally instruct Fortuna on the ways of royal behaviour and had to leave the job to her best students, she already had too much to do, and she really did not want to make Fortuna be as proper as her own daughter, especially because the two were loving the same man.

Walking and dancing on eggs was used to introduce Fortuna to the world of light steps, cat walks were introduced to teach her the elegant and smutty way of walking, purely to see how many noses would be bloodied when she stood beside the bride and kept swaying her enchanting figure, the order of using the tableware was forgone for the betterment of her attractive gestures during a meal, and lo and behold two flies had already found themselves caught in this honey trap.

Leader and Lucian did all they could to make each and every gesture made by the handmaids as sexy and blood boiling as possible, they were basically training geishas to change the wedding into a brawly type where the groom ends up punching a few repulsive guests and declaring his dominion over the handmaids, naturally Fae was on board with the plan and made her best efforts to keep Mito away from the training hall for as long as possible.

Each time Mito arrived to observe she missed the subtle hints when she saw Fortuna making the correct moves at the right time and saying the correct words as a response, she missed the geisha training signs because the handmaids were all beautiful girls and were flowing with sexuality, thus she attributed the extra flow to them trying to win a wedding ring from Yunan as well, meanwhile Balin and Dustan were hovering over the girls like a pair of smitten teenagers who has seen their first naked woman, and were adamant in the belief that the horny feeling was true love.

Being part of Debauchery for so long, swatting away Balin and Dustan had proven futility itself time and time again, thus the girls simply ignored the two and went on with their new training regimen on royal etiquettes, they knew full well what Leader and Lucian were intending to do and they just went with it because it would be fun to see some young masters try to muscle out Dustan and Balin away from the handmaids, more importantly will be the reaction of the female guests when they see the beautiful handmaids dancing and laughing with someone as ugly as Dustan and as uncouth and vulgar as Balin.

Would the ladies of royalty agree to dance with the two if the prettiest girls in the room did so with broad smiles and resounding laughter, would the young masters and impressively fat and possessive perverts try to keep the gems from the filthy hands of those two? The answer to these questions made the little girl in each one of them giggle so hard with anticipation, but that was only if Bai did his job and played the role of the shifty knight in shining armour correctly, he would be the control group, because he was somewhat handsome and had the aura of audacity about him when he dressed up, Lucian however would be on duty looking after Leader while Fae seduces her way through the pockets of any male she ushered inside the venue.

What does looking after Leader even requires? She was a strong independent woman who could scare the Members of Debauchery by simply looking at them, she has the power, the education and the temperament to never need no man nor servants for that matter, but there is always someone giving her a service of some sort, even Anne the newest member was not spared from the useless "care for Leader" duty, even if she stayed naked most of her time with Debauchery, she had to put on clothes in this wedding, thus she sat still looking as antisocial as possible, mainly because she hated people and secondly because she hated putting on clothes for others to see.

Leader truly did not need care, nor protection or any sort of looking after, she just like being the center of attention especially since her boyfriend met his maker in an unfortunate event of cheating and was caught red-handed by Lucian who went for the kill without even blinking, Leader might have done a bit more to the man before sending him to hell, so she appreciated Lucian when he said "you'd just ruin your purity" and the two had become closer ever since.

Ever since then any prospective boyfriend was thoroughly lectured, warned and subsequently broken up with by the other members of Debauchery, according to them Leader had the purest heart and any attempt at it must be regulated to prevent corruption. That and someone who looked as pretty and as pure as Mary made most men get the urge to just corrupt her and turn her into a wicked thing, fortunately for those men, the bright smile that came from Fae was more attractive and thus they were saved from dying unknowingly by getting toyed with knowingly and gladly.

Back to the training hall, the girls were getting lessons about coquettish behaviour and all the ways to ensnare the hearts of men from all angles, from subtle hints and lip service to bold touches and uninvited proximity, meanwhile Dustan and Balin were learning how to buzz even more repulsively around the girls. The purpose of this training was to create a parallel feeling to the one they give around Mary. When an outsider sees how the males of Debauchery stand beside Leader they will automatically think what loyal companions she found, what they were aiming for was that every single person seeing the two around the girls would think the same thing "how dare they exist on the same planet, breath the same air and even speak using the same language". That was the whole point of the wedding, to cause as much trouble as possible.

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