Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 265: Ongoing preparations

Chapter 265: Ongoing preparations

Upon making contact, Yunan could tell how ecstatic lady Mito was, she managed to convince emperor Hoshi and got herself to the pearl in record time, she arrived so fast Yunan almost thought she was using phase shift herself. Upon arriving at the palace of light she took a full night of her time to berate Yunan and Reina for not inviting here even once, she made sure they knew also a few more points about not sharing this palace with her beforehand.

Of course in the same room half of Debauchery were on their knees and repenting for not using the etiquettes that she spent time and effort to teach them, forcibly and against their will, but they graduated from under her hands and not acting properly was a sin in her eyes. Leader and Lucian were having a giggle at the repenting group, Birdie was enjoying the cuddles of lady Mito who apparently had a weak spot for red things, seems like that was why it only took one night of telling off for Reina.

Drogon and Sapphira has been through the schooling by Mito and they were snickering to themselves about the fun Ignis will have learning how to act all proper like a royal pet, and the fact that the treats given to her would be the ones actual pets get, not like the luxury meals she is used to having along the table of Debauchery, according to lady Mito, pets eat under the table and not above it, she probably will introduce a cage for Ignis to sit in because no king would be seen with a bird on his person unless he was hunting.

Well it took little time for lady Mito to get started with planning and spending money and mana towards that illusory perfect wedding that every little girl dreamed of, so before anything, she started her school of proper behaviour inside the private dimension and hired Lucian and Leader as her guard dogs while she pushed the calculating powers of the genie to the limit by designing fancy things starting from napkins with unrealistic embroidery to teaspoons etched with impossible details to tables and chairs with carvings so vivid the genie recommended using the actual animals in the carvings.

Lady Mito went as far as request the palace of light to be remodelled, something that got even the core control of the palace pissed off and it refused to cooperate with her, eventually the two came to a compromise in the end, Lady Mito gets to design the ideal reception room, and the core would make her one after getting a nice donation of materials and mana from her, Yunan felt for her his vaults as they started to lose their jobs one by one becoming empty after long years of service.

As the main smiths, Yunan and Balin had to forge prototypes of every design that struck the fancy of Lady Mito and like all women folk in all of time, she could not help but stare at two identical pieces- identical to Yunan and Balin- and spend hours with Leader and Fae debating which was better, and then introduce a third identical one into the line up to see how things change, and there were hundreds upon hundreds of Designs that Lady mito thought were good enough to be used, so many in fact that the genie had to upgrade its processing power by ten times in three days just to keep up with lady Mito and her fertile imagination, both smiths swore not to forge for another wedding unless it was the absolute last design, the one that will be used, because the number of waste materials they had to go through would make any other smiths in the world curse at them for being wastrels and accuse them of being the enemies of all smiths who could not even dream about the lost materials let alone use them.

When Yunan confronted lady Mito about the waste that was taking place he was answered with a rather difficult conundrum "you wanna marry my daughter and think this little wastage is too much? Do you even understand the value of the perfect wedding for my dear daughter? There is not enough money in the world! If you start getting stingy with me I will chop off your pecker and sell it for money, so disrespectful"

Yunan didn't understand the need for such fancy stuff, he knew for sure the kind of wedding his wife-to-be wanted, a little family get together, a few friends and acquaintances, lots of laughs and happy smiles, cosey place and a big bouncy fluffy bed for the night, and he agreed with her, a simple ceremony was all both of them needed to show they already belonged to each other, and that all this wedding business was to share the happiness with their closest ones.

However, at this particular moment there was nothing happy or joyful about the wedding, it was going terribly for the two who should be happy, when lady Mito heard the two grumbling about how the ceremony being planned was not what they wanted or had in mind, she immediately caught the two by the ears and dragged them into the training hall for more punishment, although she did tell them something that they would forever keep in mind when dealing with royalty in the future.

"Listen here kids, I know how much a simple ceremony would make not only you but your friends happy, we will have that after we put on a show for the outsiders, to the outside world, your happiness on this occasion is directly proportional to how big the mountains of gold you spent in the preparation, the more you show off the happier they will be for you, as for the people who know that you two getting married is just a formality to be observed, they really do not care about the wedding and would come to just see you take that formality. As for other guests like the neighborhood royalty or the guild employees, or the diplomatic agents, or even the gods and awakened, they all care about how fancy the wedding is, how the complexity of the embroidery does not lower the quality of the napkins, how the etching on the silverware would make the soup taste better just by existing, how bright the venue is with all the stained glass and windows around it, they would scrutinize the smallest detail while forgetting to notice how happy you, the most important ones, are with your wedding day, that is the way of kings, you must pay a mountain of gold to show how much you love your wife and pay two more to show you are so happy that you would force it on others who are not as happy as you are, this wedding is a show, the real wedding would be after all the guests go away and the real guests are left behind for the family-only dinner."

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