Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 167: First fight in the water

Chapter 167: First fight in the water

There was a rocky platform 50 meters under the edge of the cliff, the lighting was bad in this region which prompted the previous dark look and the endless pit feeling.

Taking a small jump to start moving in the water away from the cliff then using the tail to act as a propeller Yunan started swimming forward for a few kilometres without encountering anything in the water. With the bad visibility and the limited lighting Yunan started to feel he was too small to be in here, and decided to swim to the surface to check of he might spot something with better light.

There was a school of medium sized fish about arm length and thick as thigh, hundred of these fishes swirled around each other in an ever changing cloud. Yunan spotted this school around 20 meters below surface while he was swimming upwards. Yunan decided to shoot out some icicles and try to kill some of them, but he failed miserably, the aim was distorted, and hindered by water resistance, it took Yunan a good few hours to finally successfully aim and hit anything from a distance of 50 meters.

It was considerable progress because using spells in mana roch waters was not the best way to hunt anything, with that in mind Yunan used his crossbow to shoot a few bolts and had better success with traditional aiming, all the fish he caught gave modest points in one attribute or the other, after some experiments Yunan figured it had to do with the color of the eye, red for strength, green for constitution, yellow for dexterity and blue for wisdom.

While Yunan was digesting his findings while snacking on some fish flesh he noticed a shadow moving beneath his feet, the school of fish did not seem perturbed by the unknown presence. The shadow was not visible through the usual detection of the armor thus Yunan ordered it to add echolocation to the map function, Yunan could finally see what was beneath him.

It was a gigantic shark that was around 20 meters long, and had a jaw width of about 7 meters, it gently hovered at 30 meters below surface, it circled the school of fish afew times before suddenly lunging forward towards the school and ultimately Yunan who was just behind it.

In his panic Yunan discharged some lighting to paralyse the giant shark but only ended up paralysing part of the fishes before the lighting dissipated. The shark got a mouthful of fish and sharply swung back unaffected by the lighting discharge. Yunan hurriedly swam away and drastically increased the range of the sonar only to find himself surrounded by a school of sharks that all swam around him between 200 and 500 meters away, and only 50 meters deep.

Yunan also discovered many fish schools under attack at the same time as the one he was close to, therefore he decided to just fight his way out of this predicament. The first thought that came to mind was paralytic poison, he could create that poison as long as he had mana but that was also a waste of mana because unless he could deliver the dose of toxin directly into the system of the sharks he would have to spend so much mana filling the region with a big enough dose of toxin to take effect fast enough to stop any charging shark.

After asking Ophelia and Anne about if they had any ideas, they gave him the dart method, a bolt or an arrow with a hollow head that is filled with the toxin, the arrow head has a hole that is protected by something that would disappear as soon as the arrow penetrates something, with that description in mind, Yunan made the armor create a new type of bolts and an extra crossbow, since it was all under the control of the armor, the crossbows could reload very fast and shoot almost without stopping.

With his preparations ready dove down and hid his presence, swimming towards the closes shark, after closing into 20 meters he shot a single blot into the body of the shark, moments later the shark stopped moving and started sinking, Yunan followed after it and sent a lightning discharge into its brain killing it promptly, and an idea popped into Yunan's head, what of instead of having his bolts deliver toxins wouldn't it be more mana effective to just deliver something like a compressed elemental attack, a small bomb if you will.

However Yunan dismissed the thought immediately simply because he wanted to kill the monsters without doing much damage to them since everything is valuable, therefore Yunan used phase shift to return to the city and buy all kinds of venoms and poisons the guild had, it did not take long for the guild to provide Yunan with what he asked for with very generous amounts and basically very little money, according to the guild employee those prices were designed for alchemists and pharmacists to encourage them buying such ingredients and working on their antidotes.

"The guild has handled many venomous corpses and poisonous plants in order to sell the meat safe for consumption, most of those are treated as extra materials to be sold separately, the guild has amassed a big reserve of these materials over the years and since they keep piling up without much use the guild sells them dirt cheep for those interested in such things, you would be surprised to know what these materials are used for, anyway since you have bought such large quantities of materials from the guild you have gained a ton of guild points, as a token of appreciation from the guild".

"So the guild have too much of these toxins, huh, how about you double my order then, I thought i would be stretching the guild thin with my current order" the guild looked very happy to hear those words and immediately processed the order for Yunan. After a few hours a group of old men arrived and Yunan was told to follow them into the VIP room, where he was given 10 storage rings full to bursting with other storage rings, Yunan transferred the stored rings to his armor and returned the ten, such valuable rings were not for sale, Yunan told the representative from the guild to wait for a few minutes, he returned to them a ring as big as the other 10 full of empty rings, he told the representative that he could sell it if the guild payed a fair price for it.

Before Yunan left the building he was approached by the guild representative who gave Yunan a receipt for the price paid by the guild and requested Yunan to sell more items like these to the guild if ever he had some more. Yunan teleported himself home and allowed the armor to digest all the toxins slowly, he gave the shark he got to his girls for dinner while he tasked the genie and Ophelia to provide support for the armor and create a toxic that would kill fast, by causing brain death or heart failure within 10 seconds of contact and it should break by itself after 5 minutes from exposure.

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