Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 166: Facing the ocean

Chapter 166: Facing the ocean

After leaving the number 5 estate Yunan headed for the guild in searching for new items or books that could deal with water, he ended up buying some books and items and monster corpses. First in the list was predatory monsters, sharks and killer whales to be precise, Yunan made sure they were with their cores still intact so that the armor would be able to extract their traits more efficiently, the armor needed quite a number before changing its characteristics, most notably the tail where a big flat fin grew on its end and a dorsal fin on between the shoulder plates.

Second on the list were items that would allow Yunan to swim and float without sinking unless he wanted to, for that he got himself two diving books and two swimming books. Lastly, he bought items to prevent water from seeping inside the armor. With all preparation ready, Yunan sent the location of the door to his portable home to Debauchery and friends so that they would not disturb his underwater exploration, he told Kitty to go home and wait for him there.

Yunan left the city and walked into the beach, the pearly sand parted under his feet, and made him feel like he was already drowning in the blue ocean he was walking towards, as the first wave brushed against his feet he had to stop, he looked at the deep blue ocean and felt fear, he was feeling small and insignificant, he looked up at the luminous crystal making the ceiling look like a blue sky and felt he was safer on this side of the world.

Putting his armor on to help steel his heart Yunan put his hand on Drogon to gain some courage, the great dark depths were unnerving especially for the first time seeing them, after a good moment of preparation Yunan walked step by step into the big blue ocean feeling the water swallowing him bit by bit every step he took, the water was cold, chilling, and hostile.

Yunan felt a chill down his spine, but he still kept going until he was fully submerged, he walked a bit more until he reached a natural cliff that seemed to be rooted in the deepest and darkest abyss. There were small fishes that were swimming playfully around Yunan, that led him to take a second look around him, there was a coral reef full of life, he could see the colorful world underwater, a stark contrast to the abyss beyond the cliff, that brought some soothing to his heart.

Yunan started pushing with his tail to slowly float his way to the surrounding coral reef, he was by far the biggest living being in this place and for some reason he was quite attractive to the wildlife around, the fishes would dance around his arms and fingers, he could guide the dance by twirling his fingers and and moving them like the fished did. Time seemed to stop in this place, he was only awakened by hunger after losing himself to the hypnotically beautiful scenery, especially after the fear and insignificance he felt walking into the water.

Yunan returned to the market, bought some monster corpses and returned home, he found Kitty anxiously waiting for him with tears in her eyes, behind her were Lina and Nina who were more concerned about making dinner since their lord seemed to be hungry and had no injuries on him. Kitty was afraid and shivering in Yunan's arms, it must be the shared bond between them that led her to feel his earlier anxiety, she was relieved to see her master safe and sound however that cold depressing feeling was still weighing on her.

Yunan yook kitty in his arms and comforted her, bit by bit her feelings returned to their warm sunshine state, Yunan decided to give her a little happiness as thanks for being such a wonderful companion, for the first time in months Yunan spent the night in passion, although he did not stay exclusively with Kitty, it would be unfair for the other two who waited just as long for him to call on them.

After that night, Yunan told Kitty that no matter what she felt coming from him as long as she she kept her heart as strong and as warm as she was when with him he would always return to her.

Yunan left after breakfast to the beach, he stood there drawing energy from the warm and beautiful feeling that was radiating from Kitty, he then flew up in the air before diving back into the ocean past that cliff, he told genie and Black Fate to use the scanning features of the armor to find if there are any herbs and special fishes he could raise in his home, prompting the genie to construct and aquarium for him. The first order of business was to look through the reef eventually finding a type of sponge that could naturally produce mana, then it was a few fished that worked as the cleaners of the ocean floors who would eat all the waste and convert it into fertilizer for the underwater flora.

Yunan also found some sea grasses and algae that were mostly good for photosynthesis and storing oxygen and mana inside them. Other than that there was an oyster that could produce consumable pearls that provided a cleansing for the body, it should be worth a great deal, there were also some coral polyps that could grow a multicoloured reef mainly for sustaining the rest of the special species collected all that was left was to find more special specimens to populate the aquarium.

While leaving the coral and descending to the depth along the wall of the cliff wall, Yunan saw many things he did not recognize, but since neither the genie nor the Black Fate reacted he did not think about them until he passed by a luminous clam that emitted a multicoloured light, the clam was hiding in a hole in the cliff wall, it was as big as a helmet and inside it was a black pearl so big that it was forcibly keeping the clam open. Yunan reached his hands and grabbed the clam before scanning it with the Black Fate but there was no results, when he scanned the pearl however he got a pleasant surprise, the pearl was basically a biological space storage device the clam stores its food into, the bigger the pearl the bigger the space.

Yunan added it to his collection and took away the pearl from the clam, so it could make more, and along his descendants claimed a few more, the pearls were not always storage devices, some were luminous, some were predatory detectors, and many more functions, the last one Yunan found on the wall was a completely transparent clam with a shell made of crustal inside it was a crystal clear pearl that was merely a decorative item. Yunan decided to keep some of the pearls to feed the armor and some for jewellery production, after all he had too many women to play favourite safely.

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