Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 311


Bell roared, his eyes turned a striking purple along with his skill and the markings on his body pulsed with a devastating power.

Feeling the disturbance in the mana he created just by his sheer presence, finally, there was some reaction in the hollow eyes of subject number 2777. An eerie glow flashed in its empty sockets and its body moved slightly even without being given any orders.

BANG… stomping his feet on the ground, Bell flew like a cannonball and punched one of the golems with all of his strength.

CRACK…the mythril exterior of the golem that was said to be even harder than Blackgold, shattered from the force of his punch and for the first time in a while, the heavy body of the golem was sent airborne.

He stretched his hands on top of his head and easily stopped the smashing foot of the other golem. At this moment, Bell felt a rush of unimaginable power fuelling his body and he felt like he could do anything he wanted.

Dark smoke started being released out of his body and quickly spread around his surrounding. The mythril foot of the golem started losing all colour when that dark smoke spread all over it and before long it got completely corroded.

By applying just a little strength to his hand, Bell was able to easily shatter it. After losing its footing, the golem crashed onto the ground. The restorative ability of the golem which allowed it to rebuild its body again and again, failed to do as such this time making one of the golems partly useless.

The deputy head had an ugly expression on his face, the power that subject number 3093 erupted out with, astonished even him. In any other case, he would have jumped from his seat in delight seeing this scene however, right now the timing could only be said as worse.

The beast that test subject number 3093 had assimilated with, was kept strictly under a special room in their facility since the time it was first built. It was not per se unused up until now, but because the beast was too powerful when it was alive and its remnant will still remained, it almost rejected every host resulting in them going out of control and a violent death later.

There were more than hundreds of test subjects that ended up becoming casualties and deemed impossible to use by the other researchers. It was only because of the insistence of the cardinal that he decided to use it again after more than 50 years.

He who had expected another rejection from the beast and the host and surgery falling apart, was stunned to find a steady incorporation of the cells of two different races and instead of taking over, the two different blood swiftly agglomerated to become something entirely new.

The discovery was something completely new to them and after that no matter how new transplantation they made on the test subject that was now the host of the beast, the remnant will never rejected nor did it act up.

And finally, the result of their research and test, was standing in front of them. Although the boy had changed a lot, he still retained his human appearance and even managed to forge the beast marking on his body which was the first step of acquiring a [Beast Inheritance] an ancient skill that had shaken the world during the Second Apex War.

"If nothing is done, he will cause enormous mayhem to my facility which would be difficult to recover from" the deputy head cussed and mentally initiated his command.

Immediately, a never before seen flicker started flashing deep within the monstrosity's eyes and its six powerful legs started charging towards Bell.

After pushing back the two golems the boy fixed his gaze on those researchers but the enormous frame of test subject number 2777 covered his vision. The hollow eyes of the being was fixed on him and with a ramming charge of hundred bulls, it came stomping down.

The monstrosity, whose mass and height was more than four times his, could easily squash him underneath those bulky lizard-like feet. But that is only if he stood still, the being true to its frame, was no doubt extremely slow.

By the time the foot came smashing towards Bell, he had already disappeared from the place and appeared on top of its large scaly tail. Dark smoke released out of his hands and swiftly spread from the point of contact to the entire tail.

Just when it seemed that the scene with the golem earlier would repeat once again, the greenish scales all over the being's body started shining and absorbed the dark smoke. The corrosive effect of the dark smoke failed to achieve the same result and instead became the nourishment for the entity.

The monstrosity started becoming more active and even its movement which should be under total control of the deputy head started becoming a little bizarre. It was as if clashing with Bell was somehow stimulating its sleeping will.

"Not good" the deputy head narrowed his eyes, how could he who was controlling the subject number 2777 not feel its resistance?

The fear of the other researchers was finally coming true, the being was starting to get out of control once again. It was already a failed subject to begin with; however, due to its incredible sturdiness and resilience, some of the senior researchers at that time thought that it would be a waste to simply discard it and hence thought of a way of controlling it.

But the technique proved inefficient and the subject got out of control and eventually destroyed a portion of their facility. In a way, waking up subject number 2777 was kind of a double-edged sword guaranteed to also hurt the user.

All of the researchers looked at the deputy head with pale faces, from his anguished expression, they could tell that the monster was revolting. If that really were to happen, they couldn't imagine what would happen to this facility.

Bell dodged left and right making the beast incredibly annoyed, it opened its mouth wide and munch down on him but its speed was simply far too less. Meanwhile, Glenn was busy holding back the two golems one of which was partially damaged by Bell.

If it was before, he would have a tough time dealing with two at once but since one wasn't able to recover its lost foot, it became easier for Glenn to hold them down.

Though fighting them was annoying for him since he didn't have any attacks that could deal permanent damage to them. From the corner of his eyes, he spotted Chloe and Alice frantically searching for the exit point which should be somewhere in this place.

At this moment, the situation turned even more chaotic as Bell who was confronting the monstrosity, got caught in the hold of its tail. He who was getting used to his newfound powers and body, failed to allocate his strength properly and ended up tripping.

The monstrosity which was hot on his tail, didn't miss this moment and immediately caught him with its tail which was more agile than its body.

GRRAAOORRR… the monster growled and an emerald glow emitted out of its body. Bell who was engulfed by this light and the deputy head who was controlling it, screamed miserably, blood continuously seeping out from their nose and mouth.

"I-It's using [Essence Absorb] again to try and devour subject number 3093…pfttt.. urgh" a mouthful of blood was spat out of his mouth and his control on the monster was getting fainter and fainter.

"Bell?!" Glenn tried to help his friend when he saw he was in trouble but was stopped by the rampaging energy the sickly emerald light was releasing.

The monstrous body of the subject number 2777 started inflating and becoming bigger and bigger until it became a towering presence more than twenty meters in size. Its hideous looks became even more gruesome as a secondary pair of head started forming beside his neck.

After the second head formed, it quickly opened its mouth revealing sets of sharp incisive teeth and sucked all the air out of the room like a terrifying typhoon.

"Not good it's going for a breath attack… custodian golem stop it" the deputy head commanded urgently and the two golems immediately changed target to the abomination.

Nevertheless, they were a step too late. A huge greenish-black sphere of energy more than five meters in diameter, formed and was spat out.

The power packed within that sphere was so terrifying that space was torn apart wherever it travelled and the mana around the room became unstable.

BANG… BANG.. the two golems that tried to stop the attack, were blown away and carried along by the sphere. The mythril exterior known for its toughness was as fragile as a paper in front of the greenish spherical attack and cracked immediately on contact.

The custodian golems only being able to stop the powerful attack for a few couple of seconds before falling apart.

The monstrosity after absorbing Bell's power, became even more powerful. The previous attack after reducing the golems into pieces, crashed onto the frozen wall that was the crypt for all of the failed test subjects.

BOOOM… CRACK… in front of the horrified eyes of the deputy head and the researchers, the wall of frost started cracking up little by little. The thing that they feared the most, finally occurred.

The Assembly room which stored all of the failed test subjects that they have experimented on and kept here for future reference, fell apart in front of their eyes. However, the look in the eyes of the deputy head was not that of suffering a loss but instead fear. 

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