Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 310

It also dawned on them at this moment that they weren't the only group of children that have been experimented here. At a glance, they seemed to be thousands of others who have similarly suffered a similar fate.

Chloe who was frantically looking for her friend, gasped in anguish and sorrow when she saw her badly disfigured body frozen in the ice. Tears streamed down her face and her body trembled intensely, if not for the support of Alice behind her, she might have fallen down onto the floor crying.

Bell and Glenn looked at the scene with eyes of fury and disgust. All the children frozen on the wall like a crypt, were similar to their age group and had been likely brought to this facility with the excuse of being treated only to suffer such a cruel fate.

"Can we break this wall of frost?" Bell asked placing his hands on the thick layer of frost covering thousands of bodies.

Glenn did not reply; however, his eyes narrowed when he saw the damaged body of some of those children that have fully transformed into beasts. If one looked at them carefully, those wounds came from a fight and haven't healed yet because of being frozen.

He had seen many of his friends go crazy after transforming like that hence it wasn't hard for him to know what would happen if they break the wall.

"We cannot. From the conversation of those people, this place stores those children that have failed to assimilate with their beast or have transformed into one. So if we break it, all of them will be set free".

Hearing Glenn's indifferent reply, Chloe couldn't help but glare at him amidst her tears.

"Are you saying that we leave our friends and escape all by ourselves?". Her friend was currently suffering inside that frozen wall, so how could she just run away by herself. Unknowingly, her tone had become a tad sterner.

"You haven't seen the moment when they were being experimented upon so you don't know. They are no longer your friends and have turned into a completely different thing" Glenn argued back.

Perhaps because she was anguishing too much or because she was too angry at things turning out like this, but in the heat of the moment, she said something she shouldn't have.

"Are you able to say that to others when you yourself are like that".

Chloe realised the meaning behind her words and immediately regretted saying it. "Glenn… I didn't mean to.."

"It's alright, I know how I look right now. This monstrous body makes me no different than them but even then I still insist on not breaking them free" He started adamantly at Chloe.

While the both of them were bickering, the door behind them started making noise and slowly opened. The children became startled and immediately backed off.

As they stared fixedly at the slowly opening door, a huge shadow that completely dwarfed even the towering figure of Glenn, walked from behind the door. A monstrosity walking on six legs and having aspects of different races, walked out of the door.

It had a wide pair of bat-like wings, a scaled tail just like that of a dragon and an upper body of a human. The moment the four of them laid eyes upon the monstrosity, their eyes widened to their extreme.

That was because they had seen the being kept restrained in one of the rooms in the hallway leading to the transplantation chamber. At this moment, the human upper half of the being was munching on the meat and gore of the two beasts that it had just killed.

The Storm Charging Bull and the Gale Demon Leopard that had wreaked havoc inside the transplantation chamber, were dead, their corpses lying on the ground.

The two golems entered the assembly room next followed by the group of white suit men.

"I was right, some rats did manage to sneak in after all" The deputy head slowly walked in and mockingly glanced at the four children.

"Oh dear, it seems like our facility has been seen through. We can't let this slide now can we? You people not only destroyed our transplantation chamber which holds things whose value couldn't even be measured with money, but also freed my precious test subjects. Sigh, such a disaster. I want to know who was that incompetent who allowed these children to sneak in".

He spoke with a smile plastered on his face. However, to those who know him, the meaning behind that smile was plainly clear, the deputy head was mad, enraged to be more precise.

"Run" Glenn said slowly, his eyes glued to the monstrosity in front of him. Even when just standing still, it released a tremendous presence that made every hair on his body stand on end.

"Run? There is no escape for you all. The moment you were brought inside here, your life belonged to me and I get to decide what to do with it" the deputy head interjected. He waved his hands and the monstrosity and golems immediately started moving.

Glenn stepped forward and shielded the other three behind him, he opened his mouth wide and spat out a thick column of lightning that smashed heavily on the monstrosity. Intense light along with clouds of dust, covered the entity inside it.

Glenn did not bother controlling his strength and utilised the power within him that he could currently harness and threw it towards the monster. He thought that it would at least damage it if not push it back far away.

However, when the dust settled, to his surprise, he saw that the being completely fine with not even a scratch to be found on its body. Its hollow eyes seemed unfazed from the attack earlier as it stood perfectly still.

The officials were amazed by the toughness of the entity, it was only now that some of them who had seen it restrained in that room every day, display its powers.

"Hehe, subject number 2777 although a failure, is one of our predecessor's greatest creations. Even if it's the host of Doombringer Faun, unless he could harness its true power, won't be able to defeat it".

The deputy head arched his chin and said smugly. There was pride and reverence whenever he gazed at its presence.

Contrary to the surprised and delighted expressions of the white suit men, the children wore worried faces as they saw the being come out unscathed from the attack of their friend. This in itself was enough to tell them how dire of a situation they were in.

Bell clenched his hands and grit his teeth in anger, whenever he saw the faces of these people, an unimaginable rage would boil within him and a desire to tear them apart would surface in his heart.

With his emotions going into a turmoil, he decided to fight without putting much thought into it. With a burst of mysterious power which originated from deep within its body, Bell rocketed towards those people he hated and was about to release his anger on them when with the snap of the Deputy Head's finger, the two golems came in front and stopped him from proceeding further. 

His attacks in a fit of anger, was easily stormed by the golems and whatever damage they received, got restored in a matter of seconds.

Although the golems weren't as powerful as the subject number 2777, their true powers lay in the fact that they are inanimate, aren't afraid of anything and due to them being able to restore continuously, a perfect soldier that one could find.

BOOM...  with a punch from the golems, Bell was sent back and crashed onto the wall on the other end of the hall.

Glenn immediately tried to cover up; however, he was easily overwhelmed by the monstrosity and his body repeatedly suffered multiple wounds.

Seeing the situation turn from bad to worse, Chloe tightly clenched her hands, she fixedly looked at her friend encased in a layer of ice on the wall before turning her head around. There was no way with just the two of them they will be able to hold all those people down, they had to find the exit before the situation turns anymore worse.

BOOM… breaking a good portion of the wall, Bell extracted himself out, his body glowed a strange purple and there were even some red markings on his body.

"He formed it, my god… he really formed it. Those are exactly the markings of early stages of [Beast Inheritance]. Hahaha, I have finally done, I have surpassed my predecessors" the deputy head who was closely observing the Doombringer Faun and Bell who Cardinal Royce had an eye for some reason, saw his changes after only undergoing the surgery a few hours ago.

To relate this to a miracle, would be an understatement. The levels of synchronicity the boy's body had achieved with the beast merged within him, had reached an unimaginable degree and was even higher than the Doombringer Faun.

"Listen to my orders, do what you have to but I must absolutely have those two back. Those two are the most successful test subjects we ever had, if we inspect their bodies and find the reason behind them being able to assimilate so well with the beast, we might be able to improve our success in the future".

The deputy head bellowed, the way his eyes trembled with excitement, was as if he had gone mad.

The two girls face paled when they heard the old man declare such and immediately started running in search of anything that could lead them out of here.

The deputy head mocked their attempts of running away, however, he never said anything about there not being any exit here, if they could find that exit, they would be able to leave this place. 

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