Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 296

296 Chapter 296: Cuteness is irresistible

“That’s great news, congratulations Frost.” Sam spoke through clenched teeth and the hand that rested on Frost’s shoulder clamped down hard. A stark opposition to Sam’s friendly looking albeit stiff smile. His upper lip occasionally twitched as he struggled to compliment Frost, his true feelings dying to be let out.

Frost looked nonchalant while enduring the pressure on his shoulder that continued to increase. He even appeared unaffected by Sam’s sudden burst of violence against the wooden bench.

“You alright Sam?”

“Never better why?” His hand silently clamped down even harder on Frost’s shoulder in response.

“Because it seems as though you wish to crush my shoulder.” Frost tilted his head the side as he showed a knowing smile, not letting the pain get to him. He understood Sam’s feelings and allowed him to vent a little.

It was hard to watch someone easily succeed where you have failed, especially if that someone was younger, more talented, and as handsome as Frost. It was impossible for feelings of jealousy and envy not to sprout and effect one’s emotions.

“.......”Sam silently stared back at Frost, refusing to answer. His clenched hand however continued to tighten, creating audible cracking sounds.

Frost winced a little as the pressure became stronger and started to really hurt but he kept a calm expression. “....Will this end anytime soon?”

“Ten more seconds and I think I’ll be good.” Sam replied with an evil smile, his grip strengthening by several degrees causing Frost to groan in pain. His recently recovered legs imperceptibly bending as Sam pushed downward. This was just the cost of being handsome Frost surmised. He knew that Sam wasn’t truly angry with him just that he needed to vent a little physically. His shoulder was the price, at least he didn’t ask to punch him a few times, the face must not be damaged.


After ten seconds precisely, Sam relinquished his grip on Frost’s shoulder and acted as though nothing happened. While the victim had no small amount of sweat dripping down his face due to the immense pain. For last few seconds it felt as though Sam crushed the bone, almost forcing Frost to drop his smiling expression.

The two backed away from one another at the same time, each giving the other a hard look before laughing out loud. Whether it was a genuine and happy laugh or a sinister one only the two of them understood.

Around 15 minutes later Druakai and Kiba exited from the large barn and despite their attempts to hide it, their eyes were swollen and puffy thanks to their veritable waterfall of tears.

“Thank you Frost for clearing up the past several months.” Druakai bowed his head in thanks but even, so he towered above Frost with his near 4 metre height.

“No problem, glad I could help.” Frost showed a gentle smile towards the orc and tiger, truly glad that they could settle their issues before saying goodbye. Druakai rubbed Kiba’s large head as he sent a loving look his way.

“I’ll get the contract materials ready, after which Kiba will be your responsibility, please take good care of the little rascal.” A mixture of pain and joy filled Druakai’s eyes as he looked at the tiger he painstakingly raised for the past several years. It was finally time to say goodbye. Kiba whimpered slightly in response also realising that this was goodbye.

“No need for that, I’ll be staying in Kranor tonight and will be leaving tomorrow. We can do the contract ceremony then, that way Kiba can remain at your side for the longest time. I’m sure a mere 15 minutes wasn’t long enough for a good farewell.” Frost didn’t need to perform the contract right this second and felt it would be bad for Kiba to split him and Druakai up so suddenly. He’ll have all the time in the world to bond with Kiba, only Druakai’s and Ruby’s time was finite.

“.....Thank you, we’ll be waiting.” Druakai had to wipe away the tears that threatened to fall as he thanked Frost once again. Sam patted Druakai’s shoulders -with much difficulty given their stark size difference- consoling his friend who was effectively giving away his son, so he could have a better life. Druakai was single and had been for the majority of his life, his monsters were his family, his children in many ways. Kiba most of all given the close relationship they had since he was a cub. Despite it being the best and only decision, it didn’t make the separation any easier. At least thanks to Frost they’d have a grand farewell.

A few minutes later the group of men and a tiger returned to Druakai’s abode, Kiba would be staying in his old home tonight. Druakai got some drinks for celebration (alcohol) as well as a massive frozen ham that he kept for this occasion. Such arrangements brought out a spark among Sam and Kiba who nearly jumped on the ham to moment it was brought out. Druakai hadn’t given him ham ever since he started misbehaving, a severe drawback to Kiba’s plans.

“Get down Kiba it’s still frozen solid, let me heat it up first.” Druakai practically had to kick Kiba away while covering the ham with his massive body. Reluctantly Kiba obeyed and took a seat at the large dining table, where he used to sit when he still lived in the house. Sam meanwhile helped by getting some glasses, long thin ones as the alcohol was champagne, ideal for celebration.

“You guys want it straight or with orange juice, given the time?” Druakai wasn’t that keen on serving alcohol when it was barely lunchtime, but a celebration was a celebration.

“If it was grown by you then I’ll take it with OJ.” Sam surprisingly didn’t ask for it straight.

“Me too if that’s the case”

“Three bucks fizz coming up.” Of course, Druakai grew his own fruit as well as a great number of other crops.

Once the three glasses were poured and Druakai placed the large ham into an oven to defrost, the three of them raised their glasses and said “cheers!” Before clinking them gently together. Kiba grumbled at the side since he wasn’t given a glass nor any champagne despite the one leaving soon.

“You can’t hold a glass and are too young to drink so no.” Druakai instantly poured cold water on Kiba’s hopes, garnering a laugh from Sam and Frost.

The group then started chatting, creating a harmonious atmosphere as they slowly drank. Druakai spoke of Kiba growing up, hoping to help Frost understand him better, as well his life as a monster breeder and farmer. It was hard work, but it was clear that Druakai enjoyed it immensely. Sam talked a little about his time with Druakai when they were younger as well as few stories about his adventures and hopes for his future restaurant. While Frost spoke about his time in Furano as well as his meeting with Sam and Lola. Frost even complained a great deal about their incessant need to perform public displays of affection to which Druakai shared in his pain as a long time sufferer of their antics. The two quickly became fast friends.

Time flew by as they had fun, nearly two hours had passed since they arrived at Druakai’s farm, it was about time they left. The kids should have gotten out their cute animal cravings by now right?

The four of them left the farmhouse to check on the situation. Within the cub dens, Druakai kept a plethora of cute monster cubs from foxes to rabbits all kept within their own areas for safety. One thing they all had in common was their fluffiness which made them all oh so cuddly. Here Druakai had at minimum two staff members on duty at all times in order to help take care of the cubs and monitor their health conditions as well as to help supervise any visitors.

There in the fox den Tulip, Jasmine and Ren were swarmed by over a dozen artic fox pups being licked all over due to spilled treats. Not an uncommon sight here, many visitors purposely spill the food on themselves to gorge on such blissful feelings. Each of their eyes were full of happiness and their smiles were so wide it looked as though their little jaws would break. Ruby was there as well, keeping an eye on the three kids but she too was covered in baby foxes, many nipping at her fluffy tail and climbing over her large body. She’d delicately catch any that slipped while climbing, proving to be a very caring mother.

Sam looked towards his kids and sighed “I’m guessing you’re not ready to leave quite yet?” The moment he spoke his three kids strongly held a few cubs in response and shook their heads, refusing to leave this place of wonders. Sam could only shake his head in dismay, even his oldest and most behaved daughter, Tulip was acting the same. Clutching onto the fox cub for dear life, afraid that her father would drag it away from her or worse drag her away from it.

“Hahahahaha” Druakai chuckled, he was used to such sights. Usually on fieldtrips he and his staff as well as the teachers would have to physically tear the children from the cubs which resulted in a great many tears.

“Looks like they don’t want to leave. Tell you what Sam I’ll keep an eye on them for you while you continue to show Frost around Kranor. They can have lunch here and you can either pick them up later or I’ll drop them off before dinner, sound good.” Druakai offered while smiling, he was pretty much their uncle, so it was fine for him to take care of them, besides from their expressions it looked as though they really needed this. Though they weren’t privy to the entire situation with Yarrow the dour atmosphere certainly must have effected them.

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