Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 295

295 Chapter 295: Misunderstood actions

Druakai dragged his still quite shaken body over towards the partially limp Frost and his little rascal of a tiger, Kiba.

“What in Nova was that?” He couldn’t help but ask. That aura was not something a regular person could emit, not even upper B-rank or even A-rank could create something as majestic and imposing as what Frost made. Druakai was usually quite a calm and collected person but at the moment he was completely frazzled.

“Oh that, a little trick that allows me to display my full potential for just a second. Kiba here was quite arrogant and full of pride since no one that came through previously had enough power or potential to make him submit. Not really his fault given that we’re only in the exterior regions of the Glacial mountains, but it did make earning his respect a little harder. Though he’s quite smart he’s still young and needed something a little more obvious to show the difference between us. The resulting presence that you felt was me drawing upon my potential to summon a strength that’s beyond my current means and as you can see it left me quite drained. On the other hand, it did explain to Kiba that when comparing one’s bloodline, lineage, and potential I have him beat.” Frost scratched behind Kiba’s ears as spoke causing the big cat to purr in content, completely at ease with Frost’s touch.

“....Ok I don’t really get all that but you somehow managed to show that you’re superior to Kiba however that doesn’t explain why he’s so taken with you.” Druakai to be honest was quite jealous of Frost at the moment. Seeing a family member that only trusted you and one other person (Ruby) so at peace while cuddling up to another was quite difficult to witness. Of course, deep down he was also happy since he always hoped that Kiba would find someone worthy, so he wouldn’t be alone in the future, something that his duties and pitiful strength didn’t allow him to do.

Frost turned to look at Kiba and then back at Druakai before tilting his head to the side in confusion as though saying ‘it doesn’t?’ Kiba turned his head to look away imitating the human action of whistling as if to prove some form of innocence. Frost instantly understood, this whole thing was a misunderstanding between a father and his teenage rebellious son, no wonder Druakai was worried for his safety, Sam’s mischievous smile also made a lot of sense now.

“Haaaaaaaaa Kiba’s a lot smarter than you think Druakai, he understands his current predicament very well.....but he’s also effectively a teenager. He doesn’t want to leave his family but knows he has to, so he dragged the process out as long as possible hoping to find the right match and remain by your side for the longest time. His growls, roars and shows of power were all tests to see into the characters of the people you brought in as well as their strength. I fit both criteria and likely remind him of you since I held no aggressive intentions while displaying my aura.”

“Eh?” Druakai turned towards the still fake whistling Kiba as though he’d been played as a fool, anger filled his gut as he clenched his large green fists. If he’d known all this in advance he would have been spared so many arguments with the little rascal and their relationship wouldn’t have deteriorated so much. But at the same time, he felt touched that Kiba was looking for someone who reminded him of himself. He was still in the little rascal’s heart

“You mean a lot to him, and I think it breaks his heart that he has to leave your side. But all things come to an end, he knows that, so after finding someone that matched his criteria he dropped all pretences and returned to his natural personality. Just like you, it seems he’s a big softie.” Frost smiled as he continued to pet Kiba, finding him adorable.

“Kiba” Druakai’s eyes grew red as he stared at the big tiger who was doing its best to avoid his gaze out of embarrassment. Kiba even cutely nudged Frost in protest after he so clearly spilled the beans.


Feeling started to come back to Frost’s legs, allowing him to stand on his own but the pain was still present. With a little difficulty he raised his body off of Kiba and walked away.

“I think the two of you should have a proper talk, I’ll wait outside with Sam.” Frost was in no rush to contract with Kiba, he’d already been accepted, time made no difference. Besides its always best to use such magic when one is in the optimum state. He received no wounds from his earlier reckless actions thus a disgusting potion wasn’t needed, just some rest and food. He’ll let Kiba stay with Druakai and Ruby tonight so as to properly say goodbye, it’s only right.

Druakai nodded his head in thanks as Frost walked towards the exit before turning back to Kiba, there was lots he wanted to say but at the moment he didn’t know where to begin.

Drip Drip

Hot tears started flowing down his cheeks without warning as the situation dawned on him. The little cub that used to sleep in his bed and feel scared whenever he couldn’t see him flashed through his mind. That same cub had grown up and now would be leaving perhaps forever. Druakai always knew that the chances of him ever seeing Kiba again after he was released or sold was practically nil. But now that it was just around the corner all his emotions came forth, resulting in an endless stream of tears.

Kiba rapidly turned around to see his foster father bawling his eyes out and his heart threatened to break, his naturally arrogant red eyes became soft, as water accumulated and dripped down his face. A moment later the father and son moved towards each other and wrapped one another in a strong hug. Only Druakai was capable of doing such a thing, if it was Frost, Sam, or anyone else they’d simply be crushed under Kiba’s weight and mass. Druakai’s overgrown frame came in useful for once, allowing him to embrace his rebellious tiger firmly and even lock his hands together. The past several months of animosity between the two came crashing down as the two of them held one another and cried out their repressed emotions. If Frost stayed or anyone else was present the two men wouldn’t be able to drop all reservations like this less they be mocked for being soft.

Frost walked out of the large barn the moment the weeping started, a gentle and knowing smile present on his face. Sam was sitting on a bench about 20 metres away from the barn, a bored expression on his face. Frost’s divine aura didn’t have much range, so Sam was completely unaware of what happened. Seeing that Frost came out with an unsteady gait he couldn’t help but smirk, but it quickly changed to a concerned look as though to uplift Frost’s spirits after failing.

No one had even come close to contracting with Kiba and some even returned with quite serious injuries though those people likely deserved it. Sam’s opportunity was of course a failure but since he’d known Kiba since he was young it wasn’t too exaggerated only having his trousers and underwear ripped up as he ran. Quite comical and unfortunately he came with others, so his pride took a blow, now he watched others hoping for someone to have a more embarrassing failure than him.

Frost clearly didn’t have any obvious wounds but given his unsteady walk he assumed he failed, a small and petty victory in his mind, though it could have been better. It was human nature to take some pleasure in the failure of others especially if you yourself failed the same task. That person then became your comrade, something the two of you had in common.

“Haaaaaaa don’t worry, Kiba doesn’t accept anyone who comes no matter their strength so don’t feel too bad.” Sam sighed before patting Frost’s shoulder trying to pin the blame solely on the rebellious tiger.

Frost looked blankly at Sam before smirking, appreciating his efforts but at the same time remembering his earlier smirk and mischievous smile when Yarrow brought up such a reward.

‘Hmph at least you’re sincere in your consoling.’ If Sam wasn’t sincere then Frost wouldn’t be able to resist teasing him.

“Worry? Why would I worry?”

“Yes, yes you shouldn’t worry about such small things, I’ll talk to Yarrow and see if we can get you a different reward.” Sam nodded his head and struck his chest like he was performing a meritorious deed and hoped that Frost wouldn’t feel down.

“Eh? that’ll be kind of hard given that Kiba already accepted me but oh well I guess you know what’s best teacher.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know it seems hard to accept but that tiger wouldn’t accept anyone that isn’t Druakai. Best to cut your losses and focus of what you can do. I’m sure Druakai has another less temperamental monster that could serve as....” Sam then suddenly froze and stopped talking. He blinked his eyes rapidly and scooped out some wax from his ears as if he heard something impossible. After a second of silence, he nodded and stiffly faced Frost, his eyes wide opened and face tense.

“Kiba accepted you?” His voice slightly cracked as he spoke, and his face remained very stiff and tense.

“Un” Frost nodded his head and hummed in agreement.

Sam’s upper lip twitched, and his teeth clenched tight. “So, my consoling you and telling you not to worry about it was entirely unneeded?”

“Pretty much.”

Sam looked hard at Frost for another second before bringing his hand up to pinch his nose as though easing a sudden headache. He then took a step towards the bench he was sitting on previously and.

Smash! He kicked it, turning the solid wood bench into splinters. He then silently returned in front of Frost and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“That’s great news, congratulations Frost.”

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