Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 484 Beths Prophecy

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@andrew5517 (E rank)

About the Live Stream, I think that it is a bit impossible for one reason: Egypt’s internet sucks! I’ve tired Twitch and Dlive but they both failed miserably because of my internet speed (5Mbps). Still, somehow I managed to Go Live of Discord which was actually working well. Sadly, it can’t take more than 10 spectators.

Now, my next option is a YouTube Channel, I’ll start dusting off those good ol’ \"Windows Millennium Movie Maker\" skills of mine and see what I can do. I’m open to content suggestions.


Jon always thought that if he ever gets a blessing if Sheogorath, it would be Berserk blessing but it turned out to be something different from what he thought but now, he finally got a Berserking blessing form the Warrior Daedric Prince, Boethiah.

As an adrenaline junkie, Jon would lose the thrill of many things if he got used to it. That’s why a Berserking blessing was an answer to his prayers.

Sadly, Berserking had some of the nastiest side effects. First, it made Jon’s body feel like he was in an orgy with some female Giants, even Jon wasn’t sure if he could handle such a heavy load. Second, he had a very nasty hangover that felt like his head was being hosted in the movie Saw for three consecutive executions that involved that jaw splitting reverse bear-trap.

He had to go through an emergency anti-hangover treatment that proved to be a challenge.

In the end, Job recovered and learned to be careful with such power from now on. It is more of Physical Damage blessing which makes it good for desperate situations.

Yet for now, Jon was done screwing around, and by screwing around it means going wild and mass-murdering evil people. He had to put his shit together and go after the Ansei Pyramid. With the Citadel of Ebonarm secured and under the command of a proper Battlelord, Jon had to lead his squad in the desert again to rescue the Elders of the Citadel trapped in the Ansei Pyramid Valley.

This also meant invading the Dead Sand region with a large force, the thing that can turn fatal with the least accident. He had to send Nefertiti to personally scout first. He then led a force of 200 Hunding Chargers and 300 Citadel Adepts into the region after fixing the Bridge of Bone he made. Of course he encountered strong Necromancers in the way and he put them down using the fastest and dirtiest tactics in the book.

One of the most important things to take note of was how he utilized [Lust] to change his looks every few minutes since the battle in front of the Citadel. All those he kills are either the followers of Clavicus Vile or Mannimarco which meant that their souls are doomed to either Higher Entity, these souls carry the vivid memories of his death which is why Jon had to keep a low profile even when acting wild. The idea of multiple strong individuals wreaking havoc around the plans of those Higher Entities will make them act slower which is what he needed at the moment at least until Kareem and General Cassia arrive with large forces.

Anyway, Jon has managed to reach the center of the Dead Sand to the Valley of the Pyramid only to find a true challenge waiting for him. The Worm Cult had its Master Necromancers and Arch Necromages to battle the Masters of the Citadel of Ebonarm. To summarize the result, it was dire.

The Sword and the Bow Battlelords were killed. The Sword Battlelord destroyed his own body upon death but the Bow Battlelord’s corpse was taken by the Necromancers and was being mummified. The other Battlelord which are the Staff, Spear, Saber, Martial, and Magic Battlelords as well as the War Chief of the Citadel.

It was safe to say that Jon used his best tactics to get rid of the annoying Zombie Bow Battlelord before killing her and trapping her soul in a safe container that she doesn’t get pulled back to the Soul Snare formation.

Regarding the Necromancers, Mirren and Miranda had to keep them at pay while Isha took down the weakest ones among them by the [Spear of Bitter Mercy] to diminish their firepower. It worked at first after she killed three masters but the numbers of those masters were just too overwhelming, Isha was about to get killed if not for Jon’s masterplan working at the last moment.

He had Nefertiti sneak him and [Wrath] through the Shadow World. [Wrath] appeared in the middle of the undead army and shouted his \"Howl of Death\" claiming most of the undead under his control and assassinating two masters in one sword stroke. The remaining ones were Jon’s.

In the shadow, he was preparing a big spell just for them.

[EMP], that was its name and it stood for Electro Magical Pulse. A devastating Master level that doesn’t target the Physical Forms but rather the Astral Forms. Once the Electro Magical Pulse happens, all the Energy Points in the bodies of the hostile will face a temporary shut down until they get ahold of themselves. That short time is enough to slaughter more than a dozen masters.

And that’s how things happened. Jon appeared from who knows where and landed on the ground with his spell breaking the ranks of the masters apart. He then moved his hands around breaking necks before getting his sword to cut those necks instead.

For now, most of the Worm Cult’s masters in the Alik’r Desert were dealt with but a few escaped and a signal was given to a greater army of undead to come. This time, even Jon himself was taken into account multiple times and so they had to abandon the Ansei Pyramid and retreat to the Citadel. Of course after saving the Elders of the Citadel.



Isha saw Nagla and ran towards her almost tripping like a child.

\"Isha... I saw... I saw.\"

\"Yes. I know what you saw. I saw him as well.\" Isha calmed her master.

The Elder Battlelords were in bad shape after a long time in seclusion from the world in the Ansei Pyramid.

\"Where is he? We don’t see him anywhere.\" Jon asked Nagla.

\"Zain... he...\"

\"That’s not my brother. They stole his body like the other undead.\" Isha tried to calm Nagla.

\"No, you don’t understand.\" Nagla begged to listen, \"He spoke to me before killing Farida and Nidal.\"

\"We know he can speak.\" Jon said.

\"... And he took Zahra.\" Nagla said.

This was an absolute shock to them. What she said just now made Isha and the others freeze.

Zain came and took his wife Zahra! What is going on here? Was it a part of a grand scheme or a plan or... or was Zain remembering things like being a corpse driven by love?

Can a corpse feel love?

And if it does... is he really just a corpse?

It was safe to assume that this is what is going around inside everyone’s head.

\"No... it can’t... he tried to kill me.\" Surprisingly enough, Isha was the first one to deny it.

The others soon came to their senses after hearing what Isha said.

\"To kill you?\" Nagla was taken aback.

\"Yes. In Elsweyr, we ran into him on a job then chased him for three weeks all the way here. Jo... Krilon was injured by the poison of the [Serpent Spear], a few could utilize the spear of my family to make it produce poison so surely it was Zain but... he has gone through something horrible...\"

Isha kept going on and on about Zain’s situation yet...

\"That doesn’t explain why he kidnapped Zahra.\" Jon said.

\"He didn’t.\" Nagla said.

\"Woman, I’ll fucking beat yo...\"

\"She went with him on her own.\" Nagla continued.

\"Oh!\" Jon was both embarrassed and taken aback but the situation was too hairy for him to care.

\"So, he just let her go with him?\" Miranda asked.

\"No, she was with us until he showed up. Once she saw him, she could no longer think straight and he got to her. We were all too stunned to do anything but the damage was already done and he took her away. Other than that... I don’t know.\" Nagla didn’t seem well as she held her head.

\"So they left.\" Jon had a bad feeling about this.

\"We can track them.\"

Suddenly from the side, a man came and interfered. He was a Redguard with a bronze-colored hair, fielding short braids, and a well kept single knot beard.

\"Illindar De’Sha.\"


\"I see you have lived through this, friend.\"

\"I did.\"

It was Illindar, Jon’s friend from the Citadel and his guide in the deserts of Alik’r who discovered the Ansei Pyramid with him.

\"You said you can track them?\" Jon asked.

\"Yes. During the fight... when my master was near defeat, he destroyed his own body so that he doesn’t get reanimated as undead but he also left a trace on Zain. I know I am not strong enough to avenge my master but I can guide you to his exact location even if it is in Oblivion.\"

\"I believe you, mate. And sorry for your loss.\"

Jon patted Illindar’s shoulder and felt the urge to do something about the situation but Zahra’s matter may have complicated things to a strange degree.

\"A guide will be of use.\"

At that time, someone else butted in.

\"What is it, shorty?\"

Jon turned to Beth, who acted as someone important.

\"This is?\" Illindar and Nagla reacted to Beth’s sudden appearance.

Beth was there with Nefertiti standing behind her, the two girls seemed to have formed some kind of a bond which made Nefertiti agree to take Beth around through her Shadow Portals.

\"This girl is Beth, prophetess of Boethiah. She’s weird but she’s just a brat.\" Jon introduced her. \"So, what were you saying?\"

\"I was saying that a guide will prove of use but there is more you need to know, right?\"

\"Yes, about Zhara...\" Isha was about to ask but Beth raised a hand.

\"I am sorry but regardless of the method she was taken by, the reason that happened was to mess with you and make you think that your brother is still in there somewhere.\" Beth said.

\"Yeah, even Isha thinks so.\" Mirren said.

\"Yes, and now she is certain. The Worm Cult would take all the extra miles to hinder the maiden of the spear so please, stay focused. Also, aren’t there some injured you need to take care of?\"

Beth’s words made Nagla almost go pale.

\"I’ll go see my Elder Sister. Isha, please help me with her, she was poisoned by Zain’s spear.\" Nagla said.

\"The War Chief is poisoned?\" Isha almost went pale.

\"Yes, let’s hurry.\"

Hearing that the War Chief of the Citadel of Ebonarm was injured in a critical state meant actions needed to be taken right away. The War Chief is known to be a strong Spearwoman and Jon wanted to meet her but Beth stopped him. She also stopped Mirren and Miranda.

\"I’ve news for you.\" She spoke to them.


\"Do you remember the dream I kept seeing? Three Swords, One Spear, and a Ship with Bloody sails?\" Beth asked.


\"I think we understood it wrong. Thanks to the Champion of Boethiah, I was guided to look in both the past and the future to find answers and clues. Now I fully understand the dream.\"

\"Go on.\"

\"At first, I thought it meant the Spear of Bitter Mercy alongside the Ebony Blade, the Soul Sword, and another Sword that will reveal itself later on but I was mistaken about the swords.

The real three swords are the Ansei Wards that were made in this place, the Ansei Pyramid. Ansei Wards were three ancient Redguard relics that contained the spirits of powerful Ansei warriors. They were created in the First Era to fight the threat of necromancy in the Alik’r Desert.\"

According to Beth’s later explanation, during the First Era, when the Yokudan rulers were still establishing a foothold in the Alik’r, they faced a great threat from a group of elven necromancers. Legend states that the necromancers of that time were far more powerful than those that came in later eras. According to Redguard tradition, striking the dead carries with it a terrible curse and is considered an act of dishonor. Because of this, fighting back against necromancy proved difficult.

In response, three Ansei heroes, Majah, Radan, and Halelah sacrificed themselves to protect the Alik’r from the risen dead. As part of a covenant with Tu’whacca, they pledged their souls and each Ansei channeled their spirit into the blade they wielded in life. This even happened here in the Ansei Pyramid.

These swords became known as the Ansei Wards, and as long as the dead are consecrated in the name of Tu’whacca, they could not be raised by even the most powerful necromancy. The Wards were locked in a fortified subterranean storehouse below Sentinel, known as the Impervious Vault, and sealed with a magical barrier. The spirit of each Ansei remained tied to their Ward, meaning it would be with it at all times.

\"Right now, we need to head to Sentinel and figure out a method to use those swords. We have the Champion of Boethiah, who is a strong swordmaster, and we have the two former Labourers of Mephala.\"

\"I am not a good swordmaster.\" Miranda said.

\"We’ll figure something out.\" Beth ignored her.

\"What about that last thing. The Red Sail Ship.\" Jon asked.

Beth took a deep breath before replying.

\"Three days from now on the 20th of Rain’s Hand (April), a ship will arrive at the western shores of Hammerfell. If it landed, we are doomed.\"


*Three Days Later*

Isha sat near a fire sharpening her spear thinking about what went down. She was calm, silent and calculative. She was thinking of the countless fights she had in the past three days and the one up ahead.

Across the fire sat two men, the Imperial Moth Priest Kellen and the Khajiit Adventurer Nagh. They were sat free and given the Elder Scroll they came for.

Kellen read from the scroll and had a calm face digesting all the knowledge he just received. He was thankful for the experience he lived through reading the scroll and the knowledge he gained.

Now, it was his time to tell a story.

\"The Elder Scrolls show us what was, and what yet will be... and they have revealed much to me.\" He said.

\"Spare us your stories, old man, unless they can sharpen spears. Our War Chief is dying. Our enemies are massing for another attack. We must prepare for battle.\" Isha replied not wanting anyone to interrupt the ideas she had in mind.

\"We should go, Kellen. We have the scroll we came for. This one smells blood in the wind.\" Nagh asked Kellen to leave.

\"Patience, Nagh. I have words yet to speak here. Stories can do surprising things, Spearmaiden, whether they are true or not. And this is one you should hear. It comes from the Great War that nearly ended the empire... It began when the High Elves slaughtered every Imperial Blade. Calling themselves the new Aldmeri Dominion, they and their allies swept through the land, even capturing the Imperial City itself. The emperor fled north, leaving Cyrodiil to the invaders.\"

He took a deep breath and smiled at Isha, to Nagh, and to the others who were resting around the fire.

\"This is the story of a Forgotten Hero who changed the very course of history...\"



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