Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 483 Jon Dare Going Wild...er

Pretty Big Thanks to the new Patrons that joined us:-

@BHMayger (C rank)

@Nathan Bailey (D rank)

@Martin Küster (E rank)


"Senior Isha, you are the Highest Rank here in the Citadel. The Elders... they are besieged in the Valley of the Ansei Pyramid."

As if things couldn’t get any worse, now the top brass of the Citadel were in their own situation as it seemed. Somehow, the whole situation was taking a turn for the worse very fast.

Isha didn’t want to reply or say anything but she was out of options. The whole village was attacked and only the Citadel remained. She had to take charge.

"How did they leave you here without any leadership?" She asked.

"The others Senior Adepts, the Battlelords and the Elders who were in charge were either killed or fatally injured. The situation is turning chaotic and we don’t know what to do." The Adept replied.

"Fuck!" Isha cursed out loud and wanted to just get rid of everything all at the same time but she had no better choice.

"Krilon, please heal all those Elders and Battlelords while I take care of the situation." She said.

"Alright, the Chargers can either rest or help you. They are under your command."

Jon left the leading business to Isha and went on inside the Citadel to act as the healer but before that, he drew a large rune on the ground and supported with Soul Gems then cast the Master level Restoration spell, [Light of Aetherius].

All the wounded were getting healed and all the corruption was being driven away. Despite the spectacular scene of the spell that formed a dome above the citadel, it is not focused enough to heal the gravely wounded or damage the powerful undead.

Jon had to go personally and heal the Battlelords with his best potions and healing spells. It amazing to see him utilizing his two hands and [Pride] casting three spells at the same time. It even happened that Nagh and Kellen who were taken prisoners in Jon’s Cube offered to help.

After that, Jon returned to Isha who managed to organize the defense forces and fended off a wave of undead.

"The amount of undead here is huge, no matter what we kill, they keep coming back. I never knew the Soul Snare spell could have the effect of maintaining undead to reanimate them again." She said.

"I see. We need to damage the undead beyond repair then." Jon concluded.

"That’s impossible for us at the moment. If you can support us from the back, we can..." Isha was about to suggest something but Jon stopped her.

"No, I’m done playing games. I’ll handle this on my own, tell the chargers to keep up." He said and removed his mask [Krilon] off his face.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

He didn’t reply and hurriedly found his way to Beth who was napping with Nefertiti.

"Midget, I want it." He spoke.

"... Want what?" She rubbed her eyes while getting up.

"That Blessing you promised... is it good?" He asked.

"Hm? Right, for the Heist task... I don’t know. Lady Boethiah is the one who chooses." She said.

"Fine. Call her or bring her on the line or whatever." He said impatiently.

"Okay okay... jeez! Which one of us is the child." She stopped him and stood up then looked up at him.

"You may want to get down." She said.

"Okay." Jon went down on one knee.

"Eh! You’re tall, a bit more, on my eye level. That’s it."

She fixed him close to her then held his face, she then went closer to his forehead and...


"Ouch! Hey, what was that?" He said scratching his forehead with a finger.

"Ah! That hurts!" She held her forehead with both hands in pain, "What is your skull made of? That really hurts."

"I’m being serious here." He glared at her.

"So am I. But apparently, I couldn’t make you understand that waking someone from their nap is rude. I’m not your cat."

"... I don’t wake Nefertiti from her naps. Now, the blessing." He said.

"Mere physical contact was enough. You’ve got your blessing. Buzz off!"

Beth was annoyed but Jon seemed more displeased with her behavior. Still, he got himself a blessing.

With a little focus, he could understand what that blessing was.

"This is really suitable."

Jon smiled after having such a cool gift in this time of need. He patted the cheeky girl’s head and walked away.

He summoned out the gauntlet [Wraithguard] and the hammers [Sunder] and [Deadland Hammer] each in a hand, of course, [Pride] was floating above him.

Once he reached the citadel’s gate, he called out [Greed] and took off the [Ebony Mail]. While covering himself with [Greed], Jon commanded it to go inside [Wraithguard] and unleash its second form.

In a second, Jon got a complete new transformation. Instead of his usual ebony armor, he is now in a brass Dwemer Chainmail called [Wrath Mail] made of thousands of rings.


[Wraith Mail] <Dwemer>

- All Resistance

- Fortify Strength

- Aegis: Reflect All (Greed Effect)


It was the ultimate armor for a melee fight crafted by the most brilliant Dwemer Crafts Lord who doomed his race and boosted by the ridiculous potential awakening powers of Greed.

Jon used this form of [Wraithguard] for the artifact was only a single gauntlet and he is going to use a couple of very dangerous hammers. This at least meant he won’t be harmed that much.


[Sunder] <Dwemer>

- Elemental Damage

- Soul Damage


[Deadland Hammer] <Daedric>

- Create Iron Atronachs

- Hazardous Touch


"Open the gate." Jon gave the gate guard a chilling glare which made the latter do what is told without thinking.

Jon walked past the opening gates under everyone’s gazes and smiled like a maniac. His Aura former a thick exoskeleton around him as he was eyed by the Necromancers and their Undead.

"Catch that man!" The Necromancers shouted.

Jon got instantly pissed and felt like smashing that guy’s head the most painful way possible. To the onlookers, Jon looked like a madman wearing a ridiculously expensive Dwemer Chainmail and holding a hammer each hand with his red hair giving him a remarkable appearance.

This madman spread his arms raising the two hammers to his shoulders’ level then his Aura started to agitate like a real madman.


He called for the name of Boethiah and all of a sudden, his agitated Aura started burning like a flame. The man himself was already running forward as if he lost his damn mind.

"Ahahaha! Sovngarde, you sons of bitches! SOVNGARDE!"

And that was a Nord shouting a [Battle Cry] laying waste to all in his wake.

He charged forward with the two hammers in hand then came across some large undead that he didn’t identify in his feral state of mind. Still, once he came in contact with whatever that undead was, one swing from [Sunder] was enough to turn half of that thing into shreds and the other half flew somewhere.

It didn’t matter as the next victim was being blasted by the [Deadland Hammer] in the next instant.

"DIE! Hahaha! I’ll kill you all." Jon didn’t stop shouting as he became alone in between undead horde.

"We must help him." Miranda wanted to run after Jon but Isha held her.

"Look closer!"

As she pointed, Jon was indeed surrounded being attacked from all directions but he didn’t look like someone who was trapped but rather... he was trapping them.

The undead creatures and the cultists that surrounded Jon were all trying to get a piece of him but let alone the [Wraith Mail], his own skin was impossible to harm by their weak attacks.

He kept still with a mad smile but once he got a fair number of enemies around him, he finally reacted.

"I wanted to try this in a long time. WHIRLWIND!"

As if a child was given a new toy, Jon used and abused the Blessing of Boethiah to the best of his ability. He replicated a certain skill from a certain game by waving spreading his arms and rotating around himself creating a storm with his Aura.

In most cases, this shouldn’t work even with Aura but the special state his Aura was in allowed such anomaly to happen.

With each turn he took, undead shattered and cultists were slain. A mound of corpses and a river of blood formed around. No matter how fast the Worm Cultists were at raising the dead, they were unable to keep up with Jon’s speed at damaging their zombies.

Those who saw that from the Citadel defenses felt a chill down their spines as they watched one man single-handedly overwhelm the dead army that drove them to hiding.

"I’ve never seen a martial skill like that before? How does it even work?" Isha felt the creeps when Jon started whirling around.

"Isn’t this the same as the Whirling Sword Dervishes?" Miranda asked.

"No, the Dervishes employ accuracy in their whirls so the two swords are two different attacks but what he is doing is... just whirling."

"Don’t tell me that idiot has invented a martial art of his own." Mirren wanted to facepalm.

Jon’s state was unique but he showed a familiar state of mind to a certain fighting style Isha witnessed before but Jon had his own style over it.

Meanwhile, Jon didn’t stop with the Whirlwind attack.

"Haha! That’s so much fun. What’s next? LEAP! GROUND STOMP! CLEAVE! WEAPON THROW!"

Jon had his fun reviving every fictional martial skill that came to mind. Until he exhausted most of the Cultists.

His Weapon Throw attack launched [Sunder] at a formation of Worm Warlocks blasting them to pieces. With them, he took care of half the undead army.

Jon also there the [Deadland Hammer] in one of the blood and flesh lakes he caused to happen after aimlessly destroying the undead. He was now free of weapons.

"Let’s do this the classic way." He said while cracking his fingers, "COOKIES FESTIVAL!"

And the heavenly wrath followed his grim announcement as his two fists glowed with Lightning Magic each, those who were unfortunate enough to be in the way of his fists wished they were killed by the hammer instead.

"AAAAAAH! All of you will die!"

Such a ridiculous person was running and hitting everything in his way while ignoring all manners of attacks that were completely useless against him. At this point, resistance was merely wishful thinking.

Jon noticed the Necromancers trying to retreat so he left whoever he was hitting and took a high leap towards to block their way.

"You... Demon! You get away." The same Necromancer that ordered the others to capture him at first was crawling backward trying to get away from him.

Jon stepped on the man’s robe stopping him from escaping then looked away. His eyes watching a certain place carefully. It was the same place he threw the [Deadland Hammer] in that lake that was filled with blood and flesh. Blood was a perfect substance alongside earth and bones to create what’s going to show up next.

Mere seconds later, Jon felt it coming.

"Look." He pointed at the location of the [Deadland Hammer] and those who were curious enough looked at where he pointed.

Sure as hell something was out of place.

From the puddles of blood and corpses, few creatures started to form. It is as if the twisted reality was creating an abomination of its own. Those who saw it felt a chill of terror grasping their hearts.

After it formed, seven colossal creatures stood up with unnatural shapes. At first, one might mistake them for very ugly Frost Atronachs but their metallic gleam revealed what they are.

Iron Atronachs.

It was as if a bunch of metal spikes came together and formed an Atronach.

"If that is not the coolest thing ever, then I don’t know what it is!" Jon said.

These naturally sharp creatures walked their first steps towards the battlefield that had numerous undead roaming around. Clueless of what to do, they just stood still.

Jon raised his two hands up and called for his marks on both [Sunder] and the [Deadland Hammer]. The two hammers flew up and hurled towards Jon until they landed in his hands.

Jon held the [Deadland Hammer] closer and spoke to it.


With those orders, the death machines on standby moved with hostility towards the enemies of their creator. Just as heartless as they looked, one move was enough to mince a whole bunch of High-level Zombies.

"Don’t you see? Quantity may be good but quality... that’s the beauty of supremacy." Jon spoke to the Necromancer before dropping the hammer on his head.

By the next ten minutes, the whole undead legion was no more.


[Blessing of Boethiah]

- Berserk: Take half damage and do double damage in a Feral State of mind (Active)




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