Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 211 Golden Goose

A123 turned to the headless corpse that had fallen to the ground, and then back at Lenny.

Lenny's mother's head rolled before her killer, but Lenny obviously could care less as he continued talking.

It was as if the person he had just killed was not his own mother but a random annoyance.

"Listen to me, whether you guys die here or later will make no difference. To this Fuckers, we are just livestock, and the day Cuban does not need you any more, he will turn you into a Magistri after eating your Fucking heart out. So tell me, Do you want to fuck out of here!?"

Lenny's point was very convincing.

These three were not ordinary.

There had seen the outside world a bit, and were now aware of some faint truths.

Besides all three of them had grown stronger significantly after the Devil Dungeon.

C888 could now rival strength of Gladiators in the top of the B Class.

And A123, and A222 had just become rank 1 lesser demons in strength.

At least this was what the System told him when he used Surveyor on them.

A123 might have been the man in the relationship, but Lenny knew that the decision making lay with A222.

She was the person he was trying to convince.

For Lenny's plan to work, he needed A123, but he knew that A123 would not agree without A222.

Every man had his currency.

A123's was his love for A222.

This was love Lenny very much knew how to take advantage of.

It was also the reason why he had not agree to Cuban's request from the very beginning.

It was because like any interrogation or torture session, a certain amount of pain was needed for the answer or response given to become convincing and truly believable.

A long time ago, Lenny already made up his mind to activate Darkline magic in these children. Although not the exact one Cuban was familiar with.

Besides, Lenny was stalling for time. Since when he drained the power from the Angel feathers, three days had passed.

Lenny observed the timer in the Satan system.


The count down still continued.

Lenny raised his head to this crew of tools that were useful for the plan ahead.

"I'm in," C888 voiced out.

At this point, Lenny knew that even if he was going to hell, C888 was going to follow him.

The lad had sworn fellowship to Lenny a long time ago.

C888 had agreed to join Lenny.

Now, it remained A123 and A222.

A222 turned to her lover, and then back at Lenny.

She had come to know that since Lenny's arrival, a lot had changed.

He was a practical tank of impossibilities that have become possible before her very eyes.

Like any gladiator, she had always hoped to be free. This hope had died before, but was resurrected once more the day she had seen Lenny kill a Magistri.

If any one could do it, then at this moment, their best bet was Lenny.

After all, remaining here meant death. Maybe out there would be better.

Either ways, since the one option was already death, the other could not possible be that bad.

Slowly, she nodded.

A123 sighed lowly. There was no way A222 was going to agree and he was going to let her just go and do as she wished.

A123 nodded at Lenny.

Lenny had a smile on his face.

It was a bright one, but his messed up face, and bloodied mouth did not make it look any good at all.

Lenny with much difficulty suddenly stood to his feet.

"Since all the players are now in place, let's," Lenny stood to his feet with much difficulty from his injuries as his eyes surveyed the huge room filled with babies.

"Unlock Darkline magic."

A while later, the metal door of the room opened up and Bodat walked inside.

A wave of Darkline magic washed over him.

It was not harsh, but soft, and showed that the user, or rather users did not know how to use their power yet.

Just as Cuban had instructed, Lenny had unlocked Darkline magic of the children. Although not all, but a significant bunch of them.

Bodat had a hearty laugh.

This was good news. This was absolutely good news.

The advantage with this was not small.

The earlier Half-borns unlock Darkline magic, the faster and stronger their strength growth as Darkline magic would strengthen their bodies.

It even accelerated their recovery time and healing.

They was also the fact that they would have the bigger advantage when fighting gladiators of the same class or even higher.

When put against gladiators of another Arena, the win would be sure.

Over time as they got older, the advantage they possessed will only become more apparent.

In fact at this rate, Cuban might need to redefine the strength level for each class.

Lastly which was probably the most important one.

The older the Gladiator with Darkline magic, the sweeter the meat.

In this manner, even F class can have Darkline magic, and their meat sold for a higher price.

Bodat suddenly understood why Cuban had taken his time to torture Lenny.

The benefits this ordinary Half-born possessed was just too divine.

Bodat suddenly looked at Lenny in a new light.

This was not trash, this was a Golden Goose.

Lenny was a Golden Goose.

What's more, Cuban had left him in charge of Lenny. This meant that he was the care taker of the Golden Goose.

Lenny, ever quick to body language noticed the bright eyes Bodat had on him.

A sly smile appeared at a corner of Lenny's lips.

"I am too tired and couldn't activate the Darkline magic in the remaining 200. I am just too hungry. Besides, they are some little conditions that will help me quicken the process. "

Bodat nodded, "go on, tell me, I'll inform the Arena master."

Lenny nodded.

A while later, While Cuban was enjoying his favorite meal, the head of a A Class gladiator, roasted and spiced with an assortment of vegetables, Bodat came into the room with a list of requests Lenny had made that he claimed would help him work faster.

Cuban fetched an eye ball from the cooked head on the table, and as he enjoyed the flavour in his mouth, he read through it.

At first, he wanted to deny some of them, however, at the end of the report was the total number of children that Lenny had unlocked Darkline magic in.

Lenny claimed that he could double the number in a few days, even extending his reach to the other F, E, D and C class residences, activating their Darkline magic.

This was incredible news.

One that brought a smile on Cuban's face.

"Get him the things he needs, but ensure his little friends have eyes on them every time. The only reason he is willing is because of them."

Cuban informed as laid back into his couch, enjoying another eye ball from the human head.

Bodat left the room with a smile on his face.

Cuban also smiled and even chuckled lightly.

At this rate, he would have enough wealth, military power with his Magistri's and personal power by continually eating the hearts of the Top Gladiators.

This way, his power would grow fast, and he could one day return home to challenge them...

(Author's note: Look at me just spitting these chapters like I'm vomiting. The encouragement lies in the secret of Reviews and Golden Tickets)

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