Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 210 Do You Want To F**k Out Of This Place?

The moment the Chamber was pointed at her head, Lenny's mother began to beg Lenny.

She had clearly seen as E701's head was blasted away like he was vegetable.

She did not want such a fate for herself.

The sheer fear of seeing that headless corpse and imagining it was her own body sent cold shivers down her spine.

She turned to Lenny.

"D999, my dear son. Please, do what the Arena master wants. If you don't do it, your mother that you love so much will..." She paused swallowing hard saliva as she forced her drying mouth to continue talking.

"Leave this world. And I know you don't want that now, do you? So please just do what the master wants. Please..." Her voice suddenly cracked a little, and she broke down in tears.

"Please, do it for me. Do it for your loving mother."

Lenny raised his head at her.

If there was not so much blood on his face, she could have easily seen his questioning look.

"Does this bitch think I give two fucks about her useless ass?" Lenny thought to himself.

Unlike the first time with E701, Cuban did not shoot Lenny's mother.

He just let her beg Lenny. After all, mother's were known to have that magical touch. 

Lenny or rather 'D999' at one time in his life, was willing to sacrifice himself for his mother.

Cuban believed that her voice and the threat of her death would do the trick.

However, When he saw Lenny's eyes, he instantly knew that it was hopeless.

Meanwhile, Lenny's mother's move had evolved from begging her son to praising him, and lastly, when she saw all that was not working, she began to Curse him.

She Cursed wild and hard.

She cursed her womb for carrying him.

She cursed the artificial insemination process she had willing joined to get more food, she cursed which ever random demon in the world was his father.

She cursed the day he was born, she cursed his life, she kept on cursing.

Cursing so hard, that saliva sprayed all over the place as her mouth rained down all that it could think of.

Next, she turned to Cuban, begging for her life and vehemently denying Lenny ever came from her loins.

Lenny could not believe that this was the woman the former owner of this body had risked his life for.

Truly, things were much different in the apocalypse. But even him was not expecting the woman would switch sides so much, like flipping a coin.

If Lenny was not lacking a lot of strength at the moment, he would have rushed forward to push that trigger himself.

Cuban too was starting to get annoyed.

He pressed the trigger.


Lenny's mother closed her eyes tight in expectancy of what was to happen. However, nothing happened.

Fortunately for her, it was another empty slot.

She suddenly took sharp breaths of release.

Although Cuban moved to the next person, deep down, he too had wished the woman was shot.

Lenny's mother bowed on the ground thanking Cuban for his mercy on her life.

The next person, was none other than A222.

The moment the Barrel was moved to her, Lenny had a faint feeling in his heart. It was a sure one of what was going to happen.

Amongst the many blessings that his profession as an assassin had given him, one of them was the extreme sensitivity to weapons.

He was so sensitive to weapons, their shape, weight, design, and how to use them for maximum efficiency.

This was a gift that even Cuban with his wide range of abilities did not have.

Just from the way the chamber had spun, Lenny's eyes and ears, very sensitive to his environment had clearly discovered it.

This time around, the slot had a bullet in it.

If Cuban were to push that trigger then her head was going to go splat on the ground.

Cuban turned to Lenny.

He could see Lenny's body language had changed the moment the Barrel was pointed to A222.

This for him, was good news.

Obviously, this woman before him had value.

"I'll count to three." Cuban stated clearly.

"One, two..."

"Wait!" Lenny gave in.

He turned to the child in front of him and placed a hand on him.

In barely three seconds, a dark hue went about the body of the child.

Cuban smiled.

Even he could sense it.

This child now had Darkline magic.

"Good! Now you will get some food and rest. Afterwards, I want you to do the same for all the babies in this room. I'll leave these ones here as motivation." Cuban instructed then he turned and left the room.

He had matters that needed his attention.

As he did, so did Bodat.

A222 breathed heavy air of relief.

However, it was not just her. A123 also felt relieved.

He hugged A222 tightly, and as he placed a kiss on her forehead, he turned to Lenny, "thank you."

Lenny nodded, and then he suddenly smiled.

"Do you guys want to fuck out of this place?"

That question had come from nowhere, and it was a shock that even in their present circumstances, Lenny was thinking about escaping.

Instantly, A123 tried to inform him of the things happening outside and why having such thoughts was a bad idea.

However, before he could finish his long unprepared speech, Lenny waved his hand.


A katana had appeared in his hand, and a head rolled on the ground.

Everyone looked at it, and was surprised to see that it was his mother's.

Lenny had decapitated her in one fell swoop.

He waved his fingers again and the katana disappeared.

He turned to his teammates once more, "DO YOU WANT TO FUCK OUT OF THIS PLACE?"

A123 still had a lot to say. However, he could tell that it was not going to help.

Then again, only moments ago, he nearly lost the love of his life.

He turned to A222. 

He could tell that even though she was maintaining a composed demeanor at the moment, she was actually shaken from what had just happened.

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