Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 168 Hunting Memories Of Regrettable Love 7

The only reason Lenny had not rushed up to that stage was in fear and hope.

Fear that Agent 'X'could cause even more pain and hope that by some miracle, he could still save her.

After all, he knew those people. 

Those people at the monastery. With their powers and abilities, it was possible.

Regardless of the damage, it was still possible.

Lenny's eyes looked up the throne.

His eyes met with hers.

He could see that even though she was in tremendous pain, she still looked at him, the oke she called her love in hope.

Jopenthat by some magnificence that he was, that he could save her, that he could END her pain.

"What do you want?" Lenny muttered.

"Hmmm..." Agent 'X'tapped his jaw, "that is a very tricky question. You see, it is not what I want, it is what I wanted."

As Agent 'X' talked, he brought out a little container from his blouse.

On seeing the shape of the container, Lenny knew what it was.

It was table salt.

Slow, he lifted it above Catherine's head, right above her exposed brain.

"No! Please don't do that!!!" Lenny pleaded.

Agent 'X'smiled as he poured some of the salt on his palm.

"You see, it is not a question of what I want. It is more of what I wanted. What you took from me. A talented rookie, beating an old veteran. Tsk tsk tsk."

He sprinkled not a lot but very little of the salt on her exposed brain.

Like salt salt on worms, Catherine spasmed frenziedly, shaking like volcano about to blow.

A mixture of blood, form and saliva escaped her already hollowed mouth.

"NO!!!" Lenny screamed, "please don't do that! I'll do anything!! Anything at all!!! Just don't hurt her anymore."

As he spoke, he raised his long knives in the air to show his sincerity.

Then dropped them slowly on the ground.

However, he noticed that Agent 'X' had a surprised look on his face.

Agent 'X'paused and turned to Lenny.

"Dear talented colleague of mine, I believe you misunderstand my intensions. I am not asking you to give away your weapons. No! I believe we both know that a man of your skill might even be more dangerous without them. I seek some thing else. Some thing more...." He licked his lips as if by doing so, he could find the taste of the word he was lacking.

"Yes, that is it! FLAVOUR! flavour is what I desire. In this case, it is the flavour of your pain in comparison to mine when you became number one," his face morphed in ugliness, and the make only made him all the more menacing, "you do not know what it is like to have a dream and watch it snatched away when it was right in your grip. Ever since I was little, my dream and obsession was simply to be the best."

Lenny frowned. He had heard rumours about Agent 'X'. He was a man obsessed with being the best at any and everything. 

His obsession was so significant that it became a strong mental Disorder.

Growing up, the man had always been the best at everything, and when he couldn't, he ensured that they was no 'best' aside himself

This, he achieved by any means necessary.

Naturally, the social world and order won't allow this. Especially in an English setting.

From one mental hospital to the other. Until his parents couldn't take the cost for treatment again, and abandoned him totally in one of the Mental hospital facilities.

There, his desire to become the best still took the better of him.

Even at a mental hospital, he desired to be the best mad man.

His craziness climbed notch after notch. Every step of the way, it etched itself in his veins, his behaviour, attitude and even his manners.

And then all of a sudden, like it was never there, it all disappeared.

He became sane, and once more he was allowed his release and was reintroduced into the world.

However, a lack of display of madness was not an absence of it.

His madness did not go anywhere. All that happened, was that he found a different way to channel it.

And so his killing spree began.

Unfortunately, this was a different field than most he had been winning in.

"Do you want to know how the former number one died?" Agent 'X'asked shyly. 

Lenny could care less, but one look at Agent 'X' and he could already guess that the mad man had a thing to do with it.

"Yes!" Agent 'X' admitted, "it was me!" He giggled lightly, "I touched his heart and escavated the tenderness of his love. The pain of it tortured him until he could not take it anymore," as he talked, his smile got wider and wider, until he burst into a hunting diabolical laugh.

He suddenly stopped. Taking a finger to his mouth, he licked the salt a bit, "and then, the number one took his own life."

 The moment Agent 'X' said those words, he opened the Salt container over Catherines head.


Lenny screamed as his fingers moved instinctively on their own.

A speed as fast as the unnoticed pumping of blood.

Every muscle in them taunted hard as his fingers picked the long knifes from the ground and shot them right for the throne like an arrow from a bow.

The first knife was for the salt container, and the second was for Agent 'X', right for the left eye.

Time seemed to almost stop as both men thought hard at lightening speed.

Agent 'X' had expected Lenny's attack, but not the way it came.

The long knifes were sent at the same time. But one was at a faster pace than the other.

If Agent 'X' was to neglect the knife coming for his eye in order to pour the salt into her head, then he was as good as dead.

The knife coming for his head was faster.

He decided to dodge instead.

Meanwhile, the other knife nailed the salt container to the wall behind.

At the same time, Lenny kicked the ground from were he was.

All the muscles in his body pressed with one aim of reaching her.

However, Agent 'X'was not going to lose.

If he was not going to do it the fun way, then he was going to do it the traditional way.

As he leaned backwards to dodge the knife Lenny had thrown, a finger nail in his right hand, sharp as a blade made a slight cut at her neck.

The moment he did, he turned about and rushed once more into the darkness.

At the same time, Lenny had already made it to the throne.

He wanted to pursue Agent 'X' but he forced himself to shallow his anger and stop in his tracks.

Just then, he could hear Agent 'X' voice. "Pick one number one. It's either you hunt me or lose her."

His laugh echoed the room and faded slowly.

Lenny turned to Catherine.

Her current state was nothing short of a monstrous abomination.

It was already a miracle that she was still alive with her brain exposed from her skull.

Lenny did the unbindings on her body.

As he did, he quickly wrapped her in his embrace.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!!" He muttered over and over again as he held her carefully in his embrace.

"Don't worry, I'll get you fixed. I can still get you fixed." He panicked as he hurried to pick up her carved out skull containing her teeth and tonguefrom the ground.

As he did, the tears he had managed to stop when talking to Agent 'X'had suddenly returned.

He removed his shirt and wrapped it around her abused nakedness.

However, as he did, she grabbed his shoulder.

This must have been a very painful process for her, especially because her fingers had been chopped up to look like pencils with her bones being the black lead.

However she did it and even squeeze into his skin a bit.

Lenny turned to her. This was a sight of her that would hunt him forever.

Lenny could not bare to look her, and even wanted to remove his face. Her beauty and innocence had been corrupted.

However, she would not have it.

She pulled his jaw slow, fixing it to her face.

Their eyes met one another, and even though her mouth was incapable of speech, her eyes told all the words she wanted to pass across.

As they did, each word pierced like a nail in wood into his heart.

This look was the last he would ever embrace her gaze in his.

It was at this time he noticed the cut on her neck.

Like the roots of a tree, green veins spread all over her body. 

Her eyes remained still in their place. She had died.

Lenny screamed, pulling her to his embrace. His tears an unending waterfall....

........Present world.....

Lenny kneeled on the ground as he cried. In his embrace was Catherine.

As he did, her fingers wrapped around his body like a birds nest.

To him, it was Catherine. However, to those watching, he was embracing the Mini Boss Devil of the Second Level.....

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