Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 167 Hunting Memories Of Regrettable Love 6

....Flash back( Former world)...

The stage lights went up, drawing the attention of his eyes like a singer that had taken to the platform.

The sight of her immediately made his eyes darken and cloudy.

Like the slow tempt of rain from the full, pregnant sky, drop after drop, they fell, and then to a continuous downpour.

Staining his cheeks with the hot affection of their salty streams.

As an Assassin, he was very perceptive of his environment, but his heavy heart had clouded his senses, clouded his reasoning.

Even his breathing-every inhale for life felt like the pull of a Ton weighing rock.

His fingers around the long knifes loosened on their own accord, shaky from the shock before his eyes.

He wanted to run to her, but his knees weighing the failure of his promise to protect her stapled his feet to the ground.

For the first time in his life, he felt the invalidity of his very existence.

Such pain was tuned in his head like the melody to the end of a tragic play.

Except, there was no standing ovation for the actors when it was done.

Or was there?

*Clap! Clap!! Clap!!!*

The sounds of loud clapping came from behind him, and his killing instincts once more took their place.

His fingers wrapped tight again around his blades.

Lenny turned around swiftly, but he could not see him.

When turned forward again, there he was. He had appeared seemingly from nowhere on the platform by the throne.

Agent 'X' was slightly much older for this line of work.

Records had it that he was a man in his late fifties.

He already had a head of partial white hair, but because of his strict worship of the temple that was his body and continuous training, he looked to be in his thirties.

He was a ripe man-proud of his heritage.

Lenny had never seen him dress terrible.

Even when it was a mission to the desert.

However, that was in relation to his choice of gender associated clothing.

In an easier method of explanation, Agent 'X' prefered skirts and makeup.

He was an English man, and even his accent was very clear and had rivet hold on one's ears. Pulling attention with the fluent roll of his tongue.

He had a pointed nose so long Lenny wondered how he powdered it so well, even with a mirror.

However, the looks this Cross-dresser had was not a reason to excuse the sheer magnitude of danger he posed.

Before Lenny came into the picture, there was a former number 1.

The former number 1 for some reason Lenny was not too interested in addressing, died.

However, Lenny climbed the tree of growth so fast he might have well been flying.

A born killer, destined to swim in the thick, and be painted in the red of blood.

He quickly surpassed Agent 'X'and even now, he still placed much distance between them.

He was a number 1 unlike the former.

No matter how much Agent 'X' tried to close that Chasm, it only got wider.

Naturally, that made this soon to retire old English Assassin Carry quite the amount of resentment.

This was resentment that Lenny was more than aware of.

After all, Agent 'X' had challenged him more times than memory cared to serve.

Ironically, aside their Divine unexplainably craziness, there was another thing they had in common with each other, and that was their love and use for blades.

Only ever using other weapons when offered no other choice.

In fact, there was a time when Agent 'X' refused to use a gun even though he was faced with a battalion of soldiers.

Such was the dedication to the edge of the blade.

"Lenny Darling!" Agent 'X'called to him in a deep affectionate manner. Like they were lovers on the road to reconciliation, and his perfect English accent only made it all the more alluring to the ears.

However, nothing tasted more disgusting to his ears right now than the voice of the man before him, except of course, his face.

"Agent 'X'" Lenny muttered that name, every word elevating the heavy hatred in his heart.

"Forgive me, I saw you and the princess were having a loving picnic together, and I decided to add an extra merit to the wine you drank. You were basking so affectionately in her glow that you didn't even notice me," he rubbed his painted fingers down the side of her cheeks softly.

It was so soft that it seemed as if he was afraid of doing damage to her.

However, with what Lenny was seeing, significant damage had already been done.

From past battles he had with Agent 'X', Lenny knew him as an excellent carver.

If he was in the sculpturing industry, he would have become a fast, fervert sensation to take the business to dearing heights. 

Expecially with his attention to detail.

However, he wasn't. He was an Assassin by choice and love.

Unfortunately, all that skill and attention to carving detail was the vanity his victims suffered.

It was the same one Catherine suffered at the moment.

Right now, she was tied naked to the throne.

Her beautiful brown hair had been shaved clean, and then her skull had been perfectly and segmentedly carved out and removed.

The cut had been done with extreme care to avoid damage of the still living brain.

It was so good that Agent 'X' might have even had second better profession as a Neurosurgeon.

Little drops of blood on different sides of her head was prove that the process had been excruciating.

Knowing the kind of person Agent 'X' was, he most likely did it with out anesthetics.

More tears pitied out of Lenny's eyes at the thought of the magnitude of hurt she went through.

But that was not all.

More atrocities were done to his love.

Agent 'X'carved out deep cuts around her breasts and stuffed the bleeding holes with her brown hair.

This one Lenny knew he had done out of his observed for Brown hairs.

Agent 'X' always came up with fresh ideas for every new brown hair his blade touched.

Lenny had watched him work before. 

The man had a habit of Entering the 'Zone' whenever he carved. 

Much like a writer loving his work as his pen touched upon paper.

It was a state Lenny was most familiar with as he entered it most regularly too.

But right now, he could see that his own had now become a victim of such an unfortunate fate.

After that, Agent 'X' carved her fingers, flesh, bones and all.

He carved it like one would carve a spear or a pencil.

He carved it flesh to bone.

Giving the edge of her fingers and toes a sharp edge.

At the moment, tears ran down Catherine's eyes.

If she could, she would have screamed, but she couldn't.

Her mouth had also been carved out like a pumpkin during Halloween, emptied of teeth and tongue, all of which was placed in her cut out skull on her thighs.

One look at her and anyone would wonder how she was still alive.

However, Agent 'X' had been most gently with were his blades touched and avoided cutting certain areas that would lead to her quick death.

He knew that as much pain Catherine suffered, Lenny suffered much more.

Of course, Lenny was not the one on the sit, but as a master of the arts, he knew the extremities of her pain.

That pain added with his love for her was magnified several times over.

This was the reason why Lenny could not help but she'd tears the moment he saw her.

And now, he was hearing even more disturbing news.

As of the time Lenny had gotten the call from his handler, Agent 'X'had already long been around the vicinity.

But Lenny had been too saturated with love and the comfort of the security the Castle brought that it dulled his senses.

And that was why Agent 'X' was able to spike his drink.

If only he had been more careful, this would not have happened.

With the unforgiving sin that had been done to her, it would have been better if he had ended her life himself.

It would have been better if he had just done his job.

But like a moth drawn to flame that would surely consume it, he pulled towards her, entrapped by her every move, sway, touch, laugh and the innocence her heart brought.

A beautiful contrast to the disgusting filth that his heart brought to the table.

Who knows? maybe, just maybe, that was the attraction that pulled them together in the first place.

After all, north attracted south, and without Darkness, Light cannot shine.

The extremities that both of them represented must have been their string.

Lenny took a deep but painful breath in an effort to hold back his emotions and for a few seconds think as logically as he had always done.

After all, his opponent currently had all the cards.

"What do you want?" Lenny muttered.

However, the answer he got was even more ridiculous that the question asked...

(Author's note: I nearly cried writing this. Catherine's suffering wlas bad. Damn! I almost feel like Lucifer should have asked Agent 'X' for revenge instead.)

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