Dark Blood Age

Chapter 688 - I Am Talking Nonsense? Or You Still Dont Want To Accept It?

Chapter 688: Chapter 688 I Am Talking Nonsense? Or You Still Don’t Want To Accept It?

Chu Yunsheng remembered that after stabbing the god, he held Liu Li’s body and his daughter, sitting on the snowy ground. His consciousness was indeed vague, but he still clearly saw the little tiger, Qin Qiying, and Lu Ting who was from Shu Du city, and a large number of troops, all of this couldn’t be fake, because even if he died at that time, it was impossible to remember this many details.

Not just that, but he also remembered that a spaceship descended on earth from outside the solar system through the hole he made using the black arrow, and the conversation he had with Tan Ning about the history of the Pseudo-Monolith and pre-Cambrian.

Moreover, he even remembered the reason why he entered the Pseudo-Monolith; he needed to enter the Pseudo-Monolith to find the lead of the last pendant so he could get the senior practitioner’s treasure and solve the situation in the space, then he would be able to get to the crystal-dressed beings’ base on the moon and get the real wood elemental core in their base to save his daughter.

Such a detailed plan, there was no way it was fake.

Therefore, he believed that No.1 was lying, fabricating a fact to fool him, and the purpose of lying naturally became what he wanted to find out, so he said more calmly: “What then? I know that I am dead. Leaving aside the fact that there is a problem with this sentence itself, let’s just say that I am dead, and I know it now, then what? I’m still standing here alive and talking to you.”

The old man sighed: “It seems that you still don’t want to admit it in your heart, otherwise, we won’t be talking here, but you should wake up and...”

When he said that, he suddenly stopped talking.

Chu Yunsheng laughed and said, “I’m already dead, how do I wake up?”

The old man’s face twitched and said seriously: “You are indeed dead, there is no doubt about that. Do you remember that during the Battle with The God, the arrow of destruction you shot broke through the sky?”

Chu Yunsheng nodded, and after fusing the eight hundred Mins’ bodies, the first thing he did at that time was to shoot a black arrow, and he also remembered that Realm Messenger Ge shouted that it was an arrow of destruction, but he himself didn’t think so, so he immediately replied: “yes, I remember that, but it is not the arrow of destruction.”

The old man waved his hand indifferently, adjusted his sitting posture slightly, and said clearly: “Everyone has their own way of understanding things, like the sword you are holding in your hand, you might think you are protecting yourself, but in the eyes of others, it is a murder weapon. This is the difference. You use it to destroy the sky, but it brings others into a moment’s nightmare. You couldn’t do this with your strength at the time, but with the Cambrian Soul Mark I left to you, which was the essence of an ancient race, in the extremely short amount of time, it made your arrow become a peerless ‘weapon’, and of course, it also became your last refuge after death.”

At that time, after speaking to No.1 in the arctic base, he indeed left something to him, and it indeed gave him a tremendous amount of energy later on. At that time, he didn’t know what it was. Only until now did he know that it was called Cambrian Soul Mark. However, he was not interested in this. Instead, he asked a different question,

“Refuge... Do you mean that I am just a cloud of black gas now? What kind of joke is this? Without the body, how can life survive?”

The old man looked at Chu Yunsheng with sympathetic eyes, and said calmly: “You are right. When a body dies, the zero-dimensional space naturally will dissipate, and life will cease to exist, and unable to perceive any world. But you feel that you still exist, so you can’t explain it. For the sake of reason and to ensure that the world you imagine will not fall into a logical contradiction and then collapse, you imagined a creature without a body, Old Youling.

Then saying that it is a higher life-form, you can get rid of this trouble perfectly, and push all the things that cannot be explained on Old Youling. In this way, with its existence, your existence will become reasonable. But in order to avoid Old Youling ‘debunking’ your theory, and to make the world you imagined more perfect, you even arranged it to lose its memory so that it seems capable of explaining why it can exist reasonably, but it just never remembers it! Because you don’t know it, so you can’t let it know. You can only solve it with amnesia. I have to say that you are quite smart for coming up with this trick. This is the only way and the best way to keep deceiving yourself.”

Chu Yunsheng’s brows twitched inadvertently. He listened very carefully, and No.1 also explained fluently. He indeed couldn’t explain the existence of Old Youling, and he also thought that Old Youling might just be a higher life-form, and since it existed, then it was reasonable and logical. It’s just because it hasn’t recovered its memory so it’s impossible to explain its own existence for him. For this reason, he even suspected that Old Youling was a Descender, so what No.1 said seemed reasonable, but he still found it hard to believe, “According to your statement, I am just a cloud of black gas. Without a body, a zero-dimensional space would dissipate. Then, why can I still exist? If you can’t explain it, then nothing you said will make sense.”

The old man nodded and said without pause, “Of course, I can explain it. In fact, you know it as well. In the world you imagined, your consciousness of wanting to wake up has already reminded you once indirectly. It was when you were trying to escape from Nanjing, but it was ignored by your subconscious. In fact, it forced you not to think that way, and debunk it subtly with the theory you know.

In the war outside the Arctic Base, what you shot through was actually not the sky, but the membrane of the universe. At that time, according to the ancient book in your hand, the earth was in a critical period of Celestial Orbit intersection, the extremely powerful dimensional oscillating force made the tiny point in the membrane where the earth was extremely fragile and chaotic. Otherwise, even if you had ten thousand Cambrian Soul Marks and more black energy, you still would not be able to penetrate it, that is not something a human can do!

Even the owner of your book may not be able to do it, so the forces that sealed the earth in three-dimensional space can only be described by the word ‘terrifying’, and I dare to conclude that they must have paid a very heavy price for it!

However, the world outside the membrane does not exist, because the universe has no boundaries. This may not be easy for you to understand. But it doesn’t matter. I can describe it as simple and as understandable as possible. You can think of it as a place that has no meaning in space and time. Everything, including space, time, and life, becomes meaningless here, which is what I just said does not exist.

Usually, nothing can appear in a place that does not exist, because like what you said, there is a problem with this sentence itself. But you have one thing, the fragment that the owner of that book gave you!

I don’t know what its name is, but I know that it later wrapped your consciousness, and used black energy to maintain your existence in the nonexistence, and to maintain your own meaning in the meaningless place, you need to have both of them.

So this is the reason why you can still feel your own existence, but it does not mean that you are still alive, because you exist in nonexistence and maintain meaning in a meaningless place, so to the whole world, you don’t exist, you don’t mean anything.”

Chu Yunsheng was silent for a while. No. 1 said a lot of things, he needed time to digest it. After a while, he looked up and said: “I saw the black arrow come back, it went into the spear.”

The old man shook his head slightly and said: “Your understanding is still limited to the concept of space. You think ‘extramembrane’ means a place farther outside? That is the concept of space. For the “extramembrane” that does not have any meaning in space and time, it doesn’t matter where the black gas is, because it does not exist anywhere, but the spear does exist. But I think, because the black gas outside the membrane does not interfere with the membrane, causing the membrane to twist, that spear has also disappeared in people’s sight.

However, it just disappears, but it physically exists, so it will eventually be discovered by people, or appear somewhere, it may still be on the earth, or it may not be there, or it may be floating quietly in remote darkness in the universe at this moment. It might be buried on a barren planet, or a planet with life. In short, there are all kinds of possibilities. I know too little about the knowledge of the membrane, so it is impossible for me to calculate. ”

Chu Yunsheng frowned slightly.

“The black arrow was shot before I stabbed the god, and according to your statement, if I died after stabbing the god, how can I hide in the black gas before I die.

After listening to Chu Yunsheng’s question, the old man looked at Chu Yunsheng even more sympathetically and replied in a low voice: “Actually, you know the answer, you just don’t want to face it. Since you want me to say it, then I will say it. Before you stabbed the god, you were already dying. Your zero-dimensional space wasn’t stable, but you forcibly merged with eight hundred Mins, hoping to use this method to increase your strength and fight against Realm Messenger Ge, so even if you didn’t stab the god, you were still going to die, fighting with the colorful vortex just accelerated your death time.

When your body collapsed and the zero-dimensional shattered, your consciousness was already on that spear, because you had to rely on that spear to pierce the colorful vortex!”

Chu Yunsheng’s brows twitched again, “Nonsense, how can a spear carry consciousness!”

The old man looked at him and asked back, “I’m talking nonsense? Or you still don’t want to accept it? You can ignore the fact that the spear was fused from many Mins, and it had the ability to carry life, and you can also ignore that those fragments can protect you, but you can’t ignore the black gas! Your logical ability has always been extremely strong, but you are still trying to deceive yourself. If you were still alive, why did the black gas not return to your body! Why did it go back to that spear! Tell me!? Tell me now!?”

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