Dark Blood Age

Chapter 687 - You Really Think That God Is So Easily To Be Slain?

Chapter 687: Chapter 687 You Really Think That God Is So Easily To Be Slain?

In the night time, Chu Yunsheng ate a bit of food randomly, then found an ordinary room, and slept for a while, but he was always uneasy and even had nightmares.

When Ye Qisheng and the others came back to report the casualties, he was shocked by the report!

Most of these names on the list were the people he was familiar with, and a large part of them was gathered by Yu Xiaohai according to the list he had given to him, such as Wu Kezhao, and Duan Danian, all of them were on the list.

However, these people were still alive outside the Pseudo-Monolith. Moreover, compared with all kinds of battles they had been through outside the Pseudo-Monolith, this kind of battle was relatively small. They should have been able to survive it.

Even Yu Xiaohai, who had been pretending to be him, was still alive, and the risk he had was much bigger than other people.

Chu Yunsheng finally understood why he would feel strange about Zhu Xirui’s death. Before he entered the Pseudo-Monolith, he heard that this person was still alive.

Then cold sweat began to appear on his forehead.

Yu Xiaohai was killed by a green-shelled insect shortly after leaving Shen Cheng city!

Ye Qisheng died in the battle outside the arctic base!

Ice messenger Li’s parents should have died before she was revived!

Du Qishan died in the foggy city!

Song Zihuai never reached Jin Ling City alive!


Almost all the people from Shanghai died on the road of escaping to Jin Ling city!

And now most of these people were still alive, but those who should have been alive all died...

Chu Yunsheng staggered, cast his gaze on the once-dead city, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

This is the world of the dead! The people around him are all dead people!

If there is hell, this is the world of the undead;

If there is the underworld, he is in one right now!

He then remembered the words the giant head said before it died once again — “No one has ever dared to gain insight into the Rainbow Bridge in-depth”, “This is a mysterious place.”

However, what exactly is this place!?

It was the first time that Chu Yunsheng had such a huge doubt. He looked up at the vast and dark sky that made people feel extremely small, and his soul seemed to be trembling.

Some things could be accidents, but when so many accidents were moving in one direction, then it was no longer to accidents, it was the will of God!

After a long time, he had an even more terrifying thought – Am I dead too?

When the Soldiers of the netherworld crossed the border, there was a voice saying: “Since you are already dead, why do you still obstinately persist? ...”

“How is it possible? How can I be dead?”

Chu Yunsheng’s eyes gradually became confused, his eyelids twitched rapidly as if he was struggling to wake up.

“But if I don’t die and with this trend, everyone who is still alive outside will die here. Only the dead can survive in this world. Only when I die can it be proven that I am alive, but if I am still alive, it can only prove I am already dead!”

The scary logic coiled in his mind, lingering. He seemed to have seen the bloody man he once met when he woke up in this world again, and the man was staring at him seemingly unwilling to give up something.

Chu Yunsheng shuddered inexplicably. If the logic were true, he could not imagine what kind of world this was.

At this time, an old voice rang in his ears.

“You finally remembered!”

Chu Yunsheng jumped up in shock, pulled out the sword, and searched around nervously.

“Don’t worry, I’m far away from you, so I can’t hurt you.”

Chu Yunsheng felt that he was very familiar with this voice, but now his head was in a mess, he couldn’t think anything straight at all, so he said coldly, “Who are you!”

“Can you not recognize my voice? I am in the Arctic base.”

Chu Yunsheng took a deep breath and tried to calm down: “You are No.1!?”

The old voice sighed: “I thought you had forgotten. You really don’t need to be nervous. If you are too nervous, micro-adjustment will appear, then we will not be able to have a conversation. It is very hard for me to find this opportunity... Okay, let’s do it this way. Let me project my image over.”

With that, a tiny miniature robot flew over from a place not far away from Chu Yunsheng. After arriving before him, it emitted a beam of light from its head, forming a three-dimensional holographic projection on Chu Yunsheng’s retina.

In the image, a trembling old man sat on a cold chair, looking at him calmly.

Chu Yunsheng’s pupils shrank slightly, “You didn’t die!”

The old man shook his head slowly, and said weakly, “I died.”

Chu Yunsheng insisted: “You are not dead!”

The old man still shook his head: “I am dead.”

Chu Yunsheng didn’t know why he suddenly became angry, and said in a loud voice, “You are not dead! you are still alive!”

However, both of them knew that what they were talking about was not the question of whether old man No. 1 died or not. It was actually that if old man No. 1 really died, then Chu Yunsheng’s logic just now would be correct, but that was something that he was not willing to accept.

“What is the point of this?” The old man sighed deeply again: “I thought you were not afraid of death.”

Chu Yunsheng didn’t want to listen, and rushed to say, “You are talking nonsense! I am not dead.”

The old man looked at Chu Yunsheng quietly, as if waiting for him to calm down. After ten seconds, he said, “You are really dead.”

Chu Yunsheng snorted coldly, refusing to believe it, “Evidence? Where is the evidence? I can talk now, eat when I am hungry, sleep when I’m sleepy, and rest when I’m tired, and standing here talking to you. How am I dead?!”

The old man said lightly: “If you are not dead, why are you eager to cure that girl?”

Chu Yunsheng quickly responded, “that... that is my personal business. It is none of your business.”

The old man smiled slightly, “Actually, you know that she is not sick. You just don’t want to get too involved with the people in this world. Her feelings for you make you scared, so you didn’t hesitate to use the most extreme methods to get rid of her. Moreover, you also didn’t want to see your aunt’s family. You had many opportunities, but you didn’t see them once. In the end, you simply sent them to me, so that you don’t have to deal with these troublesome problems for the time being.”

Chu Yunsheng said angrily, “I didn’t!”

The old man shook his head and said, “Yes, you didn’t. It is your subconscious mind that wants to do this, but in order to deceive yourself, you selectively ignore these things, because this world is what you imagined, but it doesn’t actually exist.”

Chu Yunsheng calmed down at this time, thinking that this was most likely No.1’s plan. So he quickly analyzed the current situation and seized a loophole, and said coldly: “But you exist, so the world also exists.”

The old man said sadly: “You are wrong, I am also imagined by you. I am a wisp of Cambrian Soul, you can’t kill it, and you also need No. 1 to appear, so I was transformed by your subconscious. Then you can continue to deceive yourself, because you know that I will tell you the truth, but you don’t want to believe it, so you can only use this method. In this way, you can argue with me, treating everything as my scheme, and my plans.”

Chu Yunsheng stared at him steadily and said coldly, “Fine, since you said I’m dead, then you tell me, when did I die!”

The old man said quietly: “After stabbing the god outside the arctic base, you were seriously injured. You died before even landing on the ground.”

In the end, he added another sentence, “Do you think God is really that easy to be slain? If that were the case, how could the civilization of the Pre-Cambrian Beings be easily destroyed?”

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