Dark Blood Age

Chapter 650 - The Dragon That Flies Towards The Rainbow Bridge

Chapter 650: Chapter 650The Dragon That Flies Towards The Rainbow Bridge

Chu Yunsheng was sitting inside the crew cabin, absorbing the energy from absorption talismans, using the little bit of strength that he had just recovered to organize Ben Ti Yuan Qi to clean up the mess inside his body.

The progress was very slow at the beginning. He needed to accumulate at least one unit of energy. Once he reached it, his recovery speed would be increased massively.

This was not the first time he had encountered such an injury. He had had a similar experience before. So he knew what to do. After examining his body, he realized that it wasn’t actually as bad as he had expected.

But no matter what, in the battle with the giant head, Chu Yunsheng thought that although he killed the giant head, he still lost the fight. The reason why he could defeat the giant head was because of the freeze gun and the black gas. Think about it, if he didn’t have the freeze gun, he wouldn’t have been able to deal with the debris of the collapsing skyscraper. Once he was trapped inside the debris, the giant head’s counterattack would definitely be deadly. In terms of the black gas, it was another thing that the giant head didn’t expect.

But from a tactical point of view, he did not win this fight. If the giant head could stop being greedy, it was undoubtedly that he would’ve been killed by it.

So honestly speaking, Chu Yunsheng did not want to encounter such a battle. The risk involved in this kind of fight is too high.

When it comes to this kind of fight, as long as there is a slight mistake, the result will be fatal, and there will be no chance of counterattack. What happened to the giant head was a great example. Although it once had a Yuan Tian stage four’s strength, once it made a mistake, it would still be killed by a person with Yuan Tian stage two’s strength.

But at the same time, he also contradictorily hoped that there would be such a battle. Only in this way could his combat ability be improved. Killing floating monsters didn’t require any tactic, and the longer he fought with those floating monsters the more stupid he would become, and in the end, he might even develop a stupid idea that only power was the most important thing in any fight.

He had once inquired about the information of Dark after his disappearance. Among the many messages, there was one that was recognized by all the major forces including the five elemental Races, that was, the amazing battlefield computing ability of Dark. It might even be more superior to the giant head. However, when it was with him, most of the time, it played the role of a muscled bodyguard, which was a complete waste.

Thinking that it, later on, sent eight hundred Mins to assist him, Chu Yunsheng couldn’t help but sigh. Where could it be now? And was it still alive?

The train slowly drove out of the station, making the heavy thud sound on the train track, and the buildings around the train track shake violently. After the horn was blown loudly, the engine suddenly accelerated, rushing toward the distant hollow entrance.

Floating monsters no longer cared about human beings at this moment. The huge suction force pulled them up with cars and other debris on the road, mixing them together before they were sucked into the hollow place.

On the roof of the train, people could hear the metal creaking sound or something heavy hitting the train constantly. Less than ten minutes, it had already caused more than a dozen big and small commotions.

Feng Yingxi’s forehead was covered with sweat. If a big bus was smashed down from the sky, the consequences would be unimaginable. If that really happened, many people would die or be injured, even the train would be derailed and overturned.

But Chu Yunsheng had said in advance that no matter what happened, they could not stop it.

If it weren’t for his order, the train driver and many people would have already jumped off the train and run away.

Even so, a carriage in the middle was still wrecked by something. No one knew what hit them. The speed of the train and the debris that were flying around the train were both very fast, they could not see it clearly. All Feng Yingxi could do was to organize a rescue and hope that the damaged carriage would not break apart.


A loud buzzing sound spread from the front of the train to the end of the train. Everyone’s eardrum felt the pressing tinnitus. When they came to their senses, they found that after they went through the dark passage, they saw the long-lost sunshine again. And when they looked around again, all of them were stunned.

The train they were on was moving on the track that was thousands of meters high above from the ground. The train track went through layers and layers of white cloud, heading straight toward the end of the setting sun. Over there, the rays of the sun were very bright, lighting up the entire sky red, like a rose blooming at the end of the horizon.

“Look, there are people below!” Yuan Xiaoyi shouted in surprise. She didn’t notice that the blue-haired girl beside her was already in tears!

While they were looking at the people in the world below through the train windows, the people on the ground were also looking at them in shock. They had not recovered from the shock of the son of the brightest glowing star being shot down earlier, but now they once again saw a green dragon emitting clouds and mists, howling loudly, flying to the Rainbow Bridge on the horizon.

Are the rumors of sinners finally going to come true? All the people below were thinking the same thing.

The soaring green dragon eventually flew into the Rainbow Bridge, and then gradually disappeared from their sights, as if it had never appeared before. It may eventually end up in the poets’ ballads, and be buried in fanciful myths.

Those who were fortunate enough to witness it may repeat it to posterity for the rest of his life and their descendants would make up many more stories from it. But for today alone, the miracle is not over.

After the dragon flew past, the sky became bluer, the air became fresher, the ice disappeared, and the temperature also rose steadily, then a rain of fire appeared.

It was an unheralded shower of fire, hurled straight down from the sky, shooting down like meteors, more spectacular than the cold sun was shot down.

Behind the rain of fire, a city that did not exist in any historical record rose above the blue sky. The sunlight reflected by the towering buildings could be seen even from the ground. A tall and huge bridge that could not be built by anyone, spanned a galaxy-like waterfall, and the water of the waterfall that fell from the edge of the city poured into the clouds and then disappeared into the clouds...

There was no trace of anyone in the city, it was an empty city or a ruin. However, this actually made sense to them. After all, only God could live in an incredible place like this.

After the train came out of the exit, Chu Yunsheng discovered that they had traveled almost “zero” distance.

From the entrance to the exit, the crosstie under the rails only went from the first crosstie to the second crosstie. They drove through the clouds and crossed the sky, but in reality, it was just like they had just gone through a thin piece of white paper.

However, the gravitational pull was real. What Yuan Xiaoyi saw was also true. Facing the two realities, it could only be attributed to an incredible miracle.

The last part of the journey was very difficult. In order to resist the sudden negative gravitational pull, the engine of the green-colored locomotive was running on maximum horsepower and overloaded. Fortunately, the combination of engine thrust and positive gravitational pull gave the train greater inertia when exiting the passage. The power of the negative gravitational pull was much smaller than that of the positive gravitational pull at the exit, which eventually helped them to break free.

Fortunately, the negative gravitational effect exhausted the train’s forward momentum, so shortly after the train rushed out of the exit, the train stopped, and a collision disaster was avoided.

Not far away in front of the train track, under the light of the train’s headlights, people could vaguely see debris lying on the track, and one of them was a large truck with a container. If the train hadn’t stopped, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After escaping the disaster, the survivors packed their belongings, lined up, and walked down the green-colored train that had completed its mission. Since the dark age, they stepped out of Nanjing for the first time. Though they had escaped from the disaster, they still looked at each other and whispered about the beautiful and incredible world they had seen.

The kind of shock and impact is not weaker than the shock that the people, who have watched them on the ground in that world, received. This is the first time humans have seen life and civilization outside the earth, and they actually saw them in this kind of method. To them, they felt it was as unrealistic as a dream.

It was a pity that they were too far away from each other, and they could not see the other life form clearly. Even cameras were not able to capture anything. It could only be deeply remembered in their minds for a long time.

Feng Yingxi now felt very awkward. After escaping from Nanjing, a hell-like place, his position as a leader was also finished. Seeing nearly one thousand people got off the train one by one, he felt like he should do something, but he didn’t know if they would carry on listening to him.

He wanted to discuss it with Luo Dalian. After all, Little Luo was a soldier. He had a responsibility to evacuate the masses. With this idea, he was walking towards the front train, but he heard a scream from the last carriage.

“Did something happen!” He was startled and wanted to check it immediately. If the floating monsters chased out, it would be very dangerous.

“There is no need to check it.”

A deep but weak voice floated from the front of the train.

“Nanjing City has disappeared. It is useless to check it.”

The voice was still weak, but it was very calm. Feng Yingxi naturally knew who it was. He hurriedly walked toward the front of the train and noticed that Chu Yunsheng was sitting in the field next to the train track while checking something that resembled a gun, but it was not any gun he had seen before.

“Nanjing has disappeared?” He was a little stunned, how could a large city disappear?


Remember how Jinling city disappeared in volume 4, it was also sucked into a hole, and disappeared. Ding Yan in volume 9 said that they were not sent to the insect’s world, but a world where only dead people exist. And there was a giant, who lost its soul, wanted people’s life in exchange for sending them out of that place.

This one is also the same.

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