Dark Blood Age

Chapter 649 - The Railway Across The Sky

Chapter 649: Chapter 649 The Railway Across The Sky

Translator: Doggotranslation

After the darkness, a faint of dim light gradually appeared before his “eyes”.

Chu Yunsheng’s heart immediately sank. He was so familiar with this place. In fact, he had been to this place many times. The only thought he had at the moment was why he came into the zero-dimensional space again?

Naturally, no one would tell him why, because there was only him in this place.

After thinking about it carefully, he guessed that most likely, he was brought here by the transparent tube that was brought back by the black gas. In terms of the specific reason, he didn’t know it at the moment.

As he thought of this, the zero-dimensional space suddenly became brighter. Since he first entered the zero-dimensional space, this was the first time that it was so bright. It was like a beam of light completely driving out the darkness and illuminating the entire universe.

The body made of Wuzi Fragment was shining brightly, and streams of light were flowing through it quickly. Chu Yunsheng could feel the huge amount of information pouring in, but he couldn’t understand any of it.

He then had an illusion that Wuzi Fragment, which was him at the moment, was communicating with the light that was illuminating the zero-dimensional space. This was a very strange feeling, obviously, he was the one that was communicating, but he couldn’t understand anything, just like the brain gives the finger a certain action signal, but how does the nerve transmit the command information, no one will be able to understand through feelings.

Moreover, he could clearly feel that without the Wuzi Fragment acting as a bridge, the light that was illuminating the entire zero-dimensional space was powerful enough to turn his weak body into a pile of ashes.

Those lights were like a group of uncontrolled wild horses, running around the world wildly, and Wuzi Fragment was the reins in his hand, cold, merciless, and contained the murderous sound. No matter how crazy those wild horses were, in front of it, they still had to lower their heads.

Chu Yunsheng immediately remembered the words that the giant head said to him. It said that in order to obtain something in the rainbow bridge, it lost its body, and got lost in the rainbow bridge for thousands of years. Thinking of this, Chu Yunsheng’s heart couldn’t help but beat much faster. If the thing that the giant head said was the thing that was brought back by the black gas, then if there was an accident, he might be trapped here forever!

Therefore, Chu Yunsheng was extremely careful. Every move of the Wuzi Fragment was his thought. At this time, the best way was not to interfere with it, so that it could deal with those lights as soon as possible. Then he would need to find a way to leave the zero-dimensional space.

It was definitely not a good idea to use the nerve-like line like what he did the last time. In case he would run into that strange world again.

Then it seemed like it was left with only one method. It was to use Wuzi Fragment and black gas to push himself out of the vortex. Based on the experience he had in the past, this should be the safest method.

In terms of the specific implementation methods, he hasn’t figured it out. Of course, he dared not think about it at the moment, otherwise, it would affect the “work” of the Wuzi Fragment.

At this time, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, the information contained in those lights disappeared all at once. Chu Yunsheng was both confused and very vigilant. He couldn’t help but wonder why it would be so quiet, and there didn’t seem to be any changes.

After waiting for a few more moments, it was still very quiet. Chu Yunsheng could only guess that it was probably controlled by the Wuzi Fragment.

Then the feeling that those lights seem to have regularity appeared in his mind, and through Wuzi Fragment, they seemed to completely accept his control. Moreover, the disappeared cube seemed to merge into the zero-dimensional space, and it felt like he was wearing a dress outside, and he no longer felt like he was “naked”.

Although Chu Yunsheng really wanted to get out as soon as possible, he still restrained himself for a while. Only when he was certain that there wasn’t anything unusual, and he was finally safe, did he dare to have the thoughts of leaving the zero-dimensional space.

However, with just this thought, the change appeared. The surrounding space suddenly twisted, several light beams came from a distance, converged on a point, pulling apart like electromagnetic waves, and forming a cube in the end. Its size is as big as a TV, but it is not fixed. It can become smaller or bigger based on his thoughts.

There was only a cloud of messy waves in the cube, like the messy waveforms on the screen of the lab instrument. It had no discernible pattern, no discernible mechanism, and then it either hopped around like it was changing some kind of frequency or moving quickly forward until it became many flat lines.

After twisting for a while, although the cloud of waves formed different shapes one after another, Chu Yunsheng still couldn’t get any useful information out of it. Having worked as an engineer for many years, Chu Yunsheng subconsciously started to guess that it was missing a vital component from an engineer’s perspective. To put it in perspective, it lacked a “radar antenna” that could be used for searching and locating, so it was actually blind at the moment.

Chu Yunsheng didn’t have time to think about its principles, or why it suddenly appeared when he wanted to get out. Now the most important thing was to gather black gas and control the Wuzi Fragment to send him out of the black vortex.

At this moment, the cloud of waves in the small cube suddenly stopped moving wildly, and the lines no longer twisted chaotically. A cloud of complex three-dimensional waves with green glows appeared in the center, its lines were very beautiful, full of a sense of life, although the waveforms were extremely complex, there was no sense of disorder, the whole thing was like a heart beating regularly.

“What is this?” This was the first thought that Chu Yunsheng sent to it.

However, in the next moment, Chu Yunsheng was completely stunned.

The zero-dimensional space was a place that should not have other voices part from his own voice. This place was the definition of eternal loneliness.

But now, there was actually a weak, almost trembling voice, coming out from the cloud of green glowing waves in the cube: “Gai... Gai Yi?...”

Chu Yunsheng’s face was stunned. Apart from this reaction, he didn’t know what other expressions he could use.

Gai Yi, it is Gai Yi again. The familiar and harsh pronunciation, he knew what it meant, but he didn’t know what was going on.

He held the cube on both ends with his hands, protruding his head, and asked subconsciously to the green waves below, “Who are you?”

Only when he asked, did he realize that the other party might not be able to understand him.

But the sound of him approaching seemed to frighten the “little waves” in the cube. The green glowing waves extinguished in a panic instantly, returning to the original chaotic state.

After a long time, Chu Yunsheng recovered from the shock. Waving his hand, he dispersed the small cube, and then slowly headed toward the black vortex above his head.

Before he even touched the black vortex, five nerve-like lines suddenly glowed one by one in the zero-dimensional space and flashed rapidly as if it was sending out some kind of warning urgently. At the same time, a great deal of information was directed in by the lights through the nerve-like lines.

The outside world was collapsing!

Chu Yunsheng felt that his eyelids were heavy, but as long as he wanted, he could “wake up” at any time.

‘So this is the method!’

Chu Yun suddenly understood that as long as he controlled the lights tamed by the Wuzi Fragment, he could walk out of the zero-dimensional space at any time.

Before he had enough time to be surprised, he had already opened his eyes, and then he was shocked to find that the water wave mirror behind him actually formed a bottomless hole, and the gravity from the hole was increasing at a rapid speed.

At the same time, the pain in his body suddenly came like a tide, until this time, all the feelings have come back to him.

When he looked up at the inner world, he was even more shocked. Since the giant head left, the ice here has disappeared, and the original petrified and decaying appearance of the city was restored, but now, all the buildings in the city were collapsing on a large scale. Moreover, the ground was oscillating violently, and all the fragments were rolling toward the same place. If there was no accident, it would shrink into a single point later.

With the increasing powerful gravity of the hole behind him and the collapsing city before him, Chu Yunsheng didn’t dare to stay here a single second longer. He quickly ran toward the edge of the city.

However, he has forgotten about one thing. The excessive use of energy had already given a lot of pressure to his body. Moreover, his body blood hadn’t stopped bleeding after he used the black arrow.

But he still didn’t dare to stop, with the help of the ice armor, he stepped on the ground that was shrinking rapidly, desperately rushing towards the edge of the city.

In fact, he didn’t run very far. Because of the collapse and shrinkage of the inner world, the edge of the city was pulled closer to him.

He didn’t know if the remaining black gas was enough to help him to cross the energy fluctuation layer, but he didn’t care that much anymore.

He simply gritted his teeth and jumped through the edge. However, even after he jumped through the edge, the bottomless hole could still be seen behind him, and its gravitational pull was still continuously increasing.

Compared to the speed of the hole, Chu Yunsheng was as slow as a snail, but he didn’t have any other choices. Moreover, not only could he not find the blue bubble anymore, but he also couldn’t find any energy fluctuation layers.

Just when the bottomless hole was able to catch up with him, it suddenly stopped as if there was some kind of iron rule that prevented it from going any further.

Chu Yunsheng heaved a sigh of relief, stumbled forward for about twenty meters or so. When he turned around to check again, he gasped in shock.

He didn’t know when the blue bubble appeared behind him again, but now it was just a layer of thin film, which couldn’t be regarded as a bubble anymore.

Just below the thin film, a huge crack was opened. It was caused by that bottomless hole in the middle, and with the powerful gravitational pull, it was sucking in all the floating monsters and “ghosts” that were originally wandering between the energy fluctuation layers.

At this time, on his way into his inner world, a long railway appeared from under his feet and extended into the bottomless hole, leading to an unknown place.

Chu Yunsheng suddenly remembered that this hole was probably caused by himself. The black arrow not only shot through the giant head, but also shot through the membrane that blocked him, and according to his connection with the black gas, the black gas most likely shot through the membrane in the sky in that world as well.

And this hole may have connected the two ends of the membrane, across the sky of the world where the giant head was shot down and reaching the outside of Nanjing?

The long railway may be the proof of it, but Chu Yunsheng had no way to verify it. The continuous increase of gravity would destroy the whole Nanjing city sooner or later.

If he didn’t want to be destroyed together with Nanjing City, there was only one way left for him. He needed to get back to the train station, and started the last locomotive, driving it across the sky of that world, and getting to the outside of Nanjing!


Hull quickly removed the hemispherical cover from his head like he had an electric shock. There was deep panic in his eyes, and his body shivered involuntarily.

The great and only supreme god, is that your voice?

He was in a state of agitation and trepidation. A slave, who had never entered any temples, heard the voice of God! How could he not shudder like he was struck by lightning?

The voice of God is so kind, so gracious, and so majestic!

Although Hull didn’t understand the voice of God, he couldn’t help but praise it.

But he is just a slave, how can he be qualified to talk to God? That is disrespect to God, a blasphemy against God! So, he quickly took off the hemispherical cover and sincerely regretted it.

At this time, there were noisy footsteps outside the ice cellar, with the barking sound of a sharp-nosed Pu Wu in between. Then someone said, “Check over there, he wouldn’t be able to run very far.”

Hull’s body trembled even more. He should have turned it over in the first place, but he really, really wants to pray to the god once. This is his dream since he was born, and the dream of his mother, his mother’s mother, and...

It is just a thought, and with this thought, he took the thing to the ice cellar to secretly worship it, thinking that once he finished the prayer, he would give it back to the masters in the temple. This is not something that a slave should have.

However, when he went out, it was already late. A large number of slaves, who were suspected of hiding it, had already been executed on the beach. The blood almost stained the entire beach and the sea. After death, their eyes were even scooped out. This is the severest punishment. The dead without eyes will never be able to find the path of peace, and will never be forgiven.

Thousands of eyes piled on the icy beach. Hull felt that they were looking at him in anger and hatred. It was he, who killed them. There were his friends and elders, and there were kids less than ten-year-old, and the old people who had helped him...

“Oh God, I am a heinous person, a sinful person!”

Hull burst into tears, remorse, but everything was too late, a big mistake has been made.

He was also afraid, so he ran away and hid in an abandoned ice cellar, trembling. But now the masters were finally here...


Chu Yunsheng returned to the train station with difficulty. Seeing what Chu Yunsheng looked like now, Feng Yingxi was taken aback. If it were not the unique armor and cloak, he could hardly recognize Chu Yunsheng.

His appearance was as horrible as if he had just crawled out of a blood pool. Feng Yingxi wanted to help him, but he couldn’t find a place to start.

“Quick! Start the train and leave now!” Chu Yunsheng flumped on the edge of the platform, his body shook unsteadily, and he urged.

He spoke too hastily, and foam poured out from his mouth and made his face look even more hideous, and it looked as if he might fall to his death at any moment.

“Wh... what?” Feng Yingxi didn’t hear it clearly, but he was shocked by Chu Yunsheng’s appearance.

Chu Yunsheng tried to swallow back the blood and said again, “Go! Now, otherwise, it will be too late!”

Blood dripped down his mouth, and he looked like a bloody corpse that had just crawled out of the tomb under the torchlight, but there was something more terrifying than this. As a loud noise sounded from a distance, a building was suddenly broken into fragments, and then was sucked away by something.

Feng Yingxi couldn’t see what was happening there, but this kind of movement was definitely not something good. Hearing Chu Yunsheng’s words, he waved his flashlight and roared upstairs hurriedly, completely ignoring the danger of floating monsters “Come down, hurry! Get everyone down now, we need to move!”

“Driver! Driver! “Chu Yunsheng’s bloody hands grabbed Feng Yingxi’s trouser legs, and reminded him strenuously that he must protect the driver. If the driver died, all of them would die too.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got someone to protect him already.” Feng Yingxi didn’t need Chu Yunsheng to remind him how important the driver was. Otherwise, when he took Chu Yunsheng to the blue bubble, he would not have arranged the driver to stand in the middle of the team. “Mr. Chu, are you alright? Let me get some doctors to check you. After you left, there were more people coming to the station. Amongst them, there were some doctors.”

Chu Yunsheng wiped his bloody mouth and said, “No need, they can’t cure me. I will let you handle the rest. Tell the driver that no matter what the situation is, or what he sees, don’t stop, drive the train at the maximum speed!”

If what he guessed was right, there should be gravitational pull on the other end of the hollow passage as well. But for now, he should take the opportunity when the gravitational pull was not too strong, and rely on the acceleration thrust and inertia of the train to rush through the passage in one go. Once the gravitational pull became stronger, they would be stuck here forever.

He still remembered that the giant head said that those who did not belong to that world would die when they entered it.

The hollow passage formed by the holes in the membranes of that world was the only way to leave here. Once they were trapped into that world, death was the only result.

Since Chu Yunsheng walked down from the sky, his prestige has greatly increased. No one dared to not believe or listen to what he said. After all, he is everyone’s only hope.

It’s just that if they knew the emergence of the floating monsters and the current destruction actually had something to do with Chu Yunsheng, probably no one would think this way.

The number of refugees gathered in the train station increased explosively after Chu Yunsheng left, and has reached more than 1,000 people so far. Although it is not known whether it is the total number of survivors, this number is also very impressive.

Although the green-colored locomotive is old, the transportation capacity is not bad. There would be no problem for it to carry one thousand people. The only trouble was the supplies, such as a large quantity of food and weapons, that were piled up on the platform, which was mostly left behind when the military retreated.

Feng Yingxi wanted to take them all away but was opposed by Chu Yunsheng. Apart from killing other humans, and taking up spaces, those weapons would be useless outside. The only problem was the food. However, there wasn’t much time for him to decide, so he simply just told Feng Yingxi to give out some food to everyone when they got on the train. All they could do was to take as many people with them as possible.

Although it was very obvious to other people that Chu Yunsheng was heavily injured. What he did to those floating monsters still remained in everyone’s mind, so no one dared to disobey what he said.

Moreover, no one dared to ask how he was injured like this. Because this was a useless question. After all, even if they knew anything about it, they would not be able to provide any help.

Ten minutes later, under the constant urging of Chu Yunsheng, the train finally started slowly. Luo Dalian and a few soldiers stood at the door of the crew cabin, and no one was allowed to enter this place.

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