Dark Blood Age

Chapter 625

Chapter 625

Translator: Doggotranslation

Bullets could only shoot through floating monsters’ bodies, but they couldn’t kill them. This was completely different from the insects. The insects had solid shells to protect them, bullets could rarely shoot through their bodies.

Therefore, the weapons of those soldiers could only slightly slow down the speed of the floating monsters’ advancement, and they couldn’t be completely eliminated. Only the flamethrowers in the hands of the two soldiers were slightly better.

But the reason why they could survive until now was not because of the flamethrowers. Just after turning into the crossroads, Chu Yunsheng found that there were two red-shelled insects spitting corrosive liquid on both sides of the soldiers!

In Chu Yunsheng’s eyes, it was an incredible scene that he had never seen before.

He had to figure out what was going on? Since when did the insects and humans fight together?

Chu Yunsheng quickly took out a spare Nanjing map from the storage talisman, unfolded and pointed to a nearby hotel, and said quickly to the middle-aged man, “when this group of people comes here, take them here and wait for me. I will help the soldiers to stop the floating monsters first!”

After speaking, he took out a crossbow and a bag of small steel balls that he no longer used, and gave them to him, “If they don’t listen to the command and make noises to attract floating monsters, and if persuasion is useless, you can handle them with this!”

The middle-aged man shivered. He has never killed a person before. Although Chu Yunsheng’s last sentence didn’t say it clearly, he understood what he meant. If he didn’t want to die, he couldn’t be soft-hearted, otherwise, the people with mental breakdown would harm others.

Putting the crossbow in the hands of a middle-aged man, Chu Yunsheng no longer paid attention to him, and immediately put on his battle cloak, and headed toward the chaotic crowd. As soon as he arrived in the crowd, he pointed back at the middle-aged man and loudly said, “follow the man who has a crossbow, and don’t panic! The more panic you are, the faster you will die.”

There were too many floating masters. For safety, he must put on the battle cloak.

This group of men and women did not know where Chu Yunsheng came from, but when they saw him standing there covering in a cloak and holding a bow while shouting loudly, they were all dazed for a second. In this kind of situation, it would be extremely dangerous, if there was no one to lead them. The people in the crowd might run into each other, or run around blindly causing more accidents, making the people in the crowd even more panicked. It was also in this kind of situation, as long as someone was willing to stand out, no matter who they were, even if the person was a kid, the people in the crowd would follow the person blindly. Because fear and panic would make them follow the order blindly.

In such a short time, another soldier was swept away by a floating monster, and Chu Yunsheng no longer paid any attention to the escaped crowd but hurried to the front of the battlefield that was less than thirty meters away from him. He quickly raised a bow, nocked an arrow, pulled the string, aimed at the floating monster, and released the string.

He had a lot of arrows, there were many in the storage talisman, so he didn’t worry about not having enough of them. The only problem was energy. The more arrows he shot, the less energy he would have. But he only had two energy absorption talismans, once he used them, it would be very dangerous for him, so he had to use arrows wisely.

In other words, he had to make sure that he would be able to kill a floating monster each time he released an arrow.

He shouldn’t waste any of his energy.

Because of the chaos on the battlefield, it was not necessary to suppress the sound of arrows. Many fiery arrows flew over soldiers’ heads with sharp roars, hitting master floating monsters one by one.

The tyrannical fire energy rushed through the floating monsters’ bodies, like lightning up many lanterns. In the air, the monsters that were hit, twisted and turned their bodies, until they exploded one by one, falling from the air while burning fiercely.

The sudden attack forming a fiery wall in the air, blocking all other floating monsters from approaching them temporarily. The only remaining seven soldiers finally had a chance to breathe. Even the two insects besides them also quickly retreated.

At the same time, they were shocked to find that it was a man in a cloak, who released those incredible and deadly fiery arrows.

“Go, Now! Otherwise, it will be too late! “Chu Yunsheng then released another three arrows in succession, forming a flaming wall over the street.

Among the soldiers, a young man, who was around twenty years old suddenly seemed to remember something, and said, “I remembered him. He is the superhuman that the people in the division talked about. He is also wearing that cloak. We are saved!”

Chu Yunsheng didn’t expect that someone would recognize him here, but this was not the place to talk about this. They seriously needed to retreat quickly.

His plan was to save these soldiers and two red-shelled insects. The former one was to find out the situation of the military, the latter one was to figure out why they wanted to help humans.

But he didn’t expect that the two red-shelled insects that had just fought side by side with the human soldiers, would suddenly charge toward him fiercely when they saw him, like they were injected with chicken blood. They even completely ignored the floating monsters behind. Clearly, they wanted to kill him.

“Fuck, what the hell is going on!?”

He hurriedly jumped back, and while his body was in the air, he quickly swapped out the frost bow and released an arrow quickly.

Although his archery skill has not yet reached the first realm that was defined by the senior practitioner, his accuracy was very good now. After all, he didn’t simply just waste his time in the zero-dimensional space. So even if the red-shelled insect was moving at a high speed, he would have no problem hitting one.

But after he released a frost arrow, another red-shelled insect also arrived before him, and the speed of the insect was also extremely fast, and it would not give him a second chance to draw the bow.

The battle cloak blocked the corrosive liquid spat by the red-shelled insect. This kind of corrosive slimy liquid could even burn a large hole in the reinforced concrete, but it was not a threat to the battle cloak. Chu Yunsheng deliberately let it spit the liquid on him, so he would also be able to quickly kill it. After blocking the corrosive liquid attack, his other hand had already taken out the flaming sword. With just one sword hack, the insect was beheaded.

No one had more experience than Chu Yunsheng in dealing with red-shelled insects. When the two insects attacked him at the same time, although he was confused as to why those two insects would suddenly attack him, his body had already started to react.

With the current situation, he only had enough time to freeze one red-shelled insect.

The head of the insect fell on the ground and rolled aside. Chu Yunsheng kicked away the body that was pressed on him, and stood up. Seven soldiers with various weapons on their backs suddenly didn’t know what to do.

Those two insects had helped them, and Chu Yunsheng had also helped them just now, but in an instant, they didn’t know what happened, the insects attacked Chu Yunsheng, and Chu Yunsheng also immediately killed two insects. Both parties were like the mortal enemy, not showing any mercy at all.

In fact, this was just the feeling of the soldiers. Actually, Chu Yunsheng didn’t have a deep grudge against those two insects. It was just that his body reacted that way.

After hesitating for a few moments, the soldiers decided to face reality. Although they were very sympathetic about what happened to those insects, Chu Yunsheng was still a human after all.

Moreover, Chu Yunsheng was a very powerful human.

“Hurry up, go!” Chu Yunsheng took a breath and stored the dead red-shelled insect into the storage talisman.

The floating monsters behind the flaming wall were about to break out from the flaming wall, and the floating monsters from other directions have also bypassed the flaming wall and quickly approached them. It would be really too late if they didn’t leave now.

Seeing the dead insect disappeared all of sudden, the soldiers were even sure that Chu Yunsheng was the superhuman that the people in the division talked about. So they didn’t dare to ask but hurriedly retreated.

However, after storing the dead insect, Chu Yunsheng encountered a problem. Storage talisman would not be able to store live creatures, and he was only at Yuan Tian Stage One at the moment. Even if he had an energy shield talisman to boost his physical strength, he would not be able to carry a heavy insect while running.

The plan he had made earlier was just a thought, and it was a split second of thought. He didn’t have enough time to think it through properly. Only until now did he realize that this flan was flawed.

Without any choice, he used the fire elemental flame to melt the ice that trapped the other insect, hoping that he would be able to find out some information before the floating monsters got to him.

He couldn’t understand the communication wave between insects at the moment. At most, he could only imitate the noises based on his previous experience as an insect.

“Where, is, Min? Why, attack, me?” Chu Yunsheng tried to imitate it as short but as accurately as possible, and fearing that the insects might not understand him, he repeated it several times.

However, it was a pity that the mind of a red-shelled insect was very simple, and there was little communication consciousness. Generally, it only had the ability to understand and obey commands. When it recovered a little bit of the ability to move, it immediately screamed coldly at Chu Yunsheng, and regardless of its situation, it still was trying to break the ice to kill Chu Yunsheng.

At this time, the floating monsters had already rushed out, and Chu Yunsheng had no choice but to hack the sword, cut off its head, hurriedly stored it into the storage talisman, and quickly retreated from the scene.

The insect’s scream, Chu Yunsheng vaguely understood what it meant. The frequency of this scream was not something that he learned only after he became an insect. In fact, he was already familiar with this frequency before he became an insect, but only after he became one did he finally understand what it meant, and from what he heard, it roughly meant: Kill!

Not killing other people, but only him? Chu Yunsheng couldn’t figure out why.

If the head of the red-shelled insect in the commercial building wasn’t broken, it probably would also want to kill him. But he has never seen an insect that would not kill people because its head was broken, so there must be some other reasons.

As he thought of this, he began to move even faster. Once he arrived at the rendezvous point, he definitely needed to look at the difference between the bodies of those three insects!

Perhaps, he would be able to find something.

Floating monsters only tracked down prey through sound. The seven soldiers seemed to have more experience in this area than Chu Yunsheng. After running a distance, they hid in a street barbershop, and when they saw Chu Yunsheng in the firelight, they waved to Chu Yunsheng and signaled him to come in to hide.

After failing to capture any prey, the floating monsters swept angrily around the area, then gradually drifted away.

Only after they had floated away did Chu Yunsheng finally get out of the barbershop. Thinking about the floating monsters he killed earlier, he lurked back to the place the monsters died, found the oval-shaped ice crystals, and then stored them in the storage talisman. Those things contained ice elemental energy, which was something that he needed at the moment.

Taking out another map, they located where they were and then quietly moved toward the rendezvous point. Fearing that it would attract floating monsters again, none of them dared to speak.

After arriving at the hotel, and before Chu Yunsheng had time to check the bodies of the three insects, he saw an old “acquaintance”, a female Nanjing University student, who once took his picture using her phone.

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