Dark Blood Age

Chapter 624

Chapter 624

A sudden gunshot awakened Chu Yunsheng from his dream. His chest undulated violently, and he gasped heavily.

He felt so uncomfortable, but he couldn’t find the source of the discomfort. He did not know why he would have such a dream? Was it a sign of something?

Since the nightmare he had in Shu Du city, he had a strong repugnance toward all dreams and was unwilling to recall the content of the dreams he had. He did not even want to have any dreams.

He was afraid that once he had it, it would become true.

So when he heard the first gunshot, he immediately became alert and completely stopped himself trying to remember what he was dreaming of.

The surroundings were still very dark even after he opened his eyes. There was no trace of light, only a quiet breathing sound behind the desk in the opposite corner of the room.

Chu Yunsheng once joked with Edgar that even if he fell asleep, he would still keep one eye open. During that period of time, many of those, who fell deep sleep, would often wake up finding that insects had already appeared before them. Some would even be killed while they were still in the dream.

Vigilance was always the most important in dangerous dark nights like this, so as long as it was not in zero-dimensional space, being vigilant towards the surrounding environment has already become his habit.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer, noisy and filled with panic, mixed with the noises of someone crying for help, the middle-aged man and others crowded behind the desk also woke up one by one, their facial reactions could not be seen in the dark, but their nervous breaths could be clearly heard.

“There were still troops that haven’t left?” Chu Yunsheng glanced at the light outside the window, turned to the middle-aged man in the dark, and whispered.

“We are the last batch, but we are trapped here before we have time to transfer.” The middle-aged man heard Chu Yunsheng’s voice and calmed down a little. But from his voice, Chu Yunsheng could hear a sense of frustration.

If they had left early, they probably wouldn’t have been trapped here.

“Trapped here?” Chu Yunsheng was confused. He has been wondering why there were still people in Nanjing. It should have been an empty city. Even if they didn’t catch up with the main evacuation force, it was not impossible to walk there, so why did they still stay here? So when he heard the middle-aged say that they were trapped here, he immediately asked, “What do you mean?”

The middle-aged man sighed and said, “We also want to leave, but we can’t get out. On the last evacuation day, a huge ‘waterdrop’ descended from the sky with those floating monsters, and the whole city was wrapped in ‘waterdrop’ with us, we can’t get out of it.”

“Waterdrop? Can not get out?” Chu Yunsheng frowned and seemed to remember something. This sense was familiar to him.

The middle-aged man explained dispiritedly, “We once walked to the eastern edge of the city, but it was covered with floating monsters, so we had to avoid it. Eventually, we found an area that did not have any floating monsters. Thinking that this time we could finally escape from the city, we went out of the city from that area, but then we completely lost our direction. The further we walked away from the boundary of the waterdrop, the blurry our surroundings were, and in the end, everything all disappeared. We couldn’t see roads, buildings, it was competently empty. Without any choice, we decided to split up and see if anything could find anything, but then we even lost contact with our people, and when we finally came out of that empty place, we noticed that we have returned to this city, and only one-tenth of the people get out.”

Chu Yunsheng was taken aback. This was exactly like the fog city. He could not help but think that no wonder he had a familiar feeling. But at the same time, he was also very worried. Because when he was in the fog city, he had Professor Sun, and a bunch of scientists to figure out how to get out of the fog city, but now he did not have anyone. Moreover, at least the fog city had some clues that people could use to figure out the sequence, but this one had no clues at all.

There was also another problem. There were no floating monsters in his memory, but now there were floating around in this city. Logically speaking, it must have been created by the Pseudo-Monolith, and it was likely to be the residual memory left by the Pre-Cambrian beings. Maybe it was the conflict between his memory of other people’s memory that was why this “huge waterdrop city” was created.

But if it was indeed like this, then how was the fog city formed?

Chu Yunsheng felt like his head was in a muddle. The fog city was the only place that he could not figure out what happened to it. The monsters inside were not the same as the monsters outside. Especially Flaming Birds, which had no physical body at all, but its strength was very terrifying. At that time, he was almost killed by one of them.

In any case, he needed to think of a way to go back to Shanghai first. Things were progressing toward an unknown place that was beyond his ability to understand. It was not something he could figure out by himself. He must seek help from other people, especially scientists.

At this time, the gunshots outside were even closer. And it seemed like they were heading toward the building where Chu Yunsheng was staying.

“I am going to check it! Maybe they are soldiers.” Chu Yunsheng took out the night vision device and put it on his head. If they were indeed soldiers, it would be better to discuss the solutions with them.

Seeing Chu Yunsheng was about to leave, the middle-aged man quickly asked, “Will you come back?”


Chu Yunsheng suddenly whispered to him.

Just when he finished adjusting the night vision device, he noticed that there was a transparent floating monster slowly moving upstairs from downstairs. Its movement was very slow, and there was almost no energy fluctuation, it was just like it was slowly pushing upwards by the airflow.

Chu Yunsheng picked up a bow and made a gesture under the flashlight that was held by the middle-aged man to signal them to follow him.

The “sleeping” floating monster soon seemed to be stuck in the corridor near the stair landing one floor below. It was spinning with the flow of air, moving ups and downs repeatedly. If he wanted to go downstairs, he had to deal with this monster. Otherwise, his footsteps would definitely disrupt it.

The latest technology of military night vision was very good. It was not something that the night vision goggles Chu Yunsheng once bought could compare. Even the “sleeping” floating monster could also not escape its detection.

Chu Yunsheng slightly adjusted the effect of the fire elemental enchantment talisman on the bow, weakening the penetration of the fiery arrow, but increasing its explosive power. He wanted to kill the floating monster instantly as soon as the arrow hit it, in case it would run away.

“It’s a Duan Kong Floating monster, they like to crawl into the building to suck dust.” In the dim flashlight reflected by the windows, the middle-aged man crawled on the floor, popped his head carefully to take a glance at the floating monster below, and then said with certainty.

“Compared with the one I killed before, which one is more powerful?” The reason why Chu Yunsheng asked the middle-aged man to follow him was very simple. This man knew a lot about floating monsters, and it could help him to avoid any dangers.

“I only know that the umbrella floating monsters float faster than this one, and they kill people faster than this one. This is all I know.” The middle-aged man lowered his voice and said nervously.

At this time, as long as there was a single movement that was handled inappropriately, the floating monster would immediately be able to find them, so his daughter’s mouth was covered by her mother’s hand lest she would accidentally sneeze or something.

“Stay here, and don’t move, I’ll try to kill it. If the arrow can’t kill it instantly, I will lure it away. Later on, you can wait for me at the entrance” Chu Yunsheng told them what his plan was and then signaled the middle-aged man to go back to stay with his wife. He then took out an arrow from the storage talisman and placed it on the bow.

The middle-aged man swallowed and looked at his wife. No one could see how Chu Yunsheng took out an arrow. His daughter’s eyes were even wide open in shock.

The “sleeping” floating monster probably heard some movement. The long flagella behind its butt moved left and right, disturbing the air, sending out short quick waves.

Chu Yunsheng, who had seen all kinds of strange creatures in the dark age, immediately realized that the monster was checking the situation in the area. Without any eyes, those floating monsters must have other methods to detect the dangers. Emitting short waves in the air and then using the body to receive “echos” may be one of those methods. Its principle was similar to that of sensors. He who used to be an engineer knew this very well.

Whoever attacks first would gain the upper hand of the fight.

Chu Yunsheng has always been pursuing this combat philosophy. He immediately jumped out from the corner of the wall, infused the energy into the arrow, aimed the arrow at the floating monster, and let go of the string.

At a distance of fewer than three meters, the floating monster that was locked by the arrow, had no chance to dodge it. When it realized the danger, the arrow had shot already into its body with the flame of death.

In order to prevent any accidents, Chu Yunsheng put away his bow immediately after shooting an arrow. He took out the sword and hacked down the sword at the same time when the energy in the arrow exploded, the monster was instantly hacked into halves.

In the firelight, Chu Yunsheng was surprised to find that the floating monster’s remains could still move and they were still trying to run away like lizards’ tails.

However, under the fire elemental fire’s attack, they had no way to escape and were eventually “melted” together by the flame, forming an oval-shaped ice crystal object the size of a pearl.

Other floating monsters may soon be attracted by the attack, so Chu Yunsheng did not take a closer look at the oval-shaped ice crystal, but directly stored it into the storage talisman, and then extinguished the surrounding flames.

The middle-aged man did not expect that Chu Yunsheng would kill a floating monster so quickly. Then he suddenly remembered that he also killed that insect very fast, it made his heart beat rapidly. Fortunately, he was a human being, and he also spoke Chinese very fluently. Otherwise, he would have definitely thought that he was a monster that disguised as a human.

After Chu Yunsheng took them away quickly, several floating monsters came and wandered in the area. They did not react much to the light. Only the energy fluctuations and sound waves would attract their attention.

Chu Yunsheng had an energy shield talisman, so they would not be able to detect his energy fluctuation. He crouched at the entrance while holding his breath and waited for the floating monsters to float past him before he waved at the other people and signaled to follow him carefully.

It was unwise to fire guns in a city that was covered with this kind of floating monster. Because it was an extremely dangerous thing to do.

There have been many floating monsters gathering around the place where the gunshots occurred. Chu Yunsheng didn’t dare to get there directly. While most of the floating monsters were attracted by the gunshots, he moved slowly with five people, trying to avoid attracting any attention.

When he arrived at the place, he saw a large group of people holding flashlights, running desperately towards the crossroads with fear. There were about seven or eight soldiers behind them, with various weapons in their hands, desperately trying to stop the floating monsters from chasing them.

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