Celestial Peak

Chapter 518: Paradise

Chapter 518: Paradise

"Good day Young Miss. I heard what happened to your father, I wish he gets better soon."

"Good day to you as well Uncle Altis, thank you."

A Third-Generation Vermillion Bird greeted while eating an apple.

"Ah! Young Miss, I caught a Serval Phantasm three months ago, do you want its core?"

"No thanks Aunty, I don't really have the need for it right now. Why not give it to Mila?"

"Aiya, she's six thousand years old now and doesn't want to accept what I give her. She thinks she can catch a Rank-9 Beast on her own and is throwing a tantrum. I allowed it but then she says she wants to catch it outside, saying she wants to get out of the world like the Young Miss she says."

"Ah, I'm sorry, it seems like my actions is setting a bad example to the young, I'll have a talk to them later."

"Bah, don't worry about that Young Miss, let the young have such tantrums, we'll be sending the Young Trial Zone anyway."

"Hoooh, then I guess they'd be hunting Beasts after all. Hehe, make sure to give them Hell, okay Aunty?"

"Of course!"

A Third-Generation Azure Dragon Aunty happily cracked her knuckles on how to beat up a defiant child in broad daylight. The Azure Dragon Aunty turned her attention to Butler Sun by Qinyang's side, she smiled, as her eyes crackled with lightning, "A member of the Wang Family walking about in our midst how audacious."

"Good day to you as we"


A fist stopped right before Butler Sun's face. Lightning singed his hair, "Is this perhaps the same as the greetings with the Devils?"

"No, this is just a random Deity checking to see the quality of opponents who dared challenge the White Tigers. I have got to say, I am not disappointed."

Blood slowly trickled down from the Azure Dragon's cheeks. As thousands of spears threatened to skewer her from all around.

The Aunty Azure Dragon pulled her fists back cackling, "I can see how the Wang Family managed to stave off annihilation from Alkar's hand. Though it is more of a wonder why he's still alive considering you're on the Wang Family's side."

"I didn't join the war. The conflict is between the current Second Elder's disciples and Sir Alkar's forces, the main family tries not to get in the way. Though it is a shame that thousands of lives had been lost already."

"That explains why they are still alive, haha. Anyway, I'll see you around Wang Boy. Alkar is not here so don't be too tense, hahaha."

"Thank you." Butler Sun respectfully lowered his head to a normal Third-Generation Azure Dragon. He knows very well that she was far stronger than he was for the aunty was holding back a large portion of her strength, "Are the inhabitants of this World all as strong as her, Young Miss?"

"Hmm, not really, Aunty is one of the weaker ones as she loves bearing children to increase our numbers and training them more than sharpening her skills. She's stronger than Alkar as she's older by a couple fifty thousand or so years, but, she's still at the bottom in terms of combat ability."

"is that so." Butler Sun felt crushed hearing that one of the weakest. He was strong, capable of pushing her back and even winning, because of his domain, but, he was well aware that it would not be easy.

Deities or Beasts in general were different from cultivators. Because their qi originated from a different point of source, then, they were unaffected by the shift of qi. This led to the Beast only suffering confusion of their ranking.

However, Beast and Deities remained at the peak of power and because their way had not changed since long ago, then that meant they could still use what they know from the past. Adding to that the current system, then if Beast and Deities like Qinyang uses Domains, then it would even be difficult for humans and others to survive.

"I worry for the future after the war against the Demons."

"Hooo, you are very optimistic, Grandpa Sun."

"I try to be instead of wallowing in the despair of our inevitable demise." Butler Sun laughed.

The two of them walk together, alone. Butler Sun saw a lot of wondrous things that he found abnormal from his perspective. The Deities acted like simple people, strolling along the meadow, and lazing about underneath the shadows of a tree.

The silence of the breeze lull the sleepy, and many simply enjoyed their own game of chess. The Deity Paradise was true to its namesake, a peaceful world, where conflict was a purge.

They have their own way of living, their own way of dealing with problems and emotions. This was the world created by the Mother, a world that houses peace.

[This is a nice place.] Butler Sun felt tinge of enby.

Eventually, the walk they were taking led them to an edge of the world where the weakest of spatial energy lay.

Qinyang opened up the portal, "Are you going to the Ancestral Lands of the Wang Family now, Grandpa Sun?" 

"I am, news of the Young Master's existence should have reached the Cosmos' ears by now. I have to go to the Ancestral Land and inform the Madam and Master about what is happening, I also have to go to the Abyssal Tundra and search for Little Yue, she would be delighted to know that the Young Master is alive."

"Is that so, then, use this." Qinyang handed over a compressed Sailer to Butler Sun, "That should speed up Butler Sun's travel and if they wish to, then, please bring Father's parents over to our world they must be missing their son as well."

Butler Sun lowered his head, "Thank you, Young Miss, I will be going now." 

The Portal closed soon after he left, leaving Qinyang alone. She was smiling and after a 

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