Celestial Peak

Chapter 517: Why You Matter

Chapter 517: Why You Matter

Deity Paradise One of the Hundreds of Mountain Seclusions


The Heavy Doors of the Mountain Seclusion, Butler Sun sat in front of the doors and then kowtowed in front, "I hope for your safe return, Young Master" Butler Sun was worried of Wang Ling's situation and felt bad that he could do nothing for him but pray.

But he hesitated to even do such a thing for he knew that there was no such thing as God. The one he called Young Master was the truest Creator of Life, and the one who could match him in terms of such godhood was his beloved.

He suddenly laughed. [I pray for the Young Master's wellbeing yet he's the one standing above all God. I try and entrust his life to fate, yet his life is no longer tied to any of such flimsy concepts.] Butler Sun was placed in an unsavory dilemma.

In the end, he could only release a deep sigh.

"Is something the matter, Grandpa Sun?"

"Young Miss, well, it feels absolutely disgusting for me that I cannot even help your father, in any way." Butler Sun showed a dry laugh.

"The incarnation of the All-Father, he's a man whose destiny is to kill the one birthed from the waste of the past yet, even that thought is wrong for destiny is him itself. He fails, or not, all of it lies in his own decisions. He seems perfect, in control, but he lacks in acting subtle and actually being around always going for round trips to the Underworld."

Qinyang's words brought a smile upon the saddened Butler's countenance, "I see, must have been lonely to have waited for him for so long only to see him weakened. That is how the Young Master has been since he was young."

"I see Grandpa Sun, how was Father when he was young?"

"Have Lady Bai Xue not told you of their adventures? She knows more than us for they were together more than his family."

"She had, but I virtually know nothing about Father about his younger years, about the time when he has yet to go on his adventures and an Academy. I wish to know more about his younger years, when he was far younger when he's yet to meet Mother."

"I see, then where should I begin? Hmm, there was that time that the Young Master could not think and his younger sister would have to change his diapers. A time when I had to save him from a group of was it cultists?

"His first fight was against a woman. He's an avid reader, a genius in the way of anything he thinks he can do. And someone who cherishes his family very much. But I don't have to tell you that he fought an army of Demons for your sake."

"Which led to him being in such a state if his vessel breaks and his soul wanders searching for a vessel, we would be waiting for who knows how long. Mother reincarnated as herself without memories of the past after millions of years, even if Father is not the same, the Cosmos will still end no later than a hundred years Father will open his eyes at nothing but the darkness of Death surrounding him.

"If I didn't let him know who I was he would have gotten away then." Qinyang trembled at this thought.

They stepped out of the giant Mountain turned cave, smiling. Butler Sun stood there, with Qinyang staring at the distance, "You are insightful, Young Miss. Such wisdom for someone who had not left this paradise until a year prior. You are also elegant, graceful, you have been taught well by Lady Bai Xue and the revered Deities. 

"But, sometimes, the truth is much simpler than you may think." Butler Sun smiled, "Young Miss, do you know why the Young Master wish to defeat the Emperor of Death and destroy them from the face of the Cosmos?"

"To save it from danger and everyone in it?"

"Hoho, Young Master was right, you really are pure. Close but not exactly." Butler Sun laughed, and Qinyang growled while having her head pat by the old Butler, "The truth about the Young Master is simple, just like how he kills when he needs to he will save the Cosmos for the sake of his only interest, and that is his Family.

"His Family?"

"That's right. Let me tell you something Young Miss. When he was young, the Young Master fought a drunk woman. At the time, it had only been some time since he regains consciousness, and learned how to read, write, and cultivate.

"Maybe, because of that, he likes acting simple and wore simple robes than what the Major Family wears today. It was silk, but by today's standards, it would be worst than a Major Household's servant's attire. However, the Young Master liked wearing something so simple. And of course, he got into trouble due to this, he was called a servant by a guest who not know he's the First Born of the Family. What do you think did the Young Master did in response to a drunk's provocation?"

"Was it not called Father's First Fight? Of course, he berated back, and beat her up." 

"Correct, a single punch was enough to keep her silent. It was not strong, a warning to let her know it was enough. Of course, as they do, she shouted back, screamed curses at the Young Miss Wang Yue, your father's sibling. She's young at that time, and the curses roused the Young Master, struck the woman, and humiliated her and the horny companion. He did this before he even started cultivating. Do you get what I am trying to tell you, Young Miss?"

"I do not."

Butler Sun smiled and walked in front of Qinyang, "What I am trying to tell you is that the Young Master, even if he's powerless, if it is the sake of his family, for the sake of his sisters, his companions, and especially for you, he will stand before the one who berated you or tried to take you away from him and stand his ground, ready to protect. And to connect it to what we were talking about earlier, if this Cosmos didn't have you, Lady Bai Xue, his Parents, Siblings, Companions, if were all strangers to him. Even if the All-Father of before love the Cosmos, the ending would be destroyed because the Young Master is strongest when he has someone to protect. So, you live, to him, is far more important than saving a world, so don't even think of thinking that risking your life for his would make him happy than seeing you smile."

"Father he said the same thing to me when he came to rescue me" she remembered he spoke of, how he would rather destroy the Cosmos than lose his daughter.

"Then, what you heard from him is the truth." Butler Sun laughed and the two walked down the path, leaving the mountain behind.

Over the horizon, they could see dust billowing, "Are Uncle Kareem and Auntie Olivie still fighting?"

"Maybe come, Young Miss, let us watch."

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