Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 248 - 246: “Eight Sides” Press Conference

Chapter 248: Chapter 246: “Eight Sides” Press Conference

Translator: 549690339

“Thank you all for attending this press conference.”

“Also, welcome to the audiences in the live broadcast room who are attending our conference online.”

Microphone in hand, Kyle warmly welcomes the attendees both online and offline.

During his last start-up, he organized many press conferences, many of which were much larger than this one.

His experience is now very rich, standing tall at this moment, impeccably dressed in a suit and leather shoes, exuding confidence.

However, he didn’t start talking about the product immediately, but started to recall his past entrepreneurial journey, when he brimmed with confidence in his technology.

At that time, he envisioned helping countless disabled people in Daxia, especially veterans disabled due to war.

Even when funds were scarce, he persistently offered prosthetic limbs at half price to old war veterans.

Given the high cost of technology and materials at that time, half price basically equaled charity at his own expense.

If it weren’t for the fact that many elderly people were unwilling to undergo surgery and have electrodes implanted in their bodies, he might have gone bankrupt a long time ago, and the outcome wouldn’t have been something as simple as “a dismal end”.

But talking about this, Kyle had no regrets. He only mocked himself for being too young and not thinking things through.

Kyle breezed through his experience of studying abroad after the failure of his start-up.

He left a simple summary: disappointment.

He went to several relatively peaceful and developed countries in America and Europe, hoping to find better technology.

However, sadly, American technology had no significant differences from Daxia’s, they were just more aggressive.

And his previous failed entrepreneurial experience told him: aggressive solutions are not popular in Daxia.

As for Europe, the Hundred Years War had entrenched hatred among many countries, and even in this relatively peaceful global situation, many countries still experience frequent friction and even local conflicts.

Against this backdrop, their technology was even more backward than America’s and Daxia’s.

He felt that he had wasted a lot of energy but gained nothing, so he returned home in disappointment.

However, after returning to the country, he didn’t give up. Leveraging his strong technology and experience from traveling to many countries, he successfully joined a top-tier research institute, continued to improve his technical ability, and still wanted to start a business again.

Only, as time passed, his confidence was gradually eroded, and he slowly grew somewhat desperate.

The reason was simple—technological breakthroughs don’t happen overnight.

Until the day he returned home wearily from work, sitting in his car not wanting to go upstairs, he habitually opened his phone, and was surprised to see all the news discussing the same person—Lincoln.

And Lincoln’s stunning invention—Virtual Reality Technology!

His first reaction after seeing it was—this is impossible! It’s fake!

But a faint hope in his heart spurred him on. Without a second thought, he started his car and drove straight to Lincoln’s place!

That night outside the community where Lincoln was renting, among the crowd of people, Kyle was there!

Lincoln sitting in the audience was also surprised, as this was the first time he heard about this.

Unfortunately, Lincoln was directly taken away by Lorin and Henry that night, and Kyle naturally didn’t get to meet him.

Since then, as far as Kyle was concerned, Lincoln had disappeared, only appearing online.

During that time, like countless investors, he frantically sought Lincoln and returned disappointed like countless investors. Watching Lincoln’s value skyrocket in a short period, he had to reluctantly give up.

As days went by, everything returned to normal and hope slowly faded away.

“But at that time, I received a phone call,” Kyle continued.

At this juncture, whether it’s the yawning journalists and audience members onsite, or the sparse audience in the live broadcast room, they all felt electrified!

The big reveal seems to be coming!

Although Kyle’s story was abridged, the people in the audience were not really interested in his journey.

He isn’t exactly a successful person, just a failed entrepreneur. His journey, his failures, apart from Lincoln who likes to “collect” idealists, who would be genuinely interested?

But Kyle had paved the way for such a long time, all failures, disappointments, and setbacks, it’s definitely time for a turning point, and everyone’s curiosity was piqued.

All the audience members instantly perked up, their eyes fixed on him.

“From Lincoln himself.”

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room, originally with only a few hundred people, saw a sudden surge in numbers!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the viewership reached over a thousand, then three thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand, thirty thousand!

It was a pandemonium on site, the originally quiet audience area was instantly filled with murmurs and discussions.

Everyone was whispering, and the journalists were even more stunned, their hearts filled with joy, their hands shaking with excitement while holding their cameras!

Undoubtedly, they have caught breaking news!

The two journalists who were with Lincoln earlier were also so excited, quickly whispering to each other, “Really from Cloud Dream?!”

“Did Kyle get Cloud Dream’s technology? Won’t he definitely succeed this time?”

“His luck has turned!”

“Yeah, he’s really lucky.” Both journalists couldn’t help but express their envy.

Lincoln didn’t quite agree with this notion. How could this be simply credited to luck?

If it weren’t for Kyle’s previous entrepreneurial experience and technical background, Lincoln wouldn’t have taken a liking to him in the first place.

This was definitely not luck. All Kyle had lacked was an opportunity, and Lincoln happened to need someone like him, so naturally, the opportunity fell upon him.

Having whet everyone’s appetite on the stage, Kyle didn’t continue with the story but seized the moment to showcase the product.

“Journey Series! The first assistive device for vision and hearing impairments— [Eight Sides]!”

“The name signifies: Sees everything, hears all!”

The screen of the PowerPoint finally switched to show a silver band. It appeared on the screen.

When the audience saw the silver band, they immediately recognized it – it was undoubtedly Cloud Dream’s tech!

The influence of VR devices had reached such a level that silver bands would immediately bring Cloud Dream to mind.

After providing a brief introduction to the device, Kyle promptly brought out the physical object, showing it off to everyone in his hand.

“We have invited two patients with Deafblindness to attend the launch event.”

Following Kyle’s words, an adult woman led by the staff came onto the stage, and another boy who seemed to be only 5-6 years old came onto the stage under his mother’s guidance.

Kyle introduced them one by one: “This lady was born blind and later suffered deafness due to an accident, enduring the agony of Deafblindness for five years.”

“And this little boy was born with Deafblindness. From birth, he couldn’t see or hear. ”

“Now, we will have them try out the device.”

Finishing the introduction, Kyle took the headband from the staff and helped the boy put it on, while the staff assisted the adult woman.

The process was straightforward, no complex operations were involved. Just putting the headband on the user and starting it up.

Adding the process of the neural modulator-demodulator linking to the neural signal, it took no more than eight seconds for the facial expressions of the two Deafblind patients to change immediately!

From calmness to surprise and joy, their excitement was beyond words.

The transformation of these two people was accurately reflected on the screen. All audience members could clearly see it, and through their expressive faces, could even sense their excitement and joy.

The adult woman looked around, looking at the audience in the hall, the lights around her, and at Kyle’s face. She was filled with joy and surprise, but she then shed tears in an instant.

The little boy, scared, quickly turned his head and buried himself in his mother’s arms, but then couldn’t resist looking up again, staring intently at his mother’s face.

When his mother gently patted his back and comforted him in a soft voice, his eyes widened in surprise!

The sound of camera shutters was non-stop as all the audience members watched this scene with inexplicable excitement.

The day Lincoln unveiled the VR device, predictions had been made about the technology being used in the current scenario, and now after two and half months, the technology had truly been realized!

Despite the predictions, witnessing it first-hand was no less impactful!

Kyle took his time, he calmed the boy down with the help of his mother and made detailed adjustments to the device.

Since the adult woman had lost her hearing later in life, there wasn’t any issue with her language skills. The staff could communicate directly with her to make detailed adjustments.

The audience was filled with excitement, but they all tried to contain it and patiently waited for Kyle to complete the final adjustments.

However, after finishing the adjustments, Kyle did not do as they expected by keeping the camera focused on the two users, instead, he had them leave the stage.

He not only sent the boy off the stage with his mother, but even the adult woman, who had no communication issues, was also sent off the stage.

Kyle and Lincoln shared a common understanding: They were here to help these vulnerable disabled people, not to exploit their suffering.

Therefore, they didn’t arrange for any interviews, just to avoid causing them any unnecessary trouble.

The names of these two Deafblind patients were not publicly disclosed, and they did not publicly present any disability documentation.

In other words, believe it or not!

If any media doubted it, they could simply claim that Kyle had hired actors and that the technology was fake.

If it were entirely up to Lincoln, he would have loved for some media houses to lose their marbles.

The same reason again — the blacklist had not been updated for a long time.

But Kyle didn’t have his heart set on that, as this was his second start-up, he was hoping to keep it stable. So, he firmly insisted on Lincoln making an appearance.

He believed that as long as Lincoln appeared on stage, the media would be a lot more cautious when reporting …

The blacklist and apology letters from the three media organizations were still posted online!

But now was not the time for him to appear.

After inviting the two users off the stage, Kyle did not offer any further explanation. Instead, he stated simply, “Now, let’s watch a video.”

Then he stepped aside to the edge of the projection screen as the silent video was playing, it had no sound and only silent images appearing.

An old, worn-out school appeared on the screen.

Unlike the bustling environment common to ordinary schools, even during recess, this place was quiet, lacking the usual frolicking children and predictable crowds.

A line of text quietly appeared —

“Gan Province Shanggui Special Education School for the Blind, Deaf, and


A van drove into the school gate, with the company logo—a Sacred Mountain, drawn on the side of the vehicle.

Just like the Sacred Mountain in “Traveler of the Wind..”

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