Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 247 - 247: 245: The Red Army

Chapter 247 - 247: 245: The Red Army

Translator: 549690339

“Clothes exploding” is a good mechanism, and Lincoln really liked it too.

Unfortunately, it obviously can’t be incorporated into virtual reality games.

After all, seeing one’s game character’s “clothes exploding” is an entirely different experience from personally experiencing “clothes exploding”…

Jerome was left perplexed, carrying Lincoln’s “promise of viewings from all battlefields, multiple player perspectives and director’s main perspective, and no less than 30 seconds of focused screen exposure,” he went to negotiate with Qingjin.

After a rare day of slacking off on Sunday, Lincoln’s schedule once again became hectic.

Developing games on workdays, and conducting R&D after work.

On Monday night, Lorin came to find him and took him to see the air-raid shelter downstairs.

The place had already undergone some basic renovations and modifications.

Although it was still inevitably a bit monotonous and crude, far from being luxurious and high-end, the water, electricity, space, and security were all satisfactory, offering enough for Lincoln to play around with.

Lincoln was very pleased.

Lorin had originally intended this to be a blank canvas, Lincoln could carry out further interior design according to his needs and fully turn it into a high-end lab.

Just that he would have to buy the equipment himself. After all, a lot of the equipment is quite costly. At most, Lorin could help him find some channels for procurement.

But Lincoln had no plans for further renovations, so he decided to make do with the war-damaged style decorations.

It was an air-raid shelter turned lab, which he felt was already quite high-end.

A temporarily-used hibernation cabin… no, a high -end fitness gaming cabin with body shaping functionality, he intended to conduct his research and development there.

Focusing on getting two prototypes out, one for research and improvements, the other for Randall.

He hoped it could somewhat slow down the rapid progression of Little Chun’s illness.

Tuesday, eat, work, conduct R&D, and listen to the gossip from Mavis.

1800 teams have made it through the Freedom Day Event.

At the same time, a curious event began to pop up during the games: a small number of player teams all dressed in red outfits appeared. They would not fight each other upon encounter, but directly form alliances.

However, their numbers were still limited and had not gained momentum.

The strangest thing was: none of the well-known major player alliances had agreed to wear red outfits.

These people were clearly not from any known major player alliance.

Wednesday, eat, work, conduct R&D, and receive massages from Mavis.

2000 teams made it through, and player teams with red clothing were beginning to take hold. On certain competition maps, they had already begun to achieve sweep effects.

Only then did everyone start to dig for the reason, eventually shocked to find a rather inactive post—

‘Any major player alliance is contrary to the spirit of fair competition! Free players, let’s take action!’

In this post, the author listed all the large-scale player alliances that have been established and reminded the free players of these large alliances’ unified dressing methods: some required all in white, some all in black, some all in blue…

It’s clear that he had a decent understanding of all the major player alliances.

He then lambasted this form of “using unfair off-the-board methods to gain advantages,” calling all free players to don red clothes and pants, to fight fire with fire!

But, without adding each other into groups, without communicating, without forming alliances, just cooperating based on circumstance!

To this day, this post has not yet exploded in popularity, with only a few hundred follow-up comments.

However, in the game, it’s beginning to flood over. The trend is unstoppable.

By the time the games resumed on Thursday, the situation was almost uncontrollable.

Out of 2.2 million competitors, over 800,000 had put on red clothes and pants, joining this invisible red army!

Many players even rushed into clothing stores halfway through the game to change their outfits, switching their factions on-the-spot, and joining the Red Army!

It was like a grand tide of crimson!

Everywhere they went, they were unstoppable!

Mavis had already alerted Lincoln about the situation, but Lincoln hadn’t decided yet whether to intervene or not.

He was preoccupied with another matter.

Upon the strong invitation of Kyle, he came to the press conference held by the prosthetics company.

This was the product launch hosted by the newly established “Journey

Prosthetic Rehabilitation Equipment Co., Ltd.”

Because they did not capitalize on Cloud Dream’s popularity, plus the company was new and limited information had been disclosed, the number of media reporters attending the event was small, less than 10 in total.

This was all thanks to Kyle’s personal charm.

Therefore, the press conference studio hired by Kyle was not big, just managing to accommodate 500 people.

Two familiar reporters who knew each other had set up their cameras at the entrance of the aisle, and began to chat casually.

“Kyle, is this his second start-up? It’s still the same field. Stubborn guy!” said a middle-aged reporter with a beard.

“I heard he went abroad for more than two years. Since he’s restarting a company, he should have made some technological advancements, right?” the young reporter with cropped hair is more optimistic.

“Advancements? What use are they? The day Cloud Dream begins producing prosthetic limbs, it will be capable of putting all the brain-controlled prosthetics companies worldwide out of business. Nobody would be able to compete.” The bearded reporter scoffed, “The gap in technology is too great. It’s not something you can catch up on just by saying so.”

“Well that’s true.” The young reporter sighed and shook his head in sympathy for Kyle, “He was born in the wrong era. Lincoln is just too monstrous.”

“Indeed, I’ve been a reporter for over a decade. I thought I had seen all sorts of people, but never have I met someone as ridiculous as him.” The older reporter thought about the news they had received earlier at the newsroom. The learning headbands that suddenly appeared in remote rural schools made him feel that this man was even more monstrous than the young reporter thought.

Sitting in the back row in a low profile with a mask on, Lincoln was watching the game live on his mobile phone, pondering over the possible impacts the players’ red tide movement would bring, whilst waiting for the press conference to begin. Suddenly, he looked up.

Looking at the two reporters in front of him, he felt a little awkward.

He wasn’t sure whether he should interrupt the two or slip away unnoticed and switch to a seat further away…

Ultimately, he decided to give in to his laziness. He adjusted his mask to cover his face even more securely, then continued to focus on the game, pretending he hadn’t heard anything.

Yet the two reporters in front were growing more engrossed in their conversation.

“Didn’t Lincoln say he was going to make brain-controlled prosthetic limbs?

Why haven’t there been any updates?”

“Who knows, he’s just been selling game machines instead of focusing on serious work. He’s just stuck on the virtual reality technology! Think of how many things you could do with it! But he’s just stuck on making games! Stubborn guy!” The old journalist was somewhat dissatisfied.

“True, his vision is a bit narrow.” The young reporter nodded, agreeing with this opinion.

The conversation was making Lincoln’s eyelid twitch.

Comforting words came through his headphones from Mavis, “Master don’t be upset, Mavis understands you!”

Luckily, at that moment, the lights dimmed, and Kyle took to the stage, marking the official start of the press conference, interrupting the two journalists’ chat.

Otherwise, Lincoln would not have been able to restrain himself from standing up to inquire about their respective media outlets.

It’s been a while since the blacklist was updated!

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