
Chapter 56: Arrivals

Chapter 56: Arrivals

The day had finally arrived. The Master Family conference was upon the world. And the world awaited the outcome anxiously.

Arthur rode from the airport to the location of the conference in a black armored SUV. He had been to the Heraklinos empire previously but never to the Louvre Museum and Fortress where the conference was being held.

His driver pulled into the drive within the square of the Louvre and stopped the car directly in front of a red carpet welcoming the guests.

Arthur alighted from the car and fixed his suit jacket as he entered the beautiful building still standing from the old world in which France ruled the territory. He was incredibly early. He had even arrived before Master Heraklinos himself.

He wondered over to the bar that was still setting up and ordered a glass of champagne. He then proceeded to the second level and found a terrace to relax on as he watched the various arrivals over the next couple of hours.

The first to arrive thirty minutes after his own arrival was Master Heraklinos. He wore the traditional formal karate gi of his empire. Arthur watched him as he climbed the stairs into the Louvre. He thought to himself, “What a marvel to behold. He is quite possibly the strongest man in the world. He is quite possibly the strongest man the world has ever known throughout history.” He paused to take a sip of his drink and thought, “And I have been invited to a meeting with him to discuss how I am defying his wishes. History may color me a fool!”

He continued watching. Next to arrive was Master Erika Sage and her date Jacek Heraklinos. Arthur admired the two youthful members of the meeting as they stepped out to climb the stairs as well. Arthur thought to himself, “Ah yes, the power couple Erika and Jacek. Both beautiful and gifted with ki. Many would say they are the future of the world. Indeed, they have the most power, influence, and scope of knowledge to rule.”

Next to arrive was Master Karasu from the lands north of the United States. An unofficial Master of the world, Karasu had always been displeased with the lack of honor shown to him by the other Master Families. Arthur eyed Master Karasu as best he could; however, Karasu had implemented a form of stealth making it extremely difficult to follow his movements.

Arthur was amused in thought, “A cautious man. Maybe he doesn’t trust the Master Families? I daresay he could use the current situation to leverage his ascent to Master status officially.”

Arthur had run out of champagne just as the arrivals began to really pick up. Two black SUV’s pulled up. Pope Gregory stepped out of the first and waved to the news crews who had now gathered to document and report on the event.

“Ah yes. The fucker who started all of this mess. Powerful and proud. I do not look forward to interacting with that zealot.” Arthur grimaced at the sight of his nemesis as he thought quietly to himself.

The next SUV pulled up and out stepped Pope Peter along with his date. Arthur was shaken by his date and her outfit. He leaned forward with interest thinking to himself, “My God. What an exquisitely alluring woman. And her dress… is that latex? Peter really knows how to pull sexy women. I bet she is great in bed. Any woman with the confidence to wear that dress to this meeting has to be a dream in the bedroom.”

Arthur unknowingly admired Xenia in her tight-fitting black latex dress with a white cross over her chest and a slit in her dress running up the full length of her leg revealing her black pantyhose underneath. Her face was partially covered by a veil hiding her identity.

Arthur stared to get a closer look at this beauty. As he did, she looked up directly at him catching him off guard. He instantly darted his eyes away and leaned back thinking to himself, “Ah fuck. I can see it now. Blaming me for eye-fucking his date. Negotiations would be off to a swell start.”

Up next, President Monroe of the United States arrived in a black presidential limousine. He stepped out and graciously waved to the reporters. Arthur stewed on his thoughts at the sight of him, “That traitor. He would give up the United States so easily to these Master Families. He has betrayed the ideals of our nation even if it does save his own life…temporarily.”

The second to last to arrive was a beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair, and she was no more than 21 years old. She wore a long, elegant platinum dress to match her hair. Her eyes were blue and her skin fair. She stood tall and slender like an elegant stick with no curves. Arthur thought, “And this must be the reclusive Lady Starfallen of the Starfallen Empire. Where will you fall in all of this, I wonder.”

The Starfallen Empire was vast covering the continent of Africa. Lady Starfallen and her family had long been obsessed with space technology and taking humanity from the cradle of life to the new frontier. For this reason, the Starfallen Empire largely chose to stay uninvolved with ‘earthly’ affairs. However, it would seem this brewing trouble was too large for even the Starfallen Empire to ignore.

It was only thirty minutes until the meeting, and a representative from the BloodStar Empire had yet to show. Arthur grit his teeth in thought, “I could really use some concrete knowledge about my situation with my lone ally. I hope someone shows.”

Just as he finished his thought, a crimson red SUV pulled up to the Louvre circle drive. Out stepped a beautiful middle-aged woman with a body more becoming of a woman in her twenties. She had toned legs, sultry curves, and large boobs.

The BloodStar lineage was famous for producing women who could make even the strongest willed men lust for them. A fact that had not gone unnoticed throughout history as a major advantage.

She wore a fashionable but intimidating set of light crimson-red armor including a metal pleated skirt and boots. Her outfit included no weapon, and why would it? She was a super weapon herself.

Arthur wasted no time. With only thirty minutes until the meeting, he stood to go seek her out. He turned to exit the terrace and immediately found himself confronted by Pope Peter.

Arthur jumped and nervously said, “Pope Peter! How unexpected to see you before the meeting commences. I really must be going to discuss some last-minute details with my ally in these matters if you will please excuse me.”

Peter didn’t budge and stood blocking the door as he said, “President Davis. I have more important things to discuss with you. Your ally in these matters will have to wait. Follow me.”

This was a highly unanticipated occurrence before the meeting, but Arthur chose to play along out of fear for ruining any hope of the negotiations going well. He quickly and quietly followed Pope Peter down the massive hallway and into a private meeting room.

Peter swung the door open and welcomed Arthur into a dark room with scant sunlight coming through a grated vent on the wall. It was otherwise a sealed room. Arthur gulped as he looked back to Peter who slammed the door shut.

Arthur found himself in a bit of a panicked thought, “What have I done? Why did I willingly come here?”

He then put on a confident front, “Why have you asked me here Pope Peter? I have a great many important things to attend to in the next half hour. Please cut to the chase.”

Peter said, “It is not I who has requested your presence.”

Arthur furrowed his brow as a familiar voice spoke from the darkness, “Hello President Arthur Davis. I can assure you nothing is more important than what I am about to tell you.”

Arthur squinted his eyes into the darkness and softly said, “Xenia?”

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