
Chapter 55: Lose-Lose

Chapter 55: Lose-Lose

John Vand sat in the kitchen enjoying his partial rack of ribs after grilling them and applying barbecue sauce. He tried to put aside the fact that he was eating human meat and judge the flavor without bias. Although impossible to do, he still found himself enjoying the flavor regardless of its origin.

He thought to himself, “I mean… I can’t completely blame her for eating human meat if it all tastes like this. This is delicious.”

He grabbed another rib bone and added sauce to it before taking a bite. As he ate, Xenia walked into the kitchen with Peter following close behind. She looked to him and said, “It’s good, isn’t it? You can give me your honest answer.”

John gave his honest answer, “Although I could never openly admit it, this is quite tasty.” He held a rib up as to cheers her and took another bite.

She smiled and said, “John, I think we could get along quite famously. Don’t mess this up. I need a de facto ruler of this empire once I take it for myself.”

John smiled, “I know the empire and its people like the back of my hand. I’d be honored to serve as its de facto ruler. I imagine serving under you has its perks too. I’d be a fool to not seek to please you.”

Xenia tilted her head, “John. Keep this up and you will have all the chances you want to please me.” She winked at him and turned back to Peter, “You on the other hand… you will please me in other ways.”

John sat in thought to himself, “She has who is likely the second most powerful ki user in this empire following her around like a dog. She is the future. What terrifying power. What terrifying depravity.”

He sat as he openly listened to Xenia bloodbending Peter to call and talk to his father Pope Gregory, “Yes, father. I will be entertaining and courting Lady Elizabeth Innocente at the Innocente Estate until the Master Family meeting. I will leave from here to the meeting. In the meantime, I will be taking time here to myself.”

John thought to himself, “And she’s smart. Wicked smart.”

After Peter hung up the phone with his father, Xenia looked across the kitchen at John, “You have finished all of your ribs. Would you care for more?”

John pat his belly and began to speak; however, he was interrupted by Xenia.

She smiled with glee, “There is more where that came from. How would you like some Papal ribs?” Xenia looked to Peter and then back to John who sat at the tall countertop bar.

John nodded as he tried to mask his underlying terror, “A prime meat to be sure. How could I say no?” John knew how to play into the person ruling him and he intended to do just that. Supporting the empire was a lost cause now in his mind.

Xenia stood with an impressed energy and said, “I’ll serve it fresh right in front of you! Don’t move!”

She directed Peter to lay atop the countertop bar in front of where John was dining, and she climbed atop the bar as well. She positioned her dress out of the way and sat directly atop Peter’s face with only a thin layer of pantyhose separating the two.

She looked to John and said, “Enjoy the show.” She then proceeded to take one of her small knives and carve into Peter’s ribs as she had the others before him. He screamed and screamed into her body giving her chills and waves of pleasure. The screams felt so good that she carved the ribs out of him as slow as she could occasionally twisting the knife 360 degrees when she needed more intense muffled screams into her pantyhose and against her body.

She threw her head back and worked herself up to orgasm as she ran her other hand over her chest while using the knife to inflict as much pain as possible to Peter. She extracted as much pain as she could as she knew it would be converted to pleasure for her.

She finally reached orgasm and yanked the carved rack of ribs from Peter’s chest. She threw her head back again and felt wave after wave of intense pleasure rush over her body. She then dismounted Peter’s face and sat next to John at the bar.

Peter lay before them both in pain and out of breath. Xenia looked to John and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll heal him later. He can suffer for now.” She then looked to the ribs and said, “I love men who eat meat raw. Would you? For me?”

John laughed and said, “Why not. I hear its orgasmic!”

Xenia laughed with him and said, “I can personally guarantee that it is.”

John thought to himself, “I’m not sure if this is a dream or a nightmare? Both?”

Xenia then stood up as if this was just another night for her. She took a small bite of the ribs and said, “Mmm. Yes, that’s orgasmic. In flavor and procurement.”

She then healed Peter and said, “Come on Peter. We have lots to discuss.” As she left, she called out to John, “Goodnight John. You are free to leave. Don’t forget, you’re my number one man in the empire now. Hope to see you again soon.”

John called out to her, “Goodnight Xenia! Looking forward to seeing you again.” He then thought to himself, “Am I? Should I run to Pope Gregory? No. The world is hers. I should capitalize on this opportunity.”


A tired and stressed man sat at a large, formal, wooden desk within the Governor’s mansion in Austin, Texas. The man reviewed a bill set before him. After reviewing the new piece of law, he signed the bottom of it with his name: ‘Arthur Davis’.

The circle of government officials around the desk began to clap as they knew they were witnessing history. Arthur stood and posed for a photo-op with the other lawmakers.

He had just formally signed into law the secession of Texas from the United States of America making Texas an independent country again for the first time in a long time.

He had his doubts as to whether he was doing the right thing or not. After all, his entire platform that led to this circumstance was based on loose words spoken to him by Empress Victoria. His political career and, indeed, his very own life now hinged on her words. However, he also knew the other option was no good.

The crowd cheered their official statehood, and the press covered the news like hawks. It was a big day for the former senator Davis as well for he was now Texas President Arthur Davis.

Texas President Davis shuffled through the crowd answering questions and gladhanding guests. The event went far longer than he would’ve liked; however, eventually the crowd died down. He quickly made way for an old parlor room with the mansion. He knew he was late for an important date with an old friend.

He walked in to find Senator Hammond sitting alone at a table with two drinks in front of him. Hammond called to Davis as he entered, “Senat- I mean, President Davis! You’re a very important person now. More important than a mere senator such as myself.”

Arthur sat across from Hammond at the table and breathed a huge sigh, “What has the world come to Hammond?”

Hammond took a sip of his beer and replied, “It has come to be a boiling pot of urine. Every decision we are presented with is a lose-lose. At least your decision offers you the hope of maintaining independence under BloodStar rule. Look at your former country’s choice.”

He took another, larger sip of his drink and continued, “We have been served up on a plate to the Heraklinos and Sage empires who will surely carve our lands up and present most of it back to the Holy Light Empire.”

Arthur laughed, “At least you get to keep your life. You will also be saving hundreds of millions of people in the process.”

Hammond grumbled, “That may be. But this country wasn’t built on surrender. It was built on fighting to the death as you have chosen.” He put his drink down and looked to Davis, “If you come out on top of this whole thing, don’t forget me. I never wanted you to leave our Union.”

Arthur took a large sip of his drink and said, “Houston is obliterated. It doesn’t exist. That has crashed our economy. The people are scared. They are fleeing to your country. And why shouldn’t they? There are 100,000 soldiers at our southern borders just waiting for the conference to conclude, so that they may invade with the blessing of the other Master Families. And me? I’m the fool who led us down this path. Hoping for a BloodStar intervention.”

He sighed and looked to Hammond, “If there is even a shred of Texas left after this war concludes, it is you who I would ask doesn’t forget me.”

The two old friends laughed together as Hammond said, “You will know your fate sooner than anyone else. As an independent country square in the middle of all of this, you are invited to the Master Family conference now.”

“Mmm, yes.” Arthur smiled, “I will be present to hear the judges themselves pass their death sentence on my country, Texas.”

Hammond said, “Cheer up. Even if death is a foregone conclusion, it is better to die fighting. Me on the other hand. I have chosen the cowardly path. Albeit a peaceful one.” He sighed and leaned back in his chair, “Like you said, we are just two men who were offered shit choices. And we chose differently. It may very well be that we both meet bullshit ends. It is as I say, a lose-lose.”

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