Battle of Ascension

Chapter 174: Fourth Day - Mbah Jambrong

Chapter 174: Fourth Day - Mbah Jambrong

Randy perplexed by what the old man doing. Also, Randy could hear the old man was murmuring unclear words which he could not understand.

The old man's eyes closed and his hand moved around the top big bowl. The more he looked at the old man's action the weirder it became.

Looking at the old man's face which was full of wrinkle, Randy estimated the old man was in his mid fifty. Not only the old man's action made him weird, what the old man wore also weird. The old man didn't wear clothes but beast hide.

Two beast hides crossed an old man's body from his shoulders. The beast hide didn't cover the entire body as Randy could see the old man's stomach and both side of the old man's body.

The old man was so thin. From the side his body and stomach, only skin and bone could be seen from his body. As for the lower body, the old man also used beast hide. He used the beast hide like a skirt.

Looking at this old man, Randy felt sympathy for this old man also wondered how this old man could survive in the wilderness.

'Nah, I will ask that later. For now, I will give a lunchbox for this old man,'

Just as Randy wanted to take out a lunchbox from his Storage System, the old man opened his eyes. The old man's eyes were lackluster, devoid, lack of emotion.

The old man looked at Randy, his lips moved, and spoke with his raspy voice, "Are you hunting Kuntilanak and Pocong in Bandung Territory?"

"Yes, I hunt them down. Is there something wrong? Also, who are you?" Randy puzzled why the old man asked him that, but he still answered truthfully.

"I CURSED YOU!!!" Suddenly the old man let out an angry roar which shocked Randy.

He immediately backed for a few steps. Lately, the spirits were freaking him out, now an old man also tried to scare him too. But compared to the scare by Kuntilanak and Pocong, the roar of the old man only shocked him.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Randy began suspecting this old man was crazy because of the Battle of Ascension. But it was less likely as this old man could even survive in Bandung Territory.

But the old man ignored him and mumbled with unclear words, his hands also began moving in a certain pattern on top of the big bowl.

"Shana, what this old man is doing?" Randy could not get any clue what this old man wanted to do, so he asked Shana.

"Who knows! I don't know too. Maybe this old man is crazy?" Shana was in Randy's shoulder since he found the old man. She looked at the old man with a great interest.

The old man ignored Randy and kept chanting, "... HORAAAA!!"

Finally, the old man finished his chant. In the last chant, he raised his two hands. After that, the old man stood up. He walked five steps forward before halting his steps. His sight was never left from Randy.

"Foolish young'un, how dare you to kill my pet!" The old man roared toward Randy.

Randy stunned by the sudden outburst of the old man. Now, he had the same thought as Shana, 'This old man is crazy,'

"Ahem old man, you might be wrong," Randy tried to reason with the old man. Also, he only killed spi...

A sudden thought came into Randy's mind as he looked at the old man with a shocked face.

"I'm not an old man, call me Mbah Jambrong, foolish young'un!" The old man kept shouting at Randy, "You are right, my pet is Kuntilanak and Pocong. You killed them and you won't admit it? You think you can lie in front of me, Mbah Jambrong?"

Randy: "..."

"Foolish young'un. RECEIVE MY WRATH!!!" Mbah Jambrong raised his hands up while shouting with all his might.

"Shana, what is this? How can those spirits become his pets? It this one kind of skill?" Randy didn't know if this old man crazy or he had a skill could tame those spirits.

Since the Battle of Ascension began, there was nothing impossible. Maybe this old man really could control the spirit with a skill he didn't know.

"No, it's impossible. You could not find combat skill until then" Shana denied Randy's conjecture.

"Until then?" Randy cut Shana off. Looked like she knew something about skill, so Randy asked her.

But Shana only shook her head, unwilling to give confirmation to him.

"There is a skill like that, but it's impossible. I'm sure this is..." Crazy. But before she could finish her words, she heard a creepy laugh. It was the creepy laugh of Kuntilanak, also the laugh was not only from one Kuntilanak.





Randy looked at his surrounding, there were many Kuntilanaks were hovering on the air and around Black Kamboja Tree.

Meanwhile, Pocongs were capering around him. Randy estimated there were over two hundred Pocong and over two hundred Kuntilanak, or maybe even more.

"You said it was impossible, but look now. He is really calling these spirits," Randy said in a low voice, his expression was solemn. If Mbah Jambrong had a skill, then maybe he was strong so he must be cautious against him.

"This this" Shana could not explain what happened too. Based on what she knew as an AI, the old man should not be learning any skill yet, especially combat skill like this.

Looking at the silent and solemn Randy, Mbah Jambrong let out a sinister laugh, "Hehehe, now it's too late for you to regret, foolish young'un. This is the consequence of killing my pet, FEEL MY WRATH YOUNG'UN!!! FEEL MY DARK MAGIC!!!"

"Oh, your wrath? These spirits are your wrath?" Randy asked with a calm tone, but Randy's face was in a panic.

"Heh, try to act calm? What a foolish young'un! You are right, this is my wrath. With my seven hundred pets, you will die, you will die in a miserable way. HAHAHAHA..."

Hearing this Randy let out a sigh of relief. His panic was only a farce, he wanted to make sure if Mbah Jambrong had another skill or not, but looked like he didn't have.

Randy let out a chuckle. Even though he was not sure how strong Mbah Jambrong was; if his skill only to tame these spirits, then there was not a problem for him. Also, he didn't need to look for other spirits as these spirits were enough for him leveling up to level 74.

"Then I shall thank you in advance, Mbah Jambrong," Randy thanked Mbah Jambrong with an amiable smile as he pulled out his darkness from its sheath.


Meanwhile, there was an uproar in East City. In the forum filled with the name of Randy Christian, The Guild Leader of Happy Guild, The Strongest, The Monster

It was caused by Randy's leveling pace. Less than a week, and he surpassed the ranking one holder, Long Tianyu.

Earlier, even though Randy's leveling speed was astonishing and managed to enter the top twenty, the people thought it was normal but not comparable to Long Tianyu's leveling speed. Because the EXP needed to level 50 was less than the EXP for Long Tianyu which already at the level over sixty.

So when Randy managed to surpass Long Tianyu in less than one week. It was becoming a hot topic in the forum, many people gossiped Happy Guild was stronger than Dragon Dynasty.

Before, even though the rumored Randy was the strongest in East City, but no one thought the Happy Guild was the strongest guild.

But now it was different. In the top three Level Ranking, two people were from Happy Guild. Not only that, there were another three names from Happy Guild in top twenty, Akihiro Tanabe, Udin Karso, and Gusti Prayoga.

Now people thought Happy Guild was the strongest guild. Even though Happy Guild was not strongest, at least the strength Happy Guild was not far from the strongest guild.

In the Entertainment Area, East Bar. This was a place for people to drink, also this was East City property. So people without a guild or people from guild which didn't have own bar, they gathered here to drink with their hunting friend.

Even though it's 1 AM in midnight, there were still many people in the bar.

"The Guild leader of Happy Guild is really a monster, two levels in a day,"

"Yeah, he is in level 70 yet he is leveling like he was in level 1. Whereas me, it took three days to reach level 48 from level 47 while risking my life at it," A middle age-men with full of beard shook his head. But there was no envy in his eyes, only admiration.

"Heh, you are trying to compare the strongest with a weakling like you?" A middle age man with no hair mocked the man with full of beard. They were in one table, clearly, the beard middle age-man and bald middle age-men were a friend.

"You are right. How stupid I am to compare myself with a Happy Guild's guild leader," The beard middle age-men laughed as he drank his beer.

Just as the beard middle age-man drank his bear, there was a shout which shocked him.

"WOW! Look at Level Ranking, Randy level up again!" A man about twenty-five shouted in the bar.

"What? Are you serious? How come he level so face. This late afternoon he just leveled up one level," The beard middle age-man was in disbelieve.

"You can look at yourself at Level Ranking. Why do I have to lie?" The young man in twenty-five rolled his eyes at the beard middle age-men.

All people in the bar immediately checked the Level Ranking. Like what the young man in twenty-five said, Randy was in Level 74 which meant he just leveled up.

Meanwhile, Randy was in Bandung Territory just finished his slaughter on the spirits. Kuntilanak and Pocong which were surrounding him disappeared without a trace and only leaving energy core scattered all over on the ground.

Randy began taking the energy core, ignoring Mbah Jambrong.

As for Mbah Jambrong, he was kneeling on the ground. On his eyes, there was a trace of fear, terror, fury, and sad. All feeling mixed as he watched Randy was slaughtering Kuntilanak and Pocong.

After taking all energy core on the ground, Randy said to Mbah Jambrong with full of gratitude, "Mbah Jambrong, thank you for calling them over, hehe,"

After that, Randy went back to the camp to sleep. Even though Mbah Jambrong had an ill intention to him, he didn't kill him.

After walking away for a few minutes, he heard Mbah Jambrong's whimper in a loud voice.

The next morning he woke, Randy packed up his camp and advanced to the east. This time he ignored Pocong and Kuntilanak on the way, he ran straight to the east.

After a half hour running, Randy finally arrived at the front of the next territory. But he halted his step as he stunned by the scene in the front of him.

Randy blinked for a few times but there was no change. He rubbed his eyes, still, there was no change.

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