Battle of Ascension

Chapter 173: Fourth Day - Harvesting EXP, Encountering an Old Man

Chapter 173: Fourth Day - Harvesting EXP, Encountering an Old Man

After vented out his depressed feeling to Pocong, Randy continued his journey. On the way, Shana explained about the gray beam. The gray beam was a dark energy which shot by Pocong's eyes. In other words, it was like a magic but it was not; it was Pocong's attack ability by using the dark energy.

Randy nodded his head, he didn't understand though. He asked Shana what dark energy was, but she only shook her head. He could only put aside about the dark energy for now.

Randy found more and more Pocong as he ventured. At first, he only found one or two Pocong on the way. Later, he found Pocongs were capering around in a group which slowed down his pace.

At first, the Pocong he found was only three to five Pocongs in a group. But as he ventured further, the number Pocong in groups were more and more. From three Pocongs per group, and now after walking for four hours, there were ten to twenty Pocongs per group which slowed him down.

Even though he only felt scorching itch by the gray beam, but if ten to twenty beams hit his body, it would be great uncomfortable. But this time Shana became a great help for him.

She told him that the energy core of Pocong was easy to find. No, it was difficult to find, but every Pocong had their energy core in the same place, it was in the head.

Shana said the energy core Pocong was inside its head as it used it to shot a beam. Knowing this, Randy only needed to dodge the ten to twenty beams, the rest was easy as he only needed to stab Pocong's head.

Nevertheless, These Pocongs were slowing him down a lot. Actually, he wanted to ignore the Pocongs and straight ran to come out as soon as possible from Bandung Territory. But the EXP he got from killing Pocong was great sum.

He would get one percent EXP by killing three Pocongs. Also, besides the amount of the EXP, the amount of the Pocong also many, simply too many. So all day he was harvesting EXP by killing Pocongs along the way.

It's only been three hours walking but Randy already leveled up once. Now, he was at level 72, the same level as the ranking one and ranking two in the Level Ranking.

Looking at his level, Randy didn't mind slowing his journey pace as it was also for his safety. He didn't know what monster or beast he would face as he went further.

But one thing was sure, as he went further, the monster or beast also became stronger. If there was monster had an ability like Pocong and its strength greater than Pocong, then it would become a threat to his life.

Because of this, if the monster or beast or spirit he killed could give him a huge sum of EXP. Then he won't mind stopping for a while to increase his level, the stronger he became the safer he was.

Randy continued slaughtering Pocong he found on the way. After five hours walking, he was still in Pocong's domain in Bandung Territory.

Also, in the last five hours, he was harvesting a great sum of EXP, and leveled up to level 73 and became number one in Level Ranking.

The amount of Pocong was simply too many. Even after slaughtering over five hundred Pocong in the last five hours, he still found many Pocongs were wandering in a group.

The more he killed Pocong, the more he found Pocong. It was like when he killed one Pocong then two Pocongs would appear. Of course, Randy didn't have much to complain about how many Pocong was. Pocong greatly helping him in leveling up, so the more Pocong he found the more EXP he got.

After killing the last batch Pocong, Randy decided to take rest as the sun already set since over an hour ago. Randy set up his camp and ate his dinner.

Since he was in Bandung Territory, Randy always ate his the food he brought from Evergreen City. Now, he already ate seven lunchboxes with only three lunchboxes left.

But he didn't think much about food as he had a whole five meters bear and three Jade Snakes in his Storage System. It was just he too lazy to cook and didn't want to bother to cook as he wanted to hunt as soon as possible.

Soon, he wolfed down the lunchbox with ten minutes. As he was hunting non-stop since morning and felt a bit tired. He decided to take a rest for twenty minutes before going to hunt.

While resting, he checked his EXP bar. His EXP bar filled with twelve percent of EXP. Now, he needed to kill eight Pocong to get a percent of EXP, and he needed eighty-eight percent to level up to level 74.

So for leveling up to the next level, he needed to kill about seven hundred Pocongs.

"Look like I can't reach level 74 tonight," Randy murmured as he recalled how many Pocong he killed during the day.

Not that he could not kill seven hundred Pocongs, it was the matter if he could find it or not. From the morning until the late afternoon, he only found less than a thousand Pocong. So it was less likely he would find seven hundred Pocong tonight as his night hunt was only four to five hours.

Twenty minutes passed quickly. Randy stood up and checked the map. In his map, only a straight line which was clear as he didn't explore each area. After knowing where he was, Randy decided to go to the north for hunting.

He hadn't explored the north of Bandung Territory yet; it was likely many spirits were there.

Just as he came out from the range of repellent sphere. There was a Pocong group capering around ahead, about fifteen meters away from where he was.

Not only Randy who was noticing their presence, but the group of Pocong consisted twelve Pocongs also noticed his presence.

Randy didn't waste his time as he immediately rushed toward the group of Pocong. The twelve Pocongs responded with shot gray beam toward Randy.

But all gray beams missed the target. With Randy current speed, it was easy for him to evade the gray beam as long as he knew the attack pattern and it was not a surprise or sneak attack.

Randy dodged the first attack wave and arrived at the closest Pocong. Randy pierced its head before rushing after the closest Pocong. In a minute, the twelve Pocongs' head pierced by Randy.

He took the twelve energy cores on the ground and advanced further to the north. He guessed right, There were many many Pocongs in the north of Bandung Territory. In two hours he already killed two hundred and fifty-seven Pocongs.

But what weird was Kuntilanak, he also found Kuntilanak in the Pocong's domain. It was surprised for him. Usually, within a certain area, there was only one monster or beast, but here he found Kuntilanak and Pocong in the same area.

Also, it seemed Kuntilanak and Pocong were getting along each other well. These two spirits didn't fight each other and just wandered around harmoniously.

But he didn't care about this, what in his mind was to kill as many as possible these Pocong and Kuntilanak. But when he found Kuntilanak and Pocong together, it took more time to kill them.

Kuntilanak in the front while Pocong was in the behind, shooting the gray beam to him. Also, this Kuntilanak annoyed him as he took more time to look for her energy core to kill her.

Because of this, his rate in killing monster was slowing down. As another two hours passed by, Randy could only Kill a hundred and twenty Pocongs and seventy-two Kuntilanaks.

Randy helpless too as to kill Kuntilanak took more time than killing Pocong.

"Nah, I will hunt for an hour more," Randy murmured as he walked. But soon he halted his steps as he found a hut, a small hut made by wood and the roof covered by dried leaves.

The hut was about a hundred meters from him, but he could still see the hut clearly with his eyes. Even though in the night Randy eyes could see clearly as it was in the day.

"Does someone live there?" Randy looked at the hut with a doubt. If there was really someone live there, then that person must be strong as he or she could survive in Bandung Territory.

Randy curious and decided to visit the hut. On the way to the hut, he didn't find any spirit. There was no Pocong or Kuntilanak wandered here.

When the distance within the wood was about forty meters, Randy saw there was an old man sat in the front of the hut.

'There's really someone live there. Also, it's an old man who lives there,'

Earlier he could not see the old man, so Randy surprised as he saw there was an old man there.

Randy quickened his pace and arrived at the ten meters from the old man. But he stopped there as he found something weird with the old man.

The old man sat on the ground in the midnight. in front of the old man, there was a big plate with many flowers in a different color. Beside the big plate, there were two bowls. One in the right of the big plate while another on the left of the big plate. The two bowls were smoky.

Also, right in the front of the old man, there was a big bowl with fifty centimeters diameter. The big bowl filled with clear water.

'What the heck this old man is doing?'

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