An Exclusive love

Chapter 45 - I Have Hands

"Say what you want to say." Xin Qing said deliberately.

Ying Qingcang looked at her: "Nothing, I just ate too much for dinner."

If he said that it's a full moon tonight, would Xin Qing think that he had brought her along to the cemetery with a purpose in mind? Would she still be grateful to him? When he thought that Xin Qing would look at him sorrowfully, Ying Qingcang's heart throbbed painfully.

"Then I'll go sleep first." Xin Qing stood up and was about to go upstairs. Her phone suddenly rang. After looking at the caller ID, Xin Qing intended to answer the phone upstairs, but when she saw Ying Qingcang's gaze, she hesitated for a moment and then stood at her original spot to pick up the phone.

"Hello, Chen Ming!"

"Happy New Year to you too. Say hello to your parents for me."

"Tomorrow night? Wait a moment," Xin Qing turned to Ying Qingcang and asked: "Can I go to Chen Ming's house for dinner tomorrow night?"

Ying Qingcang had been feeling unwell ever since he heard Chen Ming's name, but now that Xin Qing asked him, he somehow felt much better. He nodded to Xin Qing: "Don't come back too late. You're just recovered."

"En!" Xin Qing smiled at him, then said to the phone, "Sure. No, no need, I'll go over myself. Alright, see you tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Xin Qing headed upstairs. Seeing Ying Qingcang still walking in circles, she smiled and asked him, "Why aren't you going up to sleep?"

"I'll go up later. You go sleep first." Ying Qingcang suddenly remembered that the doctor said that Xin Qing would not be able to get laid for at least ten days. He would definitely not ignore her body conditions as he did before.

Ying Qingcang finally returned to his room and absent-mindedly showered. When he came out from the bathroom, he was stunned by what he saw.

Xin Qing sat on a side of the bed and waved at him: "Come over here".

For the first time, Boss Ying felt that he was not smart enough. He could barely keep himself from stuttering, "Xin Qing, what are you doing?"

"Full moon night, I remember." Xin Qing shrugged.

Ying Qingcang was surprised and happy. He was happy that Xin Qing was still willing to let him touch her, but he also felt hesitant that he couldn't touch her now. What should he do? ...

Xin Qing pulled him over, raised her hand and said determinedly: "Don't talk! Otherwise, I will regret it."

After an unknown amount of time, she heard Ying Qingcang groan.

Both of them were stunned. Xin Qing stood up and ran back to her own room, while Ying Qingcang kept thinking of how Xin Qing had blushed just now. He closed his eyes, shook his head, and went into the bathroom.

The next day, Xin Qing didn't dare to go downstairs. She was too embarrassed to see Ying Qingcang. Moreover, she had suddenly realized in the middle of the night, this didn't work at all! It was no use to use her hands. The words of Ying's ancestors were very clear, they had to have real sex. Otherwise, Ying's family would suffer terrible consequences, with the family broken up and decimated.

Using hands didn't count for sure. Xin Qing found herself too stupid to give Ying Qingcang a special service for no good reason. Ying Qingcang, on the other hand, had a face brimming with happiness; this kind of happy mood lasted all the way until the afternoon.

"I'll take you there." He looked at Xin Qing who was preparing to leave. She was wearing a red Tang suit with her hair tied up, a pair of pearl earrings hung from her beautiful ears. How beautiful she is! But not for me. Ying Qingcang felt jealous in his heart.

Xin Qing did refuse him, for there were no taxis outside at all. Along the way, Ying Qingcang kept telling her not to drink and not to eat spicy food. Reaching Chen Ming's house, Ying Qingcang helped her open the car door and said: "I'll come pick you up at 9 o'clock."

"Alright!" Xin Qing nodded, it was not appropriate to stay too late.

Ying Qingcang went home alone, but found that the place was empty. He had never felt this way before. He was originally a person who enjoyed peace and quiet, but now he felt that this tranquility was too lonely.

So he slowly walked to Xin Qing's room, looked at the bed she had slept on, looked at the books she had read, and even found a notebook in her drawer. Unintentionally, he flipped it open and realized that it was Xin Qing's diary. He originally wanted to put it back, but the two words "Chen Ming" on the page made him keep reading it. As he read the diary, his heart became heavier and heavier...

"Leaving so early? Is Ying Qingcang here to pick you up?" Chen Ming asked Xin Qing as he walked her downstairs. Xin Qing nodded, "It's getting late, we will need more than an hour to get back!"

Chen Ming hesitated for a moment before saying, "Don't mind what my parents just said, they're too old and they said too much."

"Not at all. Auntie and uncle are right." Xin Qing did not mind. At dinner time, Chen Ming's parents clearly hinted to her that the wife Chen Ming would marry in the future would definitely be a political figure or a woman that could bring him benefits. A female student like her definitely wouldn't do. Xin Qing understood them, just felt a little sad in her heart.

When she was young, Chen Ming's parents would often tease her to be their daughter-in-law. At that time, she was also simple and felt that she would be Chen Ming's wife in the future. Now that they had grown up, they knew that these were all words spoken by a child. Even the attitude of the two elders had changed.

"Xin Qing!" Chen Ming suddenly called out to her.

Xin Qing was looking towards the door to see if Ying Qingcang had come over. Having heard Chen Ming's voice, she turned around: "Yes?"

"I have something to told you." Chen Ming moved two steps closer to her and stared at her in a meaningful manner.

Xin Qing was scared by the seriousness in his eyes: "Why are you so serious? What's up? I'm listening!"

"Leave Ying Qingcang." Chen Ming slowly said, "No matter what relationship between you and him is, I want you leave him. He isn't suitable for you."

Xin Qing panicked a little at that moment: "Chen Ming, I... You won't understand."

"I understand!" Chen Ming moved even loser to her. "What do you owe him? I'll pay it back. I'm the same as when I was young. I'll protect you and not let anyone hurt you."

Xin Qing had been keeping her head down all the time, and did not notice that Chen Ming suddenly looked over her head and a light flashed in his eyes. Then he quickly put his mouth close to Xin Qing's ear. It looked like they were embracing and kissing from a certain angle.

"It's not what you think, my relationship with him is..." Before Xin Qing could finish speaking, she heard a loud bang and Chen Ming fell onto the ground. Then she saw Ying Qingcang stare at her with cold eyes.

"Say it, I want to hear what kind of relationship we have in your mind."

Chen Ming stood up and wanted to reach out to grab Xin Qing, but Ying Qingcang was faster than him, and immediately picked Xin Qing up and carried her into the car. Then he turned around and said to Chen Ming with a sneer, "Stay away from her. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind talking to your father."

Ying Qingcang's face darkened all the way back home. Before Xin Qing even asked him why he beat people up, she saw him throw her diary to the ground.

"You want to marry him? You actually want to marry her? " Ying Qingcang's face was filled with anger, "Let me tell you, don't even think about it. You've signed the agreement with me, you can only be mine. Other men shouldn't even think of touching you."

Xin Qing picked up her diary in disbelief: "You peeked at my diary?" She stared. "How can you be so despicable?"

"Me? Despicable? Then what are you?" Ying Qingcang's eyes carried a deep pain, and a sneer formed on his lips, "I was just a few minutes late, and you two were hugging each other. If I was further late, I might have had to find you in bed."

Xin Qing took a deep breath and weakly waved her hands, "I don't want to quarrel with you. I don't mind what you think about me." Then, she directly went upstairs. Ying Qingcang followed her and pushed open the door that was just about to close, walking in and grabbing her.

"Let go!" Xin Qing struggled, but how could she win against Ying Qingcang? Looking at the man with ice-cold eyes, she stopped struggling. Are you happy now?

Grief arose in her heart. Like it or not, it couldn't change their relationship.

It's just a deal, no one needed to be gentle to the other, no one needed to feel guilty. But... she could not help but hope so.

Xin Qing opened her eyes wide, not letting her tears fall. What did this man take her for? Why had he been so gentle before?... Suddenly, she found herself released from Ying Qingcang's hands. The man stood up and looked at her deeply before leaving.

Xin Qing bit her lips, a feeling of grievance overwhelmed her. She hugged the quilt and cried loudly.

The next day, when she woke up, she found that Ying Qingcang was not at home. Thinking of what happened last night, she felt unhappy once again. This was different from before. When Ying Qingcang had treated her like this in the past, she felt only disgust and anger, but this time, she felt even more sad. Just as she was about to cry again, her cell phone rang.


"Xin Qing? Are you all right? What did Ying Qingcang do to you? " Chen Ming's voice sounded out anxiously from the other side.

Xin Qing sniffed: "I'm fine. I've implicated you."

"Can you come out? I want to have a good talk with you." Chen Ming said, "Tell me the address, I'll go pick you up."

Xin Qing was not in the mood to go out at all. "Maybe another day." She didn't want to say anything, and she really didn't know what to say to Chen Ming.

"Qing..." Chen Ming pleaded, "I have something very important to say."

Xin Qing sighed.


Chen Ming brought Xin Qing to a very quiet coffee shop.

"Remember here?"

Xin Qing nodded: "Of course. It used to be a bun house when I was young. You kept stealing buns for me."

"Haha!" Chen Ming laughed. "Qing, I haven't changed. I wanted you to be my bride when I was young. Now I still do. Are you willing to be my bride? "

Xin Qing looked up in shock: "Chen Ming, you..."

"Can't you see my heart for you since our childhood?" Chen Ming looked at her.

"But I've always seen you as an older brother!" Xin Qing shook her head, "When I was young, I didn't know the meaning of being your bride. Later, when I grew up, I took you as my brother."

Chen Ming smiled bitterly and asked, "What about now? What if I told you that I've never seen you as a sister?"

"Chen Ming, I cannot leave Ying Qingcang." Xin Qing thought about it and decided that it would be better to clarify things with him.

"Why? You like him? "

Xin Qing's heart trembled. Did she like Ying Qingcang? The answer was in her heart, but she didn't want to face it.

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